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Kaves of Karkhan (Level-10)

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Ven 06 Juil 2007, 23:25    Sujet du message: Kaves of Karkhan (Level-10) R�pondre en citant

Wander through giant mazes, trying to defeat all your opponents. It seems that the game has never been cracked until... now Wink

- Disk protection (D5 AA 96, DE AA*, D5 AA AD, AA DE)
- Password protection

1- Launch your favorite sector editor
2- Read sectors 0 to 9 from track 0 (the original RWTS)
3- Launch Advanced Demuffin
4- Move the original RWTS to $B600-$BFFF
* There is a routine in $B6B3 that is mandatory to read the disk
5- Copy the disk from track 1 to track 22
6- Launch your favorite sector editor
7- Recopy the original T0/S0 sector to your copy
8- Install a standard RWTS from T0/S1 to T0/S9 onto your copy
9- Change T0/S0/$B6 value from $0C to $0A

Done! You now have a standard DOS 3.3 diskette which can be launched...

The list of words is included in the WORDS. file ($5000)
The protection is included in the SW. file ($5100)
Two 4-letter words are randomly taken from the list and the player must read the booklet to find the original words. Then, the player must enter them and press RETURN.

I have decided to remove the random selection of the two words by forcing the use of the first two words of the list: ROCK and LAVA. The player has to enter ROCKLAVA then press RETURN.

1- Launch your favorite disk editor
2- Track $B / Sector $A / Offset $11 : A5 4E => A9 00
3- Track $B / Sector $A / Offset $1A : A5 4F => A9 00
4- Save the sector changes

That's it. You are done!

I have added a welcome page on the crack because there are a few things to know before you play the game:
- Press the ESC key on the intro page
- Enter ROCKLAVA to open the doors of the caves of Karkhan

Toinet, July 2007
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