Section: User Commands (1)
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mkid - make an id database  


mkid [-v] [-fout-file] [-sdirectory] [-rdirectory] [-Sscanarg] [-aarg-file] [-] [-u] [files...]  


Mkid builds a database that stores numbers and identifier names, as well as the names of the files in which they occur. Mkid is particularly useful with large programs spread out across multiple source files. It serves as an aid for program maintenance and as a guide for perusing a program.

The following options are recognized:

Verbose. Report mkid's progress in building the database. The output comes on standard error.
Write the finished database into out-file. ID is the default.
If mkid's attempt to open a source-file fails, it will try to checkout the corresponding SCCS or RCS file if present. The -s option tells mkid which directory holds the SCCS file. Similarly, the -r option tells mkid which directory holds the RCS file. If neither the RCS or SCCS directories are specified, mkid will first look for an SCCS file in the current directory, then in sccs, and finally in SCCS. It will then look for an RCS file in the current directory, and finally in RCS.
Open and read arg-file in order to obtain a list of source file arguments. Source file names must appear one to a line. -S, -r, and -s arguments may also be placed one per line in file. They are distinguished from source file names by their leading `-'. If a file name begins with `-', it can be distinguished from an argument by explicitly prepending the current directory string: `./'.
This operates in the same manner as the -a option described above, but reads from the standard input instead of a file.
Update an existing database. Only those files that have been modified since the database was built will be rescanned. This is a significant time-saver for updating large databases where few sources have changed.
If neither the -a, -, nor -u, arguments have been specified, take file names from the command line.
Mkid scans source files in order to obtain numbers and identifier names. Since the lexical rules of languages differ, mkid applies a different scanning function to each language in order to conform to that language's lexical rules. Mkid determines the source file's language by examining its filename suffix which commonly occurs after a dot (`.'). The -S argument is a way of passing language specific arguments to the scanner for that language. This argument takes a number of forms:
The first form associates a suffix with a language. You may find out which suffixes are defined for which languages with the following options: `-S<suffix>=?' tells which language is bound to <suffix>, `-S?=<language>' tells which suffixes are bound to <language>, and `-S?=?' reports all bindings between suffixes and languages.

The second form passes an argument for processing by the scanner for a specific language. The third form passes an argument to all scanners.

You may get a brief summary of the scanner-specific options for a language by supplying the following option: `-S<language>?'.

Here is a brief summary of the options for the `asm' (assembler) language.

The -u option controls whether or not the assembler scanner should strip off a leading underscore (`_') character. If your assembler prepends an underscore to external symbols, then you should tell the scanner to strip it off, so that references to the same symbol from assembly and from a high-level language will look the same.

The -c<cc> option supplies the character(s) used to begin a comment that extends to the end of the line.

The -a<cc> option indicates character(s) that are legal in names, in addition to the alpha-numeric characters. If the option appears as `-a', names that contain these characters are ignored. If it appears as `+a', these names are added to the database.  


This manual page needs to be more complete about the scanner-specific arguments.

At the moment, the only scanners implemented are for C and assembly language. There ought to be scanners for Ada, Pascal, Fortran, Lisp, nroff/troff, and TeX.  






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Time: 23:58:35 GMT, January 02, 2023