MultiLink (working name): Proposed feature list. This is what I have planned for MultiLink. The first version may not have all of the features listed below, but eventually I plan to incorporate them all into the package. Things take time... o Uses BSD sockets as it's interface. - Both stream and datagram type sockets supported - Connect to servers on the Amiga, on the Remote UNIX host, or on any other host connected to the internet (with the proper client). - Accept connections (server sockets) from local clients on the Amiga, or remote clients on the UNIX host, or any host on the internet. - AS225R2 and AmiTCP shared library emulations. o Robust serial link protocol - Up to 64 simultaneous channels. - Prioritized channels - robust byte escaping protocols (for goofy lines :-)) - Error detection and correction. - Auto-bps rate adjust for maximum interactive response and thruput. - auto-renegotiation. Can change many options WHILE the link is running for performance tuning. Can reestablish a broken connection with the UNIX host. o Easy setup and use - Easily compilable UNIX code. - GUI prefs program. - All options determined locally on the Amiga and transmitted to the UNIX host on startup. (no more diddling with command line options on EITHER side). - GUI status commodity. Keep track of the link, adjust priorities, change options runtime.