The Revolving Church Door

Topics for Debate in a Contemporary Christian Setting, and Other Essays

(With apologies to Martin Luther's 95 Theses)

Defend or Refute, either directly from Scripture, or else by sound logic based on Scripture (plus a couple introspective essays):

157.  TBA

156.  Team Player & Relationshipism

155.  People's Choice Health Care, an alternative to ObamaCare that is not Evil

154.  Health Insurance Is the Problem, Not the Solution

153.  The arguments (For and) Against Relationshipism

152.  Language and Meaning

151.  Meditations on the passing of my mother

150.  Not Forbidden (But Not Recommended)

149.  King James Only, the issues

148.  Law & Justice

147.  The Love of Money

146.  The Burden of Truth

145.  Sin and Justice -- Pro (Pittman); Con (Cary Cook)

144.  Decorative Hair

143.  Chiastic Structure

142.  How to Make Relationships Work

141.  On Truth and Honesty

140.  On Control

139.  On Being a Friend

138.  On Persuasion

137.  On Being an Educator

136.  Legalism

135.  Open Source Truth

134.  The Problem With GPL

133.  The 9/11 Conspiracy -- Pro (Dennis Elenburg); Con (Pittman)

132.  Conspiracy Theories Are Always Wrong

131.  Winning the Game of Life

130.  The Cathedral and the Bazaar -- Pro (Eric Raymond); Con (Pittman)

129.  Thinker-Feeler Differences

128.  What Is a Relationship?

127.  The Stock Market Is A Zero-Sum Game -- Pro (Pittman); Con (Motley Fool)

126.  Commerce informed by the Golden Rule, and why stock market trading generally fails at it

125.  An Internet-Secure [Laptop] Computer

124.  Cooperation: The Second Great Commandment

123.  Thought Experiments on the Text of the Bible

122.  Darwin and Democracy

121.  Why Zero is the First Number

120.  C++ Considered Harmful

119.  Exempting American Domestic Income from Tax -- Con (Pittman), Pro (Larken Rose)

118.  Health Care Directive

117.  Government Authority

116.  Values

115.  The Secular Case Against Homosexual Marriage

114.  The Libertarian Fallacy

113.  The Business of College

112.  As God Forgave Us

111.  Islam vs Us: Seeing it Differently

110.  Mistranslated words in the Bible

109.  Two Cultures

108.  Servant Leadership

107.  Reminiscences of an Early Game Programmer

106.  Meditations on the passing of my father

105.  Biological Evolution -- Con (Pittman); Pro (open)

104.  An Operating System for Real People -- Pro (Pittman); Con (open)

103.  A Case Study in Biblical Business Ethics -- Pro (Pittman); Con (open)

102.  Monetary Policy -- Con (Pittman); Pro (open)

101.  Is Tenure Blibical? -- Con (Pittman); Pro (open)

100.  White Paper: Turkish Demitasse, A Stronger Brew Than Java

99.  Collaboration in the Classroom -- Pittman

98.  The Object-Orientated Paradigm accurately models the Real World -- Pro (Sinan Si Alhir); Con (Pittman/TBA)

97.  The author of Genesis intended to teach 144-hour Creation Week -- Pro (Pittman); Con (open)

96.  The TNIV translation is more accurate than HCSB -- Pro (Pittman); Con (open)


All attributed positions expressed in this section are the opinion of the respective author(s).

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Rev. 2010 May 24