
RISC World

RiscCAD Reference Manual


Appendix 3 - RiscDRAW

RiscDRAW allows files created with Acorn's !Draw program to be loaded into RiscCAD.

Converting Draw files to RiscCAD

To load RiscDRAW double-click on the program icon and the RiscDRAW window will open. Drag a Draw file onto the source icon. This is the large white square next to the word Source. The destination icon will change to a RiscCAD file. Enter the required name for the file in the destination field then drag the RiscCAD icon to the directory where the file is to be saved.

Click on Start to begin the conversion.

If Smoother curves is on bezier curves will be made smoother by creating more line sections.

Batch processing

RiscDraw can process the entire contents of a directory, converting each Draw file in the source directory into a RiscCAD drawing in the destination directory.

Drag the source directory onto the Source icon. The destination file will change to a directory. Enter the required directory name and drag the destination icon to the directory where the files are to be saved, or drag a directory icon onto the Destination icon to set the output directory.

Click on the Start button to begin batch processing.

RiscDRAW will only scan the source directory. Nested directories will not be scanned.

RiscDRAW does not check for the existence of files in the destination directory. Any files which already exist, and have the same name as a file in the source directory, will be overwritten without warning.

Notes on converting Draw files

Only lines and normal text are converted into the RiscCAD file. Bezier curves are split into their component lines. Transformed text, text which has been rotated or scaled other than 1:1, will not be imported. It should be converted to a path within the !Draw program before conversion. RiscDRAW will then convert it as a bezier curve.

All groups within the original Draw file are ignored.

