Readme file for Abilities MOD 1.0 - By BigVinny 1. Install - A. Create a directory in your main vampire folder named Abilities. B. Copy the Codex.nob file and Abilities.nob file from file into the Abilities subdir. C. Add the following parameter to your vampire shortcut: -user Abilities D. Restart Vampire. E. Once in game you should be able to add the following items: TomeTalents TomeSkills TomeKnowledges These tomes will give your character all of the abilities from Vampire: The Masquerade Revised, except Dodge, Brawl, Melee and Firearms. I left those out because they are handled by in game mechanics. F. You can also do an adddiscipline from the console just like any other discipline. 2. What it does - A. All that this MOD does is add the abilities from V:TM Revised (Pen and Paper). Once you have bought a dot in an Ability, you can then 'cast' it. B. Casting it results in a message being printed out that your character rolled a certain number of dice. C. Obviously the only application for this mod is in a Multiplayer game where the Storyteller has asked you to make a check. 3. What it doesn't do - A. Something Pretty. B. Allow STs to dictate what STAT you roll with the ABILITY. This would have taken 270 combinations (well, less because I left out 4 abilities, but nonetheless) 4. How does it work - A. The value of _Player.GetPlayerStat(); (using the correct stat) is cast into an integer named stat. Then I do a stat%10 putting the result in an integer named remainder. I then do a stat=stat-remainder. Then stat=stat/10. Then stat=stat-1. That tells me the number of attribute dice we will be rolling. B. The value of _Player.GetDisciplineLevel(%disciplineinquestion%) is put in an integer name abililty. Those 2 values are added together which is the value of the variable int dienum. Then your started for loop to iterate through a random function and voila, we have rolled X number of D10s. C. The results are placed in a string with the player's name using _Player.GetPlayerName() and printed using CodexConsole.Print(casterGuid,0x2, stringvariable); (0x2 is the flag that tells CodexConsole.Print to print the message to everyone's screen.) D. I am not a professional programmer, and my java experience started (And I mean it) 2 1/2 days ago. I am used to dealing with Visual Basic and Perl, but I was never formally trained. Why am I telling you this? Well, simple really, if you feel compelled to tell me how I suck at java, at least you will know why. 5. What may be in future revisions - A. Nothing B. More custom/different sounds. C. Custom Icons. Depends on how many people say they like it, and how easily (read freely) I can get a program to edit TGA files. 6. Acknowledgements - A. This MOD would not have made it into existance without the help of the following people from the WON and NIHILISTIC message board community: 1. Aganon. This is the person who first thought of the idea of using discipline groups for Abilities. I added the dice rolling idea on my own, but a search reveals that others thought of it too. Here is the link: 2. Jack9. Too bad he split the community, I found his discipline tutorials to be immensly valuable. 3. Spiritwolf. Helped on several questions I had via the Nihilistic Message Board. 4. NSI_Magicman. Ditto 5. Yith. Ditto 6. The following testers: Mikarus, Shadowcross, Nightwolf. If I left out anyone, screwed up your name or somesuch, let me know, credit is due. 7. Technical Support - A. Nihilistic Message Board (hearsay link) B. Email, though I can't promise I will respond: