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  Sujet: IIgs ROM 03 battery

R�ponses: 0
Vus: 265

MessageForum: APPLE IIGS   Post� le: Lun 08 Juin 2009, 20:59   Sujet: IIgs ROM 03 battery
For those with dead ROM 03 batteries: I found the French SAFT LS 14250 to be replacement of the original Tadiran. Size is 1/2 AA. ...
  Sujet: Gestion de la m�moire sur Apple IIGS

R�ponses: 4
Vus: 581

MessageForum: CARTES MEMOIRE   Post� le: Lun 04 Mai 2009, 22:43   Sujet: Gestion de la m�moire sur Apple IIGS
I'm afraid that using MM will not be fast enough to do what I want to do.

Last resort is code generator (that is, generate 6502 code based on MM model), but that's too much effort. Why not having t ...
  Sujet: Gestion de la m�moire sur Apple IIGS

R�ponses: 4
Vus: 581

MessageForum: CARTES MEMOIRE   Post� le: Jeu 30 Avr 2009, 15:25   Sujet: Gestion de la m�moire sur Apple IIGS
Sorry, if I haven't understood the questions fully. You know my French - it's zero. Smile

Deckard, RamWorks style memory is different from the "Slinky" and yet different from IIgs. You'd bet ...
  Sujet: Locksmith 6.0 on IIgs

R�ponses: 2
Vus: 466

MessageForum: APPLE IIGS   Post� le: Ven 17 Avr 2009, 13:39   Sujet: Locksmith 6.0 on IIgs
Hah, thanks. Smile It looks like hackwork, wasn't Locksmith 6.0 the last one?
Just like somebody here did 6.1 hack.

Will give it a try though, once I'm able to transfer to real disk.
  Sujet: Locksmith 6.0 on IIgs

R�ponses: 2
Vus: 466

MessageForum: APPLE IIGS   Post� le: Jeu 16 Avr 2009, 15:43   Sujet: Locksmith 6.0 on IIgs
Most of Locksmith 6.0 functionality runs fine on the IIgs, but FAST DISK BACKUP doesn't work in my case. I have regular Disk II controller plugged in slot #6 and configured to "Your card".
  Sujet: Vendre sa collection�

R�ponses: 12
Vus: 1547

MessageForum: ACHATS,VENTES ET/OU ECHANGES   Post� le: Sam 17 Jan 2009, 19:04   Sujet: Vendre sa collection�
Hmm, is there something available for sale? Rolling Eyes Smile
  Sujet: Hold-Up (Infogrames, 1985)

R�ponses: 25
Vus: 2921

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 18 Nov 2008, 23:07   Sujet: Hold-Up (Infogrames, 1985)
And who is "JPL" ??????????????????

Laughing Cool

And what is he doing right now ...
  Sujet: Lode Runner (Broderbund, 1983)

R�ponses: 10
Vus: 1650

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 04 Nov 2008, 22:00   Sujet: Lode Runner (Broderbund, 1983)
Toto, you rule. Cool
  Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes

R�ponses: 18
Vus: 2983

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 29 Jan 2008, 2:39   Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes
the phase 1 send a signal for WP but it's on the same circuit as
the write signal... and of course the head can't write correctly and for the
reading it's same the pulse can't be received correctl ...
  Sujet: just joined

R�ponses: 15
Vus: 2166

MessageForum: PRESENTATION DES MEMBRES   Post� le: Mar 29 Jan 2008, 2:30   Sujet: just joined
Very interesting, thanks! Just out of curiosity, do you have idea what was inside the dongle? MCU or something simple?
  Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes

R�ponses: 18
Vus: 2983

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mer 16 Jan 2008, 16:01   Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes
The WP circuitry is activate by voltage of phase 1, for this reason Phases must be off when you write... and of course you can't write and move together. That's impossible, and I don't speak about th ...
  Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes

R�ponses: 18
Vus: 2983

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 15 Jan 2008, 18:29   Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes
Thanks for the nifty diagram, JPL. It's exactly what I supposed them to be. I called them "partial tracks" since they're basically the same, whether the head moving or not in a single direct ...
  Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes

R�ponses: 18
Vus: 2983

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 15 Jan 2008, 18:28   Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes
EDIT: this one got somehow corrupted by ][ brackets Smile
  Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes

R�ponses: 18
Vus: 2983

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 15 Jan 2008, 16:24   Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes
Deckard, are you sure this is the case for track Spiralling/Arcing? My question is only about it.

I can imagine that with the sufficiently wide head one can magnetize the stepper coils quarter-trac ...
  Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes

R�ponses: 18
Vus: 2983

MessageForum: PROTECTION MALEFIQUE   Post� le: Mar 15 Jan 2008, 14:02   Sujet: List of known Disk ][ protection schemes
Thanks, guys. Would somebody be so kind as to translate the two paragraphs in English?


Ce n'est pas � proprement parler une belle spirale qui partirait d'un bout de la disquette et ...
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