*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   A m i g a M u s i c i a n s F r e e w a r e M a g a z i n e       --- AM/FM ---   SPECIAL DISK #4   BJØRN "DR.AWESOME" LYNNE   DEFUNCT PROJECTS   VOL.I    Welcome to AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5, which I have decided to title "Bjørn A. Lynne's Defunct Projects", Vol. I and Vol. II. Notice how I wrote "I" have decided - usually I will write "we have decided", but this disk is, unlike the other AM/FM disks, just a one-man show. This is a first Volume of a 2-disk collection; however both of these two disks work fine independently on one another.  AM/FM Special Disk #4 is: Bjorn Lynne's Defunct Projects Vol. I.  AM/FM Special Disk #5 is: Bjorn Lynne's Defunct Projects Vol. II. Ever since long before I even started thinking about AM/FM, I've been composing lots and lots of music on the Amiga. Some of you might have heard of "Dr.Awesome / Crusaders", well that's me, and the number of songs I've composed, both for PD and commercial purposes over the years, is somewhere between 200 and 250. (Ish). There have been a lot of Crusaders music disks, with a lot of music on each of them - some of them have even been released on two disks, just to get more room to store the music on. Also, I've been composing for various software companies and independent game developing teams for many years, since I got my first commercial music job, composing for the car racing game "Driving Force", which I think was released in 1988. Since that time, I've been asked to make music for games every now and then. Unfortunately, some of these games have never made it past the planning stage. For many of these games and other projects, I've made music especially suited for one specific game. In these cases, it was kind of sad to see that the game never appeared - especially if I didn't even get paid for the music before the game was made Defunct, which means something like "put aside for good". I, like all other commercial Amiga musicians in the world, have been a part of many such projects, I'm afraid. This leaves a great deal of music; And that's where this disk comes in. This disk is filled to the brim with just that - music from projects that never appeared. All the music on this disk has been kept privately on my own harddisk until the release on this disk. With the exception of course, that it has been sent to the various programming teams making these games and demos that were never to materialize. If any of the music here has been made available to the public before, it's because these programming teams have spread it out. Along with each song, I've written a little document; the story of the tune, so to speak; in which I describe the project that the music was composed for, so that it will be easier for you to relate to the music. It's easier to understand a piece of music once you know in which environment it was supposed to be presented.  Hope you'll enjoy the music! *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************