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September 1997 Programmer's Challenge

Image Locator

Mail solutions to:
Due Date: 11:59pm EDT, 1 September 1997

Imagine yourself with a collection satellite images and the task of finding a particular item in those images. Rather than look for a needle in this image haystack manually, you might call on your PowerMac to narrow down the choices for you. We'll enlist the aid of our Programmer's Challenge participants to help you do that job quickly. The Challenge this month is to detect the presence of a target pattern inside a larger background image. Because the background has been detected by an imperfect sensor, there is noise present in the background image. Your code will need to detect the target in the background despite this noise.

The prototype for the code you should write is:


#define topLeft(r);    (((Point *) &(r))[0])

void InitTarget(

  BitMap pattern,  /* image to be detected */
  BitMap mask      /* bits in image that we care about */

long /* numFound */ ImageDetect(
  BitMap backgroundImage,  /* find the target image in backgroundImage */
  Point locations[],  /* return topLeft of matching locations here */
  long maxLocations,  /* max number of locations to return */
  float noise         /* allow this fraction of mismatched bits */

void CleanUp(void);  /* deallocate any memory allocated by InitTarget */


Image location will take place in two steps. First, your InitTarget routine will be called with the target pattern that you will be looking for. Next, the ImageDetect routine will be called multiple times with a different background image and an associated noise threshold. ImageDetect should locate all occurrences of the target in the background, allowing for mismatched bits up to the noise threshold, and return the location of the pattern matches. Finally, the CleanUp routine will be called to allow you to deallocate any memory allocated by InitTarget.

InitTarget will be called with two BitMaps that describe the target pattern to be detected. The pattern BitMap identifies bits that should be set to 1, and the mask BitMap describes the bits that you care about (1s and 0s). Any bits not in the mask are not part of the target image, and the corresponding values in the background image are to be ignored. InitTarget should process the target image as desired and allocate memory to remember it.

ImageDetect will then be called multiple times (5-10 on average for each call to InitTarget). You should locate each occurrence of the target image in backgroundImage and return the coordinate in the background of topLeft(pattern.bounds) in the locations array. The noise parameter describes the fraction of target bits where the backgroundImage is allowed to differ from the target and still be considered a match. Up to noise times the number of 1s in the mask, rounded down, bits may be mismatched. Normally, locations will be large enough to hold all of the matches found, but you should not return more than the maxLocations matches for which storage has been allocated. The pattern matches may be returned in any order. If the maxLocations limit is exceeded, the choice of which matches to report is yours. ImageDetect should return the number of matches found.

Other information: The bounds rectangle for the pattern and the mask will be identical. All bits set in the pattern will also be set in the mask (but not the converse). The backgroundImage will typically be the size of a large monitor (e.g., 1024x768, or 1600x1200).

This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the latest CodeWarrior environment. In keeping with tradition, September is assembly language month here at the Programmer's Challenge. Solutions may be coded in PowerPC or 68K assembly language, C, C++, or Pascal.

Finally, we should note that the Programmer's Challenge began its sixth year last month. During that time, the Challenge has changed development environments, moved from 68K to PowerPC, and expanded its selection of languages. We appreciate the participation of our readers, without which the Challenge would not be possible. Happy belated birthday, Programmer's Challenge.

A number of questions about this Challenge have been answered on the Programmer's Challenge mailing list. Check here for the Q&A archive.

Download test code. for this Challenge. NOTE: This test code has been revised twice to fix bugs, the latest revision being at 5:20pm 8/21/97.

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