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 April 2002 Programmer's Challenge

Disk Defragmenter

Mail solutions to:
Due Date: 11:59pm ET, Saturday, 13 April 2002

Occasionally people write me to say that the Challenges in this column are too difficult, that there just isn’t enough time to solve the problems in the two plus weeks before the solutions are due. And in looking back, I have to confess that the problems have gotten more difficult over time. I rediscover this trend from time to time, and I’ve made several attempts to reverse it, only to have the problem difficulty creep up again after a while. Or, as others have written, I take a reasonable problem and put some evil twist into the problem statement, making it impossible. In part, the increased difficulty is because all of the easy problems have already been solved. Like all of the inventions worth inventing have been invented, and discoveries worth discovering have been discovered, and doctoral theses worth writing have been written. Probably not true, it just takes creativity. So this month we’ll make another attempt at a simpler problem. In the future, of course, you readers can help by sending in your suggestions, which not only gives you the satisfaction of suggesting a Challenge that can actually be solved in the time available, you earn two invaluable Programmer’s Challenge points if we use your suggestion.

This month’s Challenge? Defragment a simulated disk drive. For each test case, you are given a disk drive with up to 32767 (2^15-1) blocks. On that drive are a number of files, some allocated contiguously, some allocated in a number of noncontiguous fragments. Your job is to move blocks of data so that the storage for each file is contiguous. It doesn’t matter where on the disk the files are located; the free storage remaining on the disk does not need to be contiguous. There is one constraint — the amount of available auxiliary storage is limited, so you cannot remove multiple blocks of data from the disk to make room for others. You can move a contiguous sequence of disk blocks from one location to another in a single operation, as long as they don’t overlap.

The file input.txt contains a single line with the number of test cases your program needs to process. The input for each test case is provided in file, where NN ranges from 1 to the number of test cases. The first line of this input file contains the number of blocks in the simulated disk to be defragmented. The next line contains the number of data files on that disk. The remainder of the input file is a sequence of lines for each data file. The first line for each data file is the number of fragments in the allocation of the data file on the disk. This is followed by a line for each fragment, containing the disk block where the fragment starts, and then the number of blocks in that fragment. So an input file might look like the following:

    - number of blocks in the simulated disk
    - number of files in this test case
    - number of fragments for the first file
    - fragment starts at block 11234, uses 100 blocks
    - number of fragments for the second file
    - fragment starts at block 11334, uses 10 blocks
    - fragment starts at block 11134, uses 100 blocks
    - fragment starts at block 11344, uses 50 blocks

    - continue for 8 more files

Your program should process each input file and output a sequence of block moves to the file defragNN.out. Each block move should produce one line of output with 3 numbers:


Finally, your program should produce a challenge.log file, with one line per test case containing the integer number of microseconds used by your application to solve that test case, including the time to read the input, find the solution, and produce the output file. The method used to measure execution time may vary based on the development environment you use for your solution, but you should measure time with microsecond precision if possible.

You can improve your chances of winning by incorporating optional features into your solution. For this disk defragmentation problem, you might want to optionally display your solution’s progress in defragmenting the disk.

Scoring will be based on minimizing the number of move sequences required to defragment the disk, on minimizing execution time, on a subjective evaluation of additional features, and on the elegance of your code, including the commentary that describes your solution. Your base score will be 100 penalty points for each defragment move sequence. You incur the same number of penalty points for a move of one block as you incur for a single move of multiple contiguous blocks. For each test case, your penalty points are increased by 1% per millisecond of execution time. Your penalty points will be decreased by up to 25% based on any optional features you might incorporate into your solution, and by another 25% based on a subjective evaluation of the elegance of your solution. Since one of the reasons people read the Challenge column is to learn techniques from our Challenge masters, it is important that your code be well documented. Code clarity and commentary will be considered in the evaluation of elegance.

This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the development environment of your choice, provided I have or can obtain a copy - email to check before you start. You can develop for Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X. Your solution should be a complete Macintosh application, and your submission should provide everything needed to build your application.

A question for you readers, especially those of you that have entered or plan to enter the Challenge: how many of you use Mac OS X regularly? As I write this, Mac OS X has been around for a year or so, and for perhaps half that time in a useable form. I’ll confess, I’ve stuck with Mac OS 9.x until recently, but I’ve left my most recent machine in its default configuration, booting into Mac OS X 10.1. Although it still annoys the heck out of me on occasion, it is beginning to grow on me. Are we ready to move the Challenge to OS X exclusively? Let me know what you think.

Test data for this Challenge is available.

You can get a head start on the Challenge by reading the Programmer's Challenge mailing list. It will be posted to the list on or before the 12th of the preceding month. To join, send an email to with the subject "subscribe challenge-A". You can also join the discussion list by sending a message with the subject "subscribe challenge-D".

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