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Two on two basketball (Activision, 1986)

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Mer 08 Ao� 2007, 10:16    Sujet du message: Two on two basketball (Activision, 1986) R�pondre en citant

Play basketball alone or with one friend. Practice the game or compete in a league. I have never been interested in playing basketball in the real world nor with my computer but the game is well made. Gamestar, a division of Activision, released the game in 1986.

On a standard DOS 3.3 copyable diskette, the protection is a nibble count. The value read on the disk is used to perform calculations. If the value read is not correct, the disk reboots.

- 9600<C600.C6FFM
- 96FB:4C 59 FF
- 9600G
=> a standard boot0 code is to be found at $0800
- 96FB:A9 4C 8D 4A 08 A9 59 8D 4B 08 A9 FF 8D 4C 08 4C 01 08
- 9600G
=> we have a standard RWTS from $B600 to $BFFF. A JMP is performed at $B700, entry point of the RWTS.

From $B700 to $B753, data is loaded into memory which has been previously cleared (not easing boot tracing) then a JMP $0C00 is performed at $B754.

At $0C00, the code is moved to $0300 and is executed. We have several data loading from the drive then code at $0800 is executed.

At $0800:
- the reset vector is set
- a JSR $0841 clears memory
- some data is loaded into memory
- the address $C5FF is pushed onto the stack
=> if we have a copy, a reboot is performed, otherwise, we unstack the values and go on with the game
- a JSR $0851 is performed
=> we find the protection here: the routine gets two nibbles from the disk, mix them and save the EORed result in $08BD (original value is $00)
- a JMP $08A7 is performed.
=> It clears the protection routine, check the value read and go on with the game is the value is correct, otherwise it reboots.

We need to execute the code at $0C00 and grab the value read from the disk. The one that is then saved at $08BD:
- $0817: EA EA EA
- $0829: EA
- $0838: EA
- $083A: 4C 59 FF
- $084E: EA EA
- C00G
Boing! We are in the monitor...
- 8BD + return
=> The value saved is $55

The objective is to remove the call to the protection and force $08BD to hold the final value read from the original disk.
- Copy the disk with your favorite disk copier (aka Locksmith...)
- Launch your favorite sector editor (mine is Disk Fixer)
- On T0/SA/35: change 20 (JSR opcode) to 2C (BIT opcode)
- On T0/SA/BD: change 00 to 55
- Save the sector

Your backup copy is now available...

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