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  Sujet: Apple IIe "enhanced"?

R�ponses: 1
Vus: 697

MessageForum: APPLE IIe   Post� le: Jeu 31 Jan 2008, 0:02   Sujet: Apple IIe "enhanced"?
Was an upgraded Apple IIe sold as the IIe "enhanced" in Europe in 1985? Or was it known by some other name?
  Sujet: IIc/IIc+ Colour

R�ponses: 2
Vus: 807

MessageForum: APPLE IIc et IIc Plus   Post� le: Dim 23 D�c 2007, 0:15   Sujet: IIc/IIc+ Colour
I'm trying to figure out the colour evolution for the IIc.

I know it was introduced in 1984 in a "creamy off-white" coulour known at Apple as "Fog" with a khaki coloured keyboar ...
  Sujet: Widget/Profile Speed

R�ponses: 1
Vus: 749

MessageForum: LISA 1, 2, 2/5, 2/10 et ... XL   Post� le: Mer 17 Oct 2007, 17:57   Sujet: Widget/Profile Speed
I have not seen a lot written about the Lisa 2's internal Widget and external Profile drives around the net as they compare to other hard drives, probably since they have such platform specific uses, ...
  Sujet: Quark QC10

R�ponses: 3
Vus: 902

MessageForum: PERIPHERIQUES   Post� le: Lun 03 Sep 2007, 4:23   Sujet: Quark QC10
c'est un excellent site ... merci

so I just plug it in and format with the Apple II ProDOS Filer or Mac OS Erase command? The manual indicates several different startup and format utilities for bot ...
  Sujet: Quark QC10

R�ponses: 3
Vus: 902

MessageForum: PERIPHERIQUES   Post� le: Dim 02 Sep 2007, 17:03   Sujet: Quark QC10
Anyone using a QC10 or QC20? I just found one that works but I have no software for it. Does anyone know if it will work with a Lisa/XL? Does it need a special card for the Apple II or will it work on ...
  Sujet: Disque dur ProFile

R�ponses: 21
Vus: 2958

MessageForum: PERIPHERIQUES   Post� le: Mer 29 Ao� 2007, 22:42   Sujet: Disque dur ProFile
So it is the same size as the Apple Widget drive in the Lisa. Since both drives worked with the Lisa are they interchangeable? Larry Pina suggests in Macintosh Repair and Upgrade Secrets that the inte ...
  Sujet: Disque dur ProFile

R�ponses: 21
Vus: 2958

MessageForum: PERIPHERIQUES   Post� le: Mar 28 Ao� 2007, 19:58   Sujet: Disque dur ProFile
What is the size of the drive mechanism inside the Profile? It appears to be 5.25" Is that correct?
  Sujet: XL/Serve

R�ponses: 9
Vus: 1491

MessageForum: LISA 1, 2, 2/5, 2/10 et ... XL   Post� le: Ven 24 Ao� 2007, 16:56   Sujet: XL/Serve
Interesting. Do you know if there was a "LisaServe" in 1984, or if it just all came together with the introduction of MacWorks & The XL in 1985? The Apple Lisa Handbook indicates that Ma ...
  Sujet: XL/Serve

R�ponses: 9
Vus: 1491

MessageForum: LISA 1, 2, 2/5, 2/10 et ... XL   Post� le: Ven 24 Ao� 2007, 2:35   Sujet: XL/Serve Version
Wasn't there only one version of XL/Serve?

I thought it became MacServe right around the time the HD20 was released in September '85 for the 512K.

For my needs, any version works! Thanks!
  Sujet: XL/Serve

R�ponses: 9
Vus: 1491

MessageForum: LISA 1, 2, 2/5, 2/10 et ... XL   Post� le: Mar 21 Ao� 2007, 21:07   Sujet: Vive La Difference
This very site does an excellent job of explaining that!

and this site does a pretty good job in English: ...
  Sujet: XL/Serve

R�ponses: 9
Vus: 1491

MessageForum: LISA 1, 2, 2/5, 2/10 et ... XL   Post� le: Mar 21 Ao� 2007, 15:54   Sujet: XL/Serve
Thanks, but you don't want to hear me speak French!

Thanks for the quick response too!
  Sujet: XL/Serve

R�ponses: 9
Vus: 1491

MessageForum: LISA 1, 2, 2/5, 2/10 et ... XL   Post� le: Mar 21 Ao� 2007, 5:49   Sujet: XL/Serve
J'ai juste trouv� ce grand emplacement. Je recherche une image de disque de XL/Serve pour la Lisa/Macintosh XL. N'importe qui qui peut aider serait appr�ci�. (Je fais des excuses pour mon pauvre Fran� ...
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