╩α≡≥α The Last Alliance of Elves and Men

  └Γ≥ε≡: Cmhamilton19
  ═εΓα  Γσ≡±Φ  Ωα≡≥√, ßδαπεΣα≡  Ωε≥ε≡εΘ Γ√ ±∞εµσ≥σ ∩≡Φφ ≥ⁿ ≤≈α±≥Φσ Γ ∞α±°≥αßφε∞ ∩≡ε≥ΦΓε±≥ε φΦΦ ½⌡ε≡ε°Φ⌡╗ Φ ½∩δε⌡Φ⌡╗.
  ═α° ≡σΘ≥Φφπ:
  ╤Ωε∩Φ≡≤Θ≥σ ∩α∩Ω≤ Last Alliance of Elves and Men Γ Ωα≥αδεπ C:\\Documents and Settings\\(∩α∩Ωα, Φ∞σ■∙α  Γ Ωα≈σ±≥Γσ φατΓαφΦ  Γα° δεπΦφ ∩≡Φ τα∩≤±Ωσ Windows)\\Application Data\\My Battle for Middle-earth Files\\Maps. ╟αΘΣΦ≥σ Γ Φπ≡≤ Φ Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ µσδασ∞≤■ Ωα≡≥≤. ┼±δΦ ∩α∩ΩΦ Application Data φσ ΓΦΣφε, Γ ∩≡εΓεΣφΦΩσ Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ╤σ≡ΓΦ±, Σαδσσ ∩≤φΩ≥ ╤ΓεΘ±≥Γα ∩α∩ΩΦ, ∩σ≡σΘΣΦ≥σ φα ταΩδαΣΩ≤ ┬ΦΣ, ε≥∞σ≥ⁿ≥σ ∩≤φΩ≥ ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ±Ω≡√≥√σ ⌠αΘδ√ Φ ∩α∩ΩΦ.
