SQDEd 1.0 User's Manual 1. GENERAL SQDEd is an editor for editing the Ground Control squad files (*.sqd). Using SQDEd you can edit old sqd files and generate new ones. SQDEd can generate both single player and multi player sqd files. 2. INSTALLING SQDEd No installing is required to use SQDEd, just unpack the zip file in a directory. To run SQDEd, start SQDEd.exe. 3. USING SQDEd a) Changing mission type and team The mission type can be selected using the 'Mission type' combo box. If 'Single player' has been selected, you can select the team using the 'Single player team' combo box. If the mission type is single player, you can edit only one team. If the mission type is multiplayer, you get automatically tables for editing both teams. b) Editing the troups There are tables for both teams (for one team, if mission type is 'Single player'). You can use the 'Add' button to add new squads at the end of the list and the 'Insert' button to add new squads above the selected line. Using the 'Edit' button you can edit the selected squad and using the 'Remove' button you can delete the selected squad. If you press right mouse button above the squad tables, you get the same commands in a pop-up menu. You can select the lines in the squad tables by clicking them with the left mouse button and move the lines by clicking the line number and tragging the line in a new position. c) The add/insert/edit squad window You can select the squad, configuration and drop ship using the combo boxes. You can edit the special weapon and special equipment, but in this version of SQDEd you must know the right strings. If you don't know the correct strings, leave the 'Default' value in the edit boxes. If you want to add more squads at the same time, put the desired amount in the 'Quantity' edit box. d) Naming the sqd files When you save the sqd files, you must name them according to the mission type you have selected. If you make a single player mission, you only need one sqd file (ie. myown.sqd). If you make a multiplayer mission, you need an sqd file for all the 6 tech levels (ie. myown1.sqd .. myown6.sqd). You need also an sqd file like in a single player mission, just in case the game would'nt be able to read the normal multiplayer sqd files. 4. THINGS MISSING Because this is the first version of SQDEd there are some properties missing from the program: - when you press the 'New' button or load a new file, the editor doesn't ask anything, so be careful - there are no combo boxes for the special weapons and special equipment strings, beacause i couldn't get them anywhere (leave 'Default' in the edit boxes, if you don't know the correct strings) - there is no help in SQDEd (i am not sure whether i'm going to do this) I'll try to fix these in the next version. 5. BUGS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR DEVELOPING SQDED If you find any bugs in SQDEd, please inform me. If you have any suggestions to develop SQDEd, feel free to e-mail them to me. 6. DISTRIBUTING SQDEd SQDEd is freeware, so you can freely distribute it, but not outside this package. 7. CONTACTING THE DEVELOPER You can contact me by e-mail: ville.elomaa@kolumbus.fi