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Joust (Atari, 1983)

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Ven 10 Ao� 2007, 20:24    Sujet du message: Joust (Atari, 1983) R�pondre en citant

Ride gallant birds into knightly combat!

Joust is a trademark and (c) Williams 1982, manufactured under license from Williams Electronics Inc.

A non standard diskette:
- One big sector of $1000 4*4 nibbles per track

That protection has also been used for Moon Patrol, please refer to that topic for info (in French only):

- 9600<C600.C6FFM
- 96FB: 4C 59 FF
- 9600G

Let's examine the code at $0800:
- the arm is moved to track 1 (routine in $804, in A the phase you want to go to)
- data is loaded from $B000 to $B7FF
- $08FB is a JMP $B000

Let's break that:
- 96FB: A9 98 8D FD 08 4C 01 08
- 9800: 4C 59 FF
- 9600G

Let's examine the code at $B000:
- clear the screen,
- set $CC = 0
- load data at $B100 (1)
- execute code loaded at $7000
- set $CC = 1
- load data at $B100 (2)
- execute code loaded at $0800

(1) The first tables that load data per $800 bytes are located at:
- phase to move the arm to (equals to track *2): $B0CD
- address to load data into memory: $B0DB
- checksum of read data: $B0E9
=> data is read from track 3 to E from $2000 to $7FFF because $CC = 0

(2) The second tables that load data per $800 bytes are located at:
- phase to move the arm to (equals to track *2): $B0F7
- address to load data into memory: $B0FA
- checksum of read data: $B0FD
=> data is read from track 2 from $0800 to $0FFF because $CC = 1

Code at $0800 loads data to the $2000.$BFFF space from phase 1E to phase 44. Then final code execution is passed to $3E00. For those of you who would like to make a ProDOS version of the game, the program is from $2000 to $BFFF.

As you may see, the remaining free space is $1000..$1FFF or the $0200.$07FF space, that may be useful for your own routines...

The read routine located at $B100 zeroes its index at $C8 and depending on the value of $CC sets parameters from table 1 or table 2. The routine uses the $C0Ex softswitch and not the $C08x,X softswitches!

Entry parameters at $B13D
A: phase you want to you (one phase = track number * 2)
phase 2 means track 1, phase E means track 7
$C9..$CA: address of data to load

Other parameters:
$50: checksum value
$C2: target phase
$C7: current phase

The routine loads data for 8 pages of $100 bytes (or $800 bytes, or $1000 nibbles), then compares the checksum between data read and $50, then increments the index at $C8.

Let's use what Atari offers us: its own routine in $B100 but we need to modify it slightly:
- read one track
- copy to the IIgs memory
- loop until the end of the disk

Here is the code:

    LDA #$18  ; $1800 is our Mount Paramount
    STA $B202
    LDA #$60  ; the RTS opcode
    STA $B205

    LDA $C0E9  ; turn drive on and wait a little bit
    LDA #$FF
    JSR $FCA8

    LDA $00  ; we'll begin on track 0
    STA $FF
    STA $C9

]LP LDA #$10  ; we'll load data at $1000
    STA $CA

    LDA $FF    ; please read
    JSR $B13D

    LDA $FF
    JSR $FDDA  ; print out current phase
    LDA #$8D
    JSR $FDED  ; carriage return (hum)

    LDY #$10  ; or 8 for those you shrink space
]LQ LDX #$00 ; let's store read data into our IIgs memory
]LR LDA $1000,X
]LS STAL $100000,X
    BNE ]LR
    INC ]LR+2
    INC ]LS+2
    BNE *+3
    INC ]LS+3
    BNE ]LQ

    LDA #$10  ; re-init buffer
    STA ]LR+2

    INC $FF  ; next track please
    INC $FF
    LDA $FF
    CMP #$46 ; why not check the use of track $23 ;-)
    JMP ]LP

As with Moon Patrol, you are free to use your own read routine, the one from the $C600 space or whatever you like.

At first, I use the $C65C read routine ($26..$27 is pointer to the buffer, $3D the sector, $41 the track), that is the one on the DSK image.

Then, I had fun including the $C65C code within the $B100..$B2FF space. It also worked, that's quite fun. For those of you interested, I may send info on that one.

As that is a tricky stuff to do, please refer to the DSK image and read:
- T0/S0 is the boot loader of track 1 => The code is loaded at $0800
- T1/S0..S2 contains the modified read routines (T1/S8..SA for the original ones) => The code is loaded at $B000
- T2/S0..S2 contains the modified second read routines (T2/S8..SA for the original ones) => The code is loaded at $0800

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