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October 1997 Programmer's Challenge

Who Owns the Zebra?

Mail solutions to:
Due Date: 11:59pm EDT, Wednesday, 1 October 1997

I'm finishing up this column while at the beach on vacation. The place we're staying is kind of interesting, in that all of the condominiums look exactly alike, except that each has a different color door. Even more interesting, each condominium is occupied by a person of a different nationality, and each person owns a different kind of pet. There are three condominiums, with red, green, and blue doors. They are occupied by an American, a Canadian, and an Australian (but not necessarily in that order). The American vacationer lives in the house with the red door. The person in the house with the blue door owns a dog. The person who owns the cat lives in the middle house. And the house with the green door is immediately to the right of the house with the blue door. So, who owns the zebra?

Well, I really am on vacation, but pets aren't allowed, the doors are all the same color, and I don't know the nationalities of my neighbors. But I did run across a zebra puzzle recently, and it seemed like a good logic problem for the Challenge. In the above example, you can reason through the four clues to rule out most of the 216 possible combinations and conclude that the American owns the zebra. Problem complexity grows rapidly with the number of variables - in a problem with 5 variables, there are more than 24 thousand million (that's 24 billion for Americans) combinations, but the zebra can be found with as few as 14 clues.

Your Challenge this month is to write a program that will reason through a set of clues and provide a solution consistent with all of the clues. The problem will be provided in a stilted syntax - for example, the sample problem above would be given as follows:

American ISA person
Canadian ISA person
Australian ISA person
redDoor ISA house
greenDoor ISA house
blueDoor ISA house
dog ISA pet
cat ISA pet
zebra ISA pet
person lives_in house
person owns pet
American lives_in redDoor
blueDoor owns dog
greenDoor IMMED_RIGHT_OF blueDoor
SOLVE person owns zebra
ANSWER person house pet

The nine ISA relations define the variables (person, house, pet) and the values those variables assume in the problem. The next two statements define the relations (lives_in, owns) between selected pairs of variables. The next four statements are the clues describing relations between values of variables, discussed further below. The SOLVE statement defines the question that you are to answer, and the ANSWER statement defines the format that your solution should take.

The prototype of the code you should write is:

void WhoOwnsZebra(

  long problemDimension, /* number of problem variables */

  long numClues,         /* number of clues provided */

  CStr255 clues[],       /* the clues */

  CStr255 solution[]     /* storage for problemDimension result strings */


The problemDimension parameter describes the number of variables in the problem you are to solve (in the example above, problemDimension was 3). The number of clues provided is given as numClues (17 in the example). The solution is to be provided as a sequence of problemDimension n-tuples that form a solution to the problem, where each n-tuple is a sequence of values in the order described by the ANSWER clue. In the example given above, one solution would be:

Australian blueDoor dog
Canadian greenDoor cat
American redDoor zebra

The clues will consist of a sequence of case-sensitive tokens separated by spaces. The clues will take one of the following forms, where tokens in all caps are reserved words:

value ISA variable
variable relation variable
value relation value
SOLVE variable relation value
ANSWER variable ... variable

The ISA reserved word is used to define the variables in the problem and associate legal values with those variables. The relation statement takes two forms, one that defines a relationship between two variables, and one that associates a value taken by one variable with a value taken by another. These associations are transitive (e.g., if the American lives_in the redDoor house, and the person in the redDoor house owns the zebra, then the American owns the zebra). The relations associate values, and the specific words used to define a relation have no meaning except to make the problem more readable. In addition to the relations defined by the problem, there is a left-to-right ordering of the n-tuples in the solution. The special predefined NEXT_TO, IMMED_RIGHT_OF, and IMMED_LEFT_OF relations provide information about the relative left-to-right ordering of values. The predefined IS_LOCATED relation associates values with three fixed points in the left-to-right ordering: AT_LEFT | IN_MIDDLE (middle position, meaningful only for odd values of problemDimension), and AT_RIGHT (rightmost position).

There may be more than one set of n-tuples that solve the problem, so the solution you report need not be unique, as long as it is consistent with all the clues. Enough clues will be provided to uniquely answer the question that you are asked to SOLVE, and you may use this fact in directing your search. The n-tuples provided in the solution should be provided in left to right order.

There are no memory restrictions on this problem, except that it must run on my 96MB 8500/200. You should deallocate any dynamically allocated memory before returning. This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the latest CodeWarrior environment. Solutions may be coded in C, C++, or Pascal.

Now, back to the beach to find that zebra ....

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