ßßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßßß\ ßßßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ver 2.69.03 Ü ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßßßßßßßß ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßßß\ ßß\ ß\ ßß\ ßß\ ß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßß\ ßßßßßßß\ ßßßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ AGC Product Ü ß\ ßßßßßßßßßßßß Main fetures and differencies. Legend: HV - mode: view file as hex/ascii dump AV - mode: view file as assembler instruction with codes TV - mode: view file as text Î - new feature. þ - now it works. + - changed. û - works, but we don't no how. :) - - coming soon. ~ - author's remark. Note: to be in short we list only the latest public versions. ±±±± Notes to version 2.61.00 ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± Î View/edit of the first Mb of RAM on [Alt]+[M] Î View/edit of the logical drives on [Alt]+[D] (DOS 4.0+ required) Î View/edit of the physical drives on [Alt]+[S] (DOS 4.0+ required) Î 'Advanced goto' hotkey on [Alt]+[G], which is similar to Goto - [F5] for the memory/files view mode, and differ for others: go to the sector for the logical drive view mode; go to the physical sector for the physical drive view mode. Î Boot record of logical drives and FDD view feature at [F8] Î Master boot record of physical HDD view feature at [F8] + The edited volume lock under Windows 95 N.B. If the volume is already locked, no messages are provided. + Add bytes operations are not allowed in the memory/disk edit mode. + Hot keys for call of Forward/Backward Next Search on [Alt]+[Dn], [Alt]+[Up]. + Up-dir quick jump (in the file pannel) with [BkSp]. + File pannel call with [Alt]+[F] + Files history save algorithm was corrected. ±±±± Notes to version 2.50.00 ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± + Generally corrected file QView.doc + Use left mouse button on filename (in the satus line) to call the file ma- nager (Similar to [Alt]+[F6]). + Paragraph alignment when centre the searched string in HV mode. + Default color for highlight group 5 in file manager changed: 11h -> 16h. + The start-up directory is restored on exit (if was changed in the file ma- nager). + Use 'pword ptr' signature in assembler/disassembler for the far indirect calls (32- or 48-bit pointer). + 'jmp di', 'call ecx', etc. instructions in assembler is now available. + 'File process bar' in 'String search' added. + [Esc] key to stop 'String search' process added in 'File process bar' . + Heap overflow control in file panel (over 2950 files available). + File sort by size/date&time in file panel is now rearrange files by size/dat&timee decrease. Ver. 2.46.04-2.46.02 ÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄ Î Windows 95/NT VxD 'LE'-header support (view). Î OS/2 'LX'header support (view). + Searched string is now placed in center line of screen in AV,HV mode. + Scrolling in History-box after record deletion was corrected. + Comments now outputted more correctly when non-zero Base Offset + Hide cursor on show 'About' & 'User Screen' + 'Relocations' & 'Overlay number' in MZ-Headers are replaced (placed to the correct position). Î File panel (file manager) on OpenFile ([Alt]+[F6]). Î File panel configuration file QView.fmg Î Viewed file scroll in HV,AV with [Ctrl]+[Left],[Ctrl]+[Right]. Current position is unchanged. + [Alt]+[Left],[Alt]+[Right] - go to previous/next comment [AV]. + All offsets in LX,LE headers are viewed from the file begin. + Viewed file percents output was corrected. + Long commands code output was corrected [AV] Î [Alt]+[A] - mark whole file as a block [HV,AV] + Critical error handler (all errors are ignored ;) Î Call dump view at cursor offset from AV with [Alt]+[J]+[W] when 16-bit offset assumed or [Alt]+[J]+[D] - when 32-bit is. Return from HV to AV on call position with [Alt]+[J] Notation: here's the example of how it works: ~~~~~~~~ 1. AV 000009A2: BA170B mov dx,0B17 ^^ cursor is here in AV, press Alt+J, W 000009A5: B409 mov ah,09 000009A7: CD21 int 21 2. Automatically goes to HV for the offset 0B17h: 00000B17: 0A 0D 43 41³4C 43 20 5B³2F 3F 5D 5B³2F 73 5D 5B ..CALC [/?][/s][ 00000B27: 2F 2A 5D 0A³0D 24 20 20³20 20 20 2F³73 20 2D 20 /*]..$ /s - Scroll it anyhow you like, then press Alt+J to go back to 1. ±±±± Notes to version 2.46.01 ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± + Documentation was corrected. + The format of .CRK files QView saves was reduced to the standard. Î Function of upgrade the current file with the crack file information. Call: [Ctrl]+[F8] Work: 1. The first dialog requires the base address of crack. It is only needed in case to change the base address stored in crack file. The address you put here becomes the base (first) address, and all the other crack addresses are changed by the required offset automatically. 2. The second dialog requires the crack file name. N.B.: 1. The crack file format is fixed !!! It must include the crack only, i.e. the strings like this: '12345678: 12 34',0Dh,0Ah. First eight characters are the crack address (offset) - use the leading '0' if required; then ':' followed by the Space symbol; then two numbers devided by space: the old byte & the new byte. The every string should be ended with 0Dh,0Ah (Cariage Return and Line Feed characters). 2. Program takes the full crack syntax controll. If the string causes the problem, it's number is outputed. The problem may occure in a two cases: if the string syntax illegal and if the old byte in the crack file not equal to found in the current file one. The byte is changed only if all the requirements are satisfied. ±±±± Notes to version 2.45.02 ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± Î The strings dump output to file in the TV with [Shift]+[F3] Î ICEBP command (opcode F1h) disassembler (AV) Î The screen output to file with [Alt]+[P] (TV,HV,AV) + Assembler instruction of [d32+IR*F] type analis bug fixed. (N.B. The d32 field must be of 2 symbols minimum) + [IR*F] address instruction assembler, i.e. d32=0. + [IR*F] address disassembler (was 'IR*F]' ;) + The [ESC] key function in 'CharSet' & 'LineFeed' dialogs was corrected + The file Qview.hlp corrected according to the current keys functions Î The file changes saved in .CRK-type file with [Shift]+[F9]. Î New mask symbol '@' in assembler search - substring search. Examples: 1. search mask : @bx*,* possible instructions : mov bx,5092 xor word ptr [bx+si],ax etc. 2. search mask : @[bx+si+1024]* possible instructions : test word ptr [bx+si+1024],5092 xor byte ptr [bx+si+1024],al mov ax,word ptr [bx+si+1024] etc. ±±±± Notes to version 2.42.04 ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± Î The system time shown when [Shift] pressed (TV,HV,AV) Î The system date shown when [Ctrl] pressed (TV,HV,AV) Î In the TV mode you may save the current file as recoded. Use [F9] key. N.B. Do not save the file with the same name! Î User-defined caracter redefinition table support applied. You may define up to a 4 tables (encoding) in addition to the standard tree tables. Refer the QVIEW.ENG to learn about the QVIEW.CHR format. + Mouse cursor is now placed in the left up corner of the screen at start-up. + Some gifts Î Backward search mode is added. Use [F9] to define the search direction. ±±±± Notes to earlier versions are not translated. Sorry. ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ...................