
RISC World


RISCWorld presents the WebFX3D Manual.


Add-ons are completely separate to WebFX3D. They create an object, then pass it on to WebFX3D.

Spheroid designer
Torus designer
VRML1.0 Loader

Note that any object currently in WebFX3D will be removed without informing you that this has/will happened.

Spheroid Designer

The spheroid designer creates a sphere in WebFX3D. This can be rendered and used for bullets in lists of items etc. You can control the number of segments in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Torus Designer

This program is an add-on for WebFX3D, which creates a torus (tyre tube). You can control the number of segments forming the circular cross-section, and the number of segments forming the tube itself.

The radius of the hole is measured as a percentage of the overall radius. Small values give a small hole, large values give a large hole.


This program is an add-on for WebFX3D, which creates a 3D object based on an image file.

1. Drag an image file to the program window. 2. Set the size of the 3D object in squares. The size of the original image is shown to give an idea of quality.

!ChangeFSI is required to load the images. Therefore you can use any image file !ChangeFSI can load.

VRML 1.0 Loader

This program is an add-on for WebFX3D, which allows VRML1.0 files to be loaded.

Note that only the mesh component of VRML files is loaded, and no lighting/fog is loaded. Use the Scene Gallery to remember this.

We are sure that this loader will allow you to export any file from WebFX3D, and reload it. However files not generated by WebFX3D may not load.

