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 September 2000 Programmer's Challenge

Busy Beavers

Mail solutions to:
Due Date: 11:59pm ET, Friday, 1 September 2000

Before we get to this month’s Challenge, I have to confess being a little distracted. No, not because the annual holiday up at the lake is just a few days away, although I’ll also confess that the prospect of a couple of weeks away from the Real Job is most appealing. No, the distraction is because UPS just delivered another addition to the family of computers at the Boonstra household. The most recent additions have been iMacs for the Junior members of the family, but this one is for Me. A new G4. No, not one of the new dual-processor models introduced by Apple at JavitsWorld. (Those of us in Boston cannot acknowledge use of the term MacWorld for anything on the Right Coast that doesn’t happen in Bean Town.) Dual processors might mean something to those PhotoShop users among you, but they don’t do much for the Rest of Us until Mac OS X comes along. No, the new addition is one of those now-obsolete single-processor G4-500 models that have (finally) dropped a little in price. As those of you who participate in the Challenge contests know, I’ve been limping along with an old 8500, enhanced over the years with a faster 604e, then a dual 604e upgrade (BeOS, oh BeOS, wherefore art thou BeOS?), and finally with a G3 board. Several readers have asked in the past about whether AltiVec technology could be used in the Challenge, but, sadly, I didn’t have a G4 to use in the evaluation. A problem now rectified, or at least it will be once I complete the file transfers proceeding even as I write.

Now that you all know about my new toy, we can get on to the business at hand. This month’s problem was suggested by F. C Kuechmann, who earns two Challenge points for the suggestion. Your Challenge this month is to create a Busy Beaver Turing Machine and write a program that simulates its execution.

The Busy Beaver problem was invented in the early 1960s by Tibor Rado of Ohio State University. He asked the following question about 2-symbol Turing machines: what is the largest number of 1s that a Turing machine with n states could write to a tape initially filled with 0s. That "busy beaver" number, or BB(n), has some interesting properties. For example, by reasoning about the Halting Problem, one can show that BB(n) grows faster than any computable sequence.

An internet search shows that the Busy Beaver problem continues to attract interest. Until 1985, the largest value for a 5-state busy beaver produced 501 1s. Then George Uhing found a 5-state machine that produced 1915 1s before halting. And in 1987, Heiner Marxen (and Jürgen Buntrock showed that BB(5) is at least 4098.

For reference, you can start with the following URLs: Heiner Marxen’s page and one maintained by Michael Somos.

The prototype for the code you should write is:

typedef unsigned long ulong;

typedef enum {kMoveLeft=-1,kHalt=0, kMoveRight=1} MoveDir;

typedef struct TMRule {  /* Turing Machine rule */
  ulong oldState;        /* this rule applies when the machine state is oldState */
  Boolean inputSymbol;   /*   and the current input symbol is inputSymbol */
  ulong newState;        /* set current state to newState when this rule fires */
  Boolean outputSymbol;  /* write outputSymbol to tape when this rule fires */
  char moveDirection;    /* kMoveLeft, kMoveRight, or kHalt */
} TMRule;

ulong /* return number of rules */ BusyBeaver5(
  TMRule theTMRules[]
      /* preallocated storage, return the rules for your BB machine */

Boolean /* return true for success */ RunTuringMachine(
  TMRule theTMRules[],
      /* preallocated storage, return the rules for your BB machine */
  ulong numberOfTMRules,
      /* the number of rules in theTMRules */
  ulong numBytesInHalfTape,
      /* half-size of the "infinite" Turing Machine tape */
  unsigned char *tmTape,
      /* pointer to preallocated Turing Machine tape storage */
      /* Each byte contains 8 tape symbols, each symbol is 0 or 1. */
      /* The tape extends from tmTape[-numBytesInHalfTape] to 
                          tmTape[numBytesInHalfTape -1] */
      /* Tape position 0 is (tmTape[0] & 0x80), 
         tape position 1 is (tmTape[0] & 0x40) 
         tape position -1 is (tmTape[-1] & 0x01), etc. */
  ulong *numberOf1sGenerated,
      /* return the number of 1s placed on the tape */
  ulong *numberOfRulesExecuted
      /* return the number of rules executed when running BB, including the halt rule */

The first thing you need to do is to select the 5-state Busy Beaver Turing Machine that you will simulate in your RunTuringMachine routine. Since scoring is based on how busy your beaver is, that is, on how many 1s it produces on the simulated Turing Machine tape, you want to give some careful thought to this selection. This Turing Machine should returned by your BusyBeaver5 using the TMRule data structure. BusyBeaver5 may return a hard-coded Turing Machine; it does not need to identify the busy beaver at run time.

My test code will then provide the output of BusyBeaver5 to your RunTuringMachine routine, which should simulate the execution of the input Turing Machine. RunTuringMachine will be provided with a blank (zero-filled) tape tmTape that is 2*numBytesInHalfTape in size. The "read head" of the Turing Machine is initially positioned over position [0] of the tape. On exit, tmTape should contain the output of the Turing Machine being simulated. In addition, you should return in the appropriate output parameters the number of 1s on the output tape and the number of state transitions that occurred during your execution of the Turing Machine. RunTuringMachine should return TRUE if it was able to successfully execute the Turing Machine, and FALSE if it failed for some reason, such as running out of simulated tape. (It is not my intention to provide a simulated tape that is too short, but your code should fail gracefully if that happens during testing.)

RunTuringMachine must provide a general Turing Machine simulation, not dependent on the Busy Beaver problem or on the content of the initial input tape. I may choose to verify correctness of your RunTuringMachine code against other input besides that produced by BusyBeaver5.

The winner will be the solution that identifies the 5-state Busy Beaver generating the most 1s on the output tape. Among solutions with equal numbers of 1s, the solution that produces the output in the fewest number of Turing Machine steps will be the winner. And, for solutions that produce the same output in the same number of steps, the winner will be the solution that executes the Turing Machine in the least execution time. While my hope is that one of you might break new ground in the field of busy beaver research, my expectation is that the winning solution will be determined by the execution time criterion.

This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the CodeWarrior Pro 5 environment. Solutions may be coded in C, C++, or Pascal. As is our tradition for the September Column, we’ll also allow solutions that are completely or partially coded in assembly language. And, yes, this time you can take advantage of the AltiVec features of the G4.

Test code for this Challenge is now available.

You can get a head start on the Challenge by reading the Programmer's Challenge mailing list. It will be posted to the list on or before the 12th of the preceding month. To join, send an email to with the subject "subscribe challenge-A". You can also join the discussion list by sending a message with the subject "subscribe challenge-D".

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