AM/FM COPYRIGHT NOTICE  This disk is not Public Domain. It may not, in whole or in parts, be sold by anyone for any price, not even only a fee for disk/copying, without an original AM/FM disk label on each AM/FM disk sold. Likewise, you cannot sell or include on PD or commercial compilation disks, any sound files on this disk without the written permission from AM/FM.  This disk and any other AM/FM disks may only be sold with original AM/FM disk labels. For info on how to obtain these labels, read the "General AM/FM Info" article on one of the AM/FM magazine disks. ›0m This disk may be freely copied, as long as  N O  money changes hand.    ### # # # ##### # #   # # ## ## # # ## ##   ##### # # # # #### # # #   # # # # # # # #   # # # # # # # #     S A M P L E D I S K # 17     ST-66     GUITAR WORKSHOP, PART 3    (Press SPACE) General info -------------- WELCOME to another one in the series of AM/FM (Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine) Sample Disks! An AM/FM Sample Disk is released for each issue of the AM/FM magazine - the AM/FM Sample Disks are all filled with first class sampled sounds for the Amiga, for use in any music editor, like ProTracker, NoiseTracker, MED, OctaMED, Oktalyzer, even Sonix, Music-X, and many many other music programs. Each of the sample disks is specialized - one specific synthesizer, drum computer, sound card etc. is sampled for each of the AM/FM sample disks, or one specific category of instrument/sounds will be presented on each disk. The AM/FM Sample Disks are available from the same places you get the AM/FM magazine, i.e. directly from the AM/FM staff or any company selling the AM/FM magazine and sample disks with original AM/FM disk labels. To ensure easy compatibility with the most popular music editors, the disks are named ST-xx where xx is a 2-digit number starting from 50 and increasing by one for each AM/FM Sample Disk. This disk is labeled ST-63. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   Info about this disk ----------------------  This is the third and final disk in our three-part "Guitar Workshop" sample disks, all of which contain really original, superb guitar samples, the likes of which have never before been heard on the Amiga. After our two previous Guitar-Workshop disks, we have received a whole lot of positive feedback on these disks, so we hope you'll also like this third one! These samples are taken from various synthesizers and 16-bit samplers, and some even from real live guitars. Note: There IS some noise and hiss on the "Acou-Guitar" samples on this disk. We used every trick in the book to keep the noise down, but SOME samples are hopeless to get totally noise-free on the Amiga due to the extreme complexity of their waveforms and harmonics (An acoustic guitar uses a vast range of frequencies, some of which the 8-bit Amiga simply can't handle). So we're sorry about the hiss on the Acou-guitar samples, but at least the start of the samples are clean, and we hope you can put them to good use anyway. Enjoy! *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Below follows a list of AM/FM magazine disks and AM/FM sample disks released so far, as well as how to get hold of them:    BACK ISSUES OF AM/FM    *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   A m i g a M u s i c i a n s F r e e w a r e M a g a z i n e THE AM/FM PRODUCTS CATALOGUE REVISION 8: 23 JANUARY 1994  ================================================================================ All orders should be addressed to: BJORN A. LYNNE Tel daytime: (+47) 67594331 SCHLEPPEGRELLSGT. 10 Tel evening: (+47) 22352781 0556 OSLO Post giro: 0824.0681472 NORWAY Bank: 6222.10.78352 ================================================================================ AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeeware Magazine - is Europe's best selling disk magazine for the Amiga computer. But it is also something more: a range of high quality specialty products for Amiga enthusiasts, and especially those who are into music on the Amiga. This catalogue describes these products, their prices and where to order them. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Items described in this catalogue: 1) Details on how to order any of the products available from AM/FM 2) AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeeware Magazine 3) OctaMED Professional v5: The latest state-of-the-art update of this undisputed King of Amiga music programs is now available through AM/FM! 4) NEW CD From Bjørn A. Lynne, February 1994: "MONTAGE" <<<<<<< NEW !!!!!!! 70-minute DD-recorded follow-up to the success CD "Hobbits & Spaceships" from 1992. 5) CD from Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne and Seppo "Fleshbrain" Hurme: "Hobbits & Spaceships" 6) "Hobbits & Spaceships: The Extras": HIFI Audio cassette with more music that was supposed to be on the CD, but there wasn't enough room on the CD! 7) Soundtrack tape from Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: <<<<<<< NEW !!!!!!! "Brave New Virtual World" 8) The MIDICraft MIDI Music Collection, Vol. 1 ! <<<<<<< NEW !!!!!!! 50 superb MIDI songs for any Amiga sequencer!! 9) Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: "Demo Tape #1" HIFI Audio cassette. 10)Contents of all AM/FM disks described in detail. ============================================================================== 1) HOW TO ORDER FROM THE AM/FM PRODUCTS CATALOGUE: The prices in this catalogue are stated in GBP (British pounds). However, you can pay in whatever currency you wish, just calculate the amount from GBP and into your own currency. We accept all currencies! Scandinavians: Please use 1 GBP = 10 NOK/SEK/DKK. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Scandinavians: Just write a letter saying which product(s) you want, and say that you want to "Pay on delivery". The goods will be sent to your nearest post office, and you pay for them when you pick them up there. A special "Pay on delivery" fee will be charged by the post bureau. This option applies to Scandinavians only! Other countries are impossible and/or ridiculously expensive to send "Pay on delivery" to. Non-Scandinavians: * Preferred method: Send an international money-order to the name and address below. Write a note on the money-order stating which product(s) you are ordering. No risk, no long delays, no changing currencies, no big fees, no problems at all. * If you're too lazy to go to the post office, send cash money in an envelope, together with a note describing which product(s) you are ordering. You can send the money in your own currency, you don't have to change to the currency used in this catalogue. That's right, we will gladly take your D-Mark, your Francs, your Dollars, your Yen, your Guildens, your Pesetas and your Kronor and every other currency in the world! But please: No coins! Round off upwards to the nearest no-coins amount. Also, it might be wise to wrap some extra paper around the money, so it can't be seen through the envelope. * Or place the money on the post giro account mentioned below. Write a note on the Post Giro stating which product(s) you are ordering. All orders should be addressed to: BJØRN A. LYNNE Tel: +47 67594331 SCHLEPPEGRELLSGT. 10 or: +47 22352781 0556 OSLO Post Giro: 0824.0681472 NORWAY Bank: 6222.10.78352 ==============================================================================  2) PRODUCT: AM/FM - AMIGA MUSICIANS FREEWARE MAGAZINE The Disk Magazine for anyone who has an Amiga and likes music!  Currently available AM/FM disks (15 October 1993): AM/FM Magazine Disks 1-16 *** AM/FM Sample Disks 1-16 AM/FM Special Disks 1-6 (38 disks total) Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine (AM/FM) is a disk based magazine which is made for everyone who owns an Amiga is interested in music. Whether you're into composing, collecting, studying, or simply enjoying music, then AM/FM will have lots to offer. If you want to learn more about using the Amiga as a music computer, you simply cannot miss out on AM/FM. A new issue of AM/FM is released approximately every second month, and each issue consists of two disks - the AM/FM Magazine Disk itself, and an AM/FM Sample Disk. Each of these two disks can be bought separately or together - that's up to you. Each AM/FM Magazine Disk contains news, reviews, previews, hints & tips, tutorials, new sounds for popular synthesizers, lots of great Amiga-only music, lots of great MIDI music, and last but not least - the latest in sound- and music utilities! Each issue contains 2-5 Amiga songs, 2-5 MIDI songs and 3-7 Sound/Music Utility programs!  FACT: Nearly everyone who have tried one issue of AM/FM, have ordered all back-issues!!! Why? Try one issue, and find out!  The AM/FM Sample Disks are all stuffed full of superb quality samples (We know because we sample everything ourselves) from the latest and best in synthesizers, drum machines etc. All AM/FM Magazine Disks and Sample Disks are system-friendly, and use flexible and system-friendly routines and standard Amigados file system, so all files on the disk can easily be taken out and copied anywhere. Also, the magazine works on all Amigas (as far as we know anyway), works fine on PAL or NTSC, and can also be run from a harddisk environment. The music, text, utilities, sound files etc. on AM/FM are not coded or protected in any way. Everything is stored in standard AmigaDos files with proper filenames, which makes it easy to study the music closer by loading it into the correct music editor - or to copy the utilities to your own disks or harddisk. AM/FM can be started from your own workbench environment. Unlike other magazines - you do not have to reset your Amiga and boot with the magazine disk. Of course, you can reset and boot if you prefer to. Both will work fine.  Facts about AM/FM --------------------  - AM/FM is the only serious disk magazine for Amiga musicians. Some other feeble attempts have been made, but only AM/FM has stood the test of time. - AM/FM is the biggest selling Amiga disk magazine in Europe - despite the fact that it's only for musicians! - AM/FM has been given superb reviews in magazines such as Amiga Format, Amiga Computing and CU Amiga.  - "I was very pleasantly surprised..." - "It goes into far greater detail than ordinary Amiga magazines..." - "It covers everything..." - "If you're seriously interested in music, this is one magazine that you truly can't afford to miss..."  (CU Amiga) - As good as everyone who have ever tried one issue of AM/FM, has come back to order all released issues. - AM/FM pays cash money to programmers of quality sound/music utilities for licensing their program to AM/FM instead of releasing it as "normal" P.D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  AM/FM PRICES  After reading about everything that AM/FM offers, you're pretty sure it must be expensive, right? Wrong. AM/FM will not cost you more than other PD disks. 1 disk: 4 GBP 16 disks: 37,5 GBP 31 disks: 60 2 disks: 8 GBP 17 disks: 39 GBP 32 disks: 61,5 3 disks: 10 GBP 18 disks: 40,5 GBP 33 disks: 63 4 disks: 13 GBP 19 disks: 42 GBP 34 disks: 64,5 5 disks: 16 GBP 20 disks: 43,5 GBP 35 disks: 66 6 disks: 18 GBP 21 disks: 45 GBP 36 disks: 67,5 7 disks: 20 GBP 22 disks: 46,5 GBP 37 disks: 69 8 disks: 22 GBP 23 disks: 48 GBP 38 disks: 70,5 9 disks: 24 GBP 24 disks: 49,5 GBP 39 disks: 72 10 disks: 26 GBP 25 disks: 51 GBP 40 disks: 73,5 11 disks: 28 GBP 26 disks: 52,5 GBP 41 disks: 75 12 disks: 30 GBP 27 disks: 54 GBP 42 disks: 76 13 disks: 32 GBP 28 disks: 55,5 GBP 43 disks: 77 14 disks: 34 GBP 29 disks: 57 GBP 44 disks: 78 15 disks: 36 GBP 30 disks: 58,5 GBP 45 disks: 79 As you can see, if you buy more than 40 disks, the price is just 1 GBP per extra disk. So if you order more than 41 disks, just add 1 GBP per extra disk. Example: 50 disks = 84 GBP. Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP every 5 disks, but minimum 1 GBP. Outside Scand. but inside Europe: 2 GBP for every 5 disks. but min. 2 GBP. Outside Europe: 3 GBP for every 5 disks, but minimum 3 GBP. When you order your AM/FM disks, remember to state clearly and exactly which AM/FM Magazine Disk(s) you want and which AM/FM Sample Disk(s) you want. Subscription You can also subscribe to future issues of AM/FM, to make sure you get them the moment they are released. Simply write on your order or in your letter which disks you want. If some of them haven't been released yet, they will be sent to you as soon as they are finished. For example, you can order all AM/FM Magazine Disks number 10 thru 20. Number 10-14 will then be sent to you immediately, whilst the remaining 6 will be sent to you when they are released. It's as simple as that! Advertisements in AM/FM are FREE. Send them as a text file on a disk to the address at the top and bottom of this file. This is also the address to use for all AM/FM orders. ===========================================================================  3) PRODUCT: OctaMED PROFESSIONAL V5  "OctaMED Professional was already by far the best Amiga music program. Now it's even better..." CU Amiga *TOP RATED* 92% Need we say more? Not really, but we will anyway. OctaMED Professional has been given a *radical* boost-up and shine-up, and it is now even further ahead of all other Amiga music programs than it already was! And together with this; OctaMED is now for the first time available from a distributor in Scandinavia! And as if this wasn't enough: AM/FM sells the program in Scandinavia even cheaper than the price in England!!! (This *has to* be the first time in the history of computer software..??!) OctaMED Professional v5 offers: --------------------------------- - Up to 8 channels of Amiga sound - Up to 64 channels of MIDI sound - Amiga samples, Amiga synthetic sounds, and MIDI sounds/instruments, all mixed together like you want it. - Standard notation with traditional score, as an option instead of the "tracker"-display - Built-in sampler and sample-editor up there with the very best commercial sampling packages. (Many think even better!) - Online documentation anywhere, anytime while using the program - just press HELP, and on the screen you will be presented with the part of the manual describing the function you are currently using! - Guaranteed to work with all Amigas with kickstart 2.0 or higher. The program is developed on an A4000. (Do you have kickstart 1.2 or 1.3? Use OctaMED Professional v4!) - "High Quality Octa" enables you to use your extra processor-speed (if you have faster than 68000) to improve the sound quality on 8-channel sound! - 100% professional user interface; extremely user friendly. - Keep several songs in memory at once, and if you want to, save them all together as one "multi-module". Perfect for composing music for games. - Both load and save Powerpacker-crunched modules! - So much more, so many features, so many possibilities, so many strengths, that we can't even scratch the surface here! Price OctaMED Pro v5 (for kickstart 2.0 or higher) : 29 GBP Price OctaMED Pro v4 (for kickstart 1.2/1.3) : 19 GBP Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP, Outside Europe: 3 GBP ===========================================================================  4) PRODUCT: BJØRN LYNNE: "MONTAGE" - Compact Disc  FINALLY!!!!!!!! HARD WORK PAYS! LADIES AND GENTS; THE NEW COMPACT DISC FROM BJORN "DR.AWESOME/CRUSADERS" LYNNE: ########################################################## ## ## ##### # ## ###### ##### ##### ###### ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ####### ## ### ##### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##### ## # ## ## ## ###### ###### ########################################################## 1. Entity (Montage Intro)..........04:31 2. Communion.......................11:50 3. Creeping Sleep..................05:00 4. Fantastic Voyage '94............06:11 5. Hyperride.......................05:14 6. Plugged!........................04:19 7. The Spirit of Mechanica.........04:54 8. Enlightenment Through Fear......05:40 9. Truth or Sanity? Part 1.........02:02 10. A Secret Place..................04:34 11. Truth or Sanity? Part 2.........02:36 12. Montage.........................08:02 13. Head Held High (Montage Finale).04:48 Total playing time 70 minutes 08 seconds All music composed, arranged, produced by B. Lynne All instruments performed by B. Lynne Vocals on "The Spirit of Mechanica": "Paula" Development time: 1 year & 4 months DD Recording - Recorded at DENS Studios, November/December 1993 Cover by Tobias Richter (Front cover Amiga HAM8, 1500x1000 pixels) The first 200 CDs sold will be individually numbered 1-200 and signed! The music magazine "Waves" wrote about a pre-release demo of the CD: "The title 'Montage' isn't coincidental. The title implies a variety of different pieces, all tied together into one colourful final product. Lynne shows no respect to predefined genres, styles or laws of music, as he quite happily mixes industrial with gregorian, cybernetic with medieval, and classic with techno, rock, dance, funk and experimental music. The result is more than one hour of music that will constantly keep the listener on his toes, not having any idea as to what to expect next. The powerful and soundtrack-styled opening track "Entity" is the only track in which Lynne makes a statement - from then on, the music stands on it's own for just the music itself. "Communion" is a rainbow of a piece, taking us through the colours of sound and music each minute of the almost 12-minute song. "Creeping Sleep" is a danceable track with an evil and sinister aura, "Hyperride" is a snappy and crispy funk/pop piece, and "Plugged!" a hard-hitting and fast-paced rocker. From there on, we're taken through a variety of styles from ballads to dance-techno, ending up in the climax; the wonderful 8-minute title track "Montage", where all of Lynne's ideas materialise into a truly expressive and captivating song. The CD then closes with the calm, strong and proud "Head Held High" - a soothing and worthy end to a journey through a musical Montage." "Sym Info" magazine wrote: "Bjorn Lynne is one of the most innovative and exciting artists in the instrumental underground scene right now." Price: 13 GBP Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP, Outside Europe: 3 GBP ============================================================================  5) PRODUCT: hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS (CD)  A DDD-recorded Compact Disc from Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne and Seppo "Fleshbrain" Hurme. If you've been waiting for the next Crusaders music disk, basically that is what you've got here. But: It's not released on Amiga disk - it's released on Compact Disc! The DDD recorded CD contains more than 72 minutes of music from the two former Crusaders musicians Dr.Awesome and Fleshbrain. The music was composed and produced on the latest state-of-the-art synth equipment available, of course with the Amiga controlling everything! The music was digitally mastered and pressed to CD by Strawberry Records. The CD contains new versions of well known Amiga-hits such as "Space Deliria" and "Graveyard", as well as lots and lots of new kick-ass music from the two musicians behind "Bacteria", "Bass-o-matic", "Audio-X", "Mi-cro Con-cept", 15 issues of the "Crusaders Eurochart" etc. et. etc. Songs: 1) Dimminuendo 7) Graveyard (Part III) 2) Sword From the Past 8) Wave of Aliens 3) Beam Me Up! 9) Mikael - Lost in the Woods 4) A New Age 10) Space Deliria 5) Space Train 11) Tailing Game 6) Tinúviel 12) Air Movement Price: 13 GBP Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP, Outside Europe: 3 GBP =============================================================================  6) PRODUCT: hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS - The Extras (Cassette)  40-minute cassette tape, containing material that was planned to be on the CD "Hobbits & Spaceships", but had to be left out because there wasn't room for more music on the CD! The tape is manufactured by the same company that made the CD: Strawberry Records. Price: 5 GBP Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP, Outside Europe: 3 GBP  =========================================================================== SPECIAL OFFER!!: Get BOTH the CD "Hobbits & Spaceships" AND the cassette "Hobbits & Spaceships - The Extras" for only GBP 15 !! Save GBP 4! Price for CD AND TAPE: GBP 15 Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 2 GBP, Europe: 3 GBP, Outside Europe: 4 GBP  ===========================================================================  7) Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: "Brave New Virtual World" Soundtrack (HIFI Audio tape)  Normal Tape: 7 GBP Chrome Tape: 8 GBP In 1993, Bjørn A. Lynne, Freelance musician and editor of the AM/FM magazine, was hired by Theater Ad Libitum to compose an original soundtrack for a theatre production called "Brave New Virtual World". The play featured live actors, video interaction, virtual reality gear and other scenic effects, and the music was an important part of the overall performance. The soundtrack is now for sale on high quality normal- or chrome- C60 cassette. The music ranges from "spaced out" new age/industrial through jazz/blues, onto more straightforward synth-rock and pop. It is all instrumental, digitally recorded and in superb HIFI quality. The tape also contains a few "Bonus Tracks" - old Amiga-hits which have been re-arranged and re-recorded with professional equipment.  The first 50 copies will be numbered 1-50 and signed.  If NOT using Pay-on-delivery, please also add 1 GBP for postage. Remember to state whether you want it on Chrome or Normal tape. Side A Side B  Cyberlife Cyberspace Rider Sightseeing John Virtual Happiness? Late Night, Dark Cloud Sports Illustrated Late Night Jazz Airline-2  Virtual Wireframe Sex Stardust Memories  Kasei Vallis '93 Ghastobello Belle  Lost In The Digiscape (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4) (Bonus tracks) ==========================================================================  8) The MIDICraft MIDI Music Collection, Vol. 1 !  The MIDICraft Volume One is a superb collection of MIDI music now available to AM/FM readers directly from AM/FM! (Not from the AM/FM-dealers, sorry..). The collection contains >50< (!!) MIDI songs, at the ridiculously low price of 15 UK POUNDS! (or 170 NOK, 190 SEK, 170 DKK, 130 FIM, 40 DM, or 15 UK Pounds calculated into ANY kind of money!) The MIDI music is arranged and collected by Kevan & Gareth Craft, who did a great job helping us create the already well known AM/FM Special Disks #1 and #2. Of the 15 pounds you pay, the Craft brothers get 10, and AM/FM get 5, so by buying the MIDICraft Volume One collection, you are actively supporting the Craft brothers for their hard and great work. The collection comes on several disks, and you can choose between Music-X format or Standard MIDI format files. When you order, make sure you let us know whether you want Music-X or Standard MIDI. The Standard MIDI files are compatible with Bars & Pipes, Dr.T's KCS, and Sequencer One. The Music-X files are compatible with any Music-X version. The Standard MIDI Files come on 3 disks - the Music-X version comes on 4 disks. All MIDI files come together with detailed description of the MIDI setup required, and also complete song lyrics etc.! Normally, professional MIDI files cost 10 pounds each. That's a total of 500 pounds - which you can now buy from AM/FM for ONLY 15 POUNDS!!! These files are all the arrangements of AM/FM-writers and contributors Kevan & Gareth Craft! REMEMBER - WHEN ORDERING MIDICraft Vol#1 PLEASE STATE EITHER "STANDARD MIDI" or "MUSIC-X"  ALSO: WHEN YOU ORDER, PLEASE ADD 2 GBP FOR POSTAGE INSIDE EUROPE, OR 3 GBP OUTSIDE EUROPE!  MIDI/Music-X Files Listing in Alphabetical order (c) 1993 MIDICraft Compositions and Arrangements 1.AFRICA - Toto 2.ALL OF ME - Miles Davies 3.ALL NIGHT LONG - Lionel Ritchie 4.AMERICA - Neil Diamond 5.ARABESQUE - Debussy 6.AXEL F - Harold Faltermayer 7.BAD - Michael Jackson 8.BAD MOON RISING - Creadence Clear Water Revival 9.BILLY JEAN - Michael Jackson 10.BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY - Queen 11.CHARIOTS OF FIRE - Vangelis 12.CROCKODILE ROCK - Elton John 13.DANCING IN THE DARK - Bruce Springsteen 14.DESPERADO - The Eagles 15.DON'T BE CRUEL - Elvis Presley 16.DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART - Elton John & Kiki Dee 17.DUST IN THE WIND - Kansas 18.EASY - The Commodores 19.ETERNAL FLAME - The Bangles 20.EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE - The Police 21.EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD - Tears for Fears 22.FLY ME TO THE MOON - Count Bassie 23.FOREVER AUTUMN - Justin Hayward 24.FUGUE IN D MINOR - J. S. Bach 25.GHOSTBUSTERS - Ray Parker Jnr 26.GREATEST LOVE OF ALL - Whitney Huston 27.GROOVY KIND OF LOVE - Phil Collins 28.HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE - The Beatles 29.HOLDING BACK THE YEARS - Simply Red 30.HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN - The Animals 31.I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU - Stevie Wonder 32.I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND - The Beatles 33.IN THE MOOD - Glen Miller 34.LAST TRAIN TO CLARKSVILLE - The Monkees 35.LOVELY DAY - Bill Withers 36.LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS - The Beatles 37.NEW YORK NEW YORK - Frank Sinatra 38.NORWEGIAN WOOD - The Beatles 39.PETER GUNN - Duane Eddy 40.ROCK ME AMADEUS - Falco 41.SAVE ME - Queen 42.STAND BY ME - Ben E. King 43.STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER - The Beatles 44.TAKE ME TO THE RIVER - The Talking Heads 45.THE BOYS OF SUMMER - Don Henley 46.THE ENTERTAINER - Scott Joplin 47.THE HEAT IS ON - Glen Fry 48.THE WAY IT IS - Bruce Hornsby 49.WOMAN - John Lennon 50.YOU CAN'T HURRY LOVE - Dianna Ross/Phil Collins (c) 1993 MIDICraft Compositions and Arrangements ==========================================================================  9) Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: Demo Tape #1 (HIFI Audio tape)  Cassette tape with 10 songs, approx. 50 minutes of music from Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne, composed on synthesizers etc. The cassette comes with a professionally printed inlay cover etc. Includes HIFI Stereo synthesizer versions of some well known Amiga/Crusaders hits, as well as other original tracks. 1) Plugged 6) Macabra 2) Operation Starpig 7) Into the Waterfall 3) Feeble-Strap 8) Empty Spaces 4) 6 End Hunk 9) Alien Atmosphere 5) Tales of Wonder 10) Cremona Price: GBP 6 Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP, Outside Europe: 3 GBP ===========================================================================  10) Contents of all AM/FM disks described in detail  Note: The items listed in this index are only the "unique" features of each issue. Regular columns (letters/answers, editorials, advertisements, info about the music on the disk, etc.) are also included on all AM/FM Magazine Disks, although they are not listed in this index. Magazine Disk #1 Articles/General - 16Bit Amiga sampling at last - Roland D70 live tips - MED v3.10 review - E-MU Proformance piano mod. review - Tech Corner: Serial & Midi - Gossip Utilities - GLIB, Sound storage system for: Yamaha DX100 Yamaha TX81Z TX81 Performance Korg DW8000 Kawai K-5 single patches Kawai K-5 multi patches - Protimer Calculates playing time for ST/NT/PT modules - MIDI Analyzer Use to check MIDI equipment/ leads, their MIDI support etc. - SuperEcho Generates superb audio effects MIDI Music - "Human Nature" - "Sleeping Gods Lie" - "Adore" Amiga-only Music - "Radha Soami" - by David Elfstrom - "Sunrise" - by Peter Salomonsen - "Green Pullover" - by Tor-Egil Braseth - "Horror!" - by Bjorn A. Lynne Magazine Disk #2: Articles/General - Complete Jarre discography - Music theory: Chords, part 1 - Review: Dr.T's XOR Generic synth editor - New Music-X synth editor protocols - Review: Boss DR-550 drum machine - MIDI competitions at conferences? - How to get the most from Music-X, part 1 - The MED tutorial, part 1 - Review: Sound Source's Korg M1 Film Texture collection - Prince gossip - News report from Amiga Symposium Oslo 1991 - Latest news from Korg; the Wavestation A/D tested - About the further development of ProTracker Utilities - MIDICom v1.36 MIDI tool performing several tasks such as a BPM/ms calculator, a MIDI test panel, Song Credits handling and more. - MFT Converts MIDI files to text files for printing etc. - VcEd Yamaha DS-55 voice editor Sound editing for your Yamaha DS-55 made easy - FixModule Prevents danger of system crashes when using Noise/Protracker modules MIDI Music - "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins - "Father's Song" by Prince - "Simple El-Piano Piece" by Bjørn A. Lynne - "Autoplay" MIDI recording of keyboard demonstration mode Amiga-only Music - "Organic Dreams" by Anders Hamre & Kim Jensen / Decibel Desperados - "Session" by Bjørn A. Lynne - "White Eagle" by Wiggo Johansen - "Basement Groove" by Kon Wilms Magazine Disk #3: Articles/General - The worlds biggest guide to Amiga Sound/Music software - Interview with Lars Hamre, author of Protracker, an two screenshots from his forthcoming new music program "Apollon". - Useful MIDI information * Generally about the technical side of MIDI * Standard MIDI file format explained * MIDI time codes explained - Music-X hints & tips, part 2 - Amiga versus PC on sound and music - Complete Yello discography - AM/FM debate: The music industry today - Idol worship in music - Public Domain Music disks reviewed: * Noiseless: "Face Another Day" * Zero Defects: "Propaganda" * Drifters: "NoTech" * Al Pepsi: "Al Pepsi's Music Disk" * The Sect: "Mega Concert" - Commercial music reviews: * Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Blood Sugar Sex Magic" * U2 - "Achtung Baby" * Front 242 - "Tyranny For You" * Enya - "Shepherd Moons" Utilities - Roland D10 Drum Editor Use the Amiga to edit your D10's drums and store the setup on Amiga disks. - Roland D10 Tone Editor As above, with the D10 "Tones" - Roland D10 Patch Editor As above, with the D10 "Patch" - ProPlay v1.3 A brand new, beautifully looking and completely system-safe module player that will play Protracker, Noisetracker or Startrekker modules, with a great file requester, multi-selection of modules, config-setup, displays song information and sample names etc. etc. MIDI Music - "When You Wish Upon a Star" - "Carpet Crawl" - by Genesis - "Naked in the Rain" - by Blue Pearl - "When Doves Cry" - by Prince Amiga-only Music - "Who Stole my Cuica" - by Anders Hamre - "For a Friend" by David Elfstrom - "Mem-Saver 2" by Bjørn A. Lynne Magazine Disk #4: Articles/General - Tech Corner: How to allocate the audio channels correctly, by Teijo "MED" Kinnunen. - CDTV and MIDI - Standard Roland drum map - Useful MIDI information * MIDI Control Change Messages * MIDI Messages laid out for programmers * Table of MIDI Note numbers - Sound/Music News from the 5th 16-bit Computer Show in London - Generally about Amiga and MIDI by Pasi Kovanen - Complete Vangelis discography - Public Domain Music disks reviewed: * Proton - "Gate of Pagan" * Vega - "Vega Music Disk 3" * The Shining Path - "T.S.P. Music Comp" * Prophecy - "Numeric 2" * LSD UK - "Grapevine Megamix" Utilities - Roland D-110 Bank Loader Use the Amiga to store the Roland D-110's banks! - Roland D-110 Editor (Demo version) Working demo version of a superb D-110 voice editor! Edit sounds on the Amiga screen instead of in the 2-line LCD display. Finally! (PS: No save) - Roland S-220 Sample Storage System v2.0 Store Roland S-220 samples on Amiga disks! - Roland S-220 to Amiga Sample Converter v1.4 Convert the Roland S-220 samples to Amiga format! Great! MIDI Music - Beethoven's 5th for piano - "Marathon" by Rush - "Candle In the Wind" by Elton John - "Backplay" by Geir W. Kristoffersen Amiga-only Music - "Streebeat" - by Paal Teien - "Dark Star" - by S.J.Pain - "Quantum-2" - by Robert Korzeniewski - "Messing Up" - by Sami Jumppanen Magazine Disk #5: Articles/General - Yamaha DX-21 MIDI & SysEx format - How to achieve good sound quality on your samples - Useful extracts from [1] and [2] - Korg M1 Tips - Get the most from your M1 - Review: Zero-G Datafile Sampling CD's - Review: Masterbits S-CD-900 Sampling CD - Protracker 1.3 Preview - Review: PlaySid 2.0ß Utilities - 6 Complete Yamaha DX-21 Sound Banks ready to use! (Must be used with GLib, AM/FM#1) - Yamaha TX-81Z Sound Editor/Storage System - Yamaha FB-01 Sound Editor/Storage System - MOPED - Korg M1 storage system - MIDI Playground translates binary/english/midi, lots of uses for this great, flexible MIDI tool! - Noise-cracker v1.02 Rips and Converts NoisePacker modules - SoundTime - Finds out how long a sound lasts. - Realtime Oscillator Superb looking full-screen oscillator! MIDI Music - "Orient Express" by J.M.Jarre - "Maniac" by Pasi Kovanen - "Twilight Time" - 50's hit by The Platters - "Mary's Child" - Golden oldie - "Missanoe" (Unknown author), Nice, calm, "old english" piece Amiga-only Music - "Graveyard 2" - by Seppo Hurme - "Chuck is Back" - by Kim Jensen Magazine Disk #6: Articles/General - Tech Corner: The MED module format - Getting into the synthesizer world with a small budget - Letters to AM/FM - Latest news from Roland - The General Midi format explained and mapped - Chick Corea's Elektric Band live - Latest news from Korg - Complete Kraftwerk discograpy - How to convert MIDI music between Amiga sequencers - PD Music Disk reviews: - The Evil Forces: "Giga Mix" - Cyanide: "Now That's What I Call Ripped Music, Volume 2" - Idiosyncatris: "Big Time" - Anarchy: "Legalise It" Utilities - Proplay v2.0. Superb update of the best module-player, including a control panel, song information, timer modes etc. The thing that makes this player the best around is that it's the only one that's copletely system safe! - Yamaha DX100 Editor. Edit DX100 sounds with your Amiga, and store the sounds on Amiga disks! - Multi-ripper v2.9 C. The best ripper available - rips music from almost all available music-editors, can rip directly from disk etc. etc. - Casio CZ-101 / Casio CZ-1000 Storage system. Store sounds from this synth on your Amiga. MIDI Music - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears for Fears - "In Too Deep" by Genesis - "Eye In The Sky" by Alan Parson Project - "Windcoaliz" by Geir W. Kristoffersen - 20+ drum patterns for Music-X. Amiga-only Music - "ChipChop 2" by Rainer A. Nilsen - "Souvereign Solemnity" by Anders Hamre - "Empty Spaces 2" by Bjørn A. Lynne - "EndTune" by Wiggo Johansen Extra Goodies on the disk - More than 20 dynamite drum-patterns for Music-X! - New superb icons for your favourite music programs! - Roland D-110 Protocol for Music-X! - New sounds for your Roland D110! Magazine Disk #7: Articles/General - New series: Beginner's Guide to MIDI [Part 1]: "What is MIDI?" - New series: Getting your music gear up and running [Part 1] - Review: Valhalla's International Gold Mix #1 for the Korg Wavestation - Build your own high-amp, anti-aliasing sound sampler - Review: The Korg Wavestation EX - Review: OctaMED Professional v3.00 - Commercial Game Music Reviews: * Project-X from Team17 * Race Drivin' from Domark - AM/FM Special Disks #1 and #2 (info) - Space Wars - the Movie (Info) - hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS - The CD (Info) - Newsflash issue #26 (Info) Utilities - Kawai K4 Editor Professional v1.99 (Demo) - MIDICom update: v1.56 - OctaMEDPlayer v3.00 - MIDI Diagnostics - TrackSheetX (Print Music-X scores to printer) MIDI Music - Johann Sebastian Bach * ExtraVaganza * ! - "Red Tape" - by Kon Wilms - "Gabrielle" - by Kevan & Gareth Craft - "I've Been Loving You", soul classic for MED/OctaMED (with MIDI) - "If Loving You is Wrong", soul classic for MED/OctaMED (with MIDI) - "The Girl from Ipanema" in MIDI and Music-X format! Amiga-only Music - "Pina Colada" - by Andrew Barnabas - "Now What 3" - by Bjørn A. Lynne - "Melotech" - by Pumpstation Extra Goodies on the disk - Build your own high-amp, anti-aliasing sound sampler Magazine Disk #8: Articles/General - Tech Corner by Teijo Kinnunen: The Amiga Audio Hardware - Beginners' Guide to MIDI [Part 2]: "The Benefits of MIDI" - Complete Tangerine Dream discography - Various new products described - Exit Amiga, Enter Falcon? - The new "Sonic Arranger" - Playsid 2.0 review - New music mag: "Future Music" - The [secret] new Amiga Operating System! Utilities - MIDITools: * Echo Processor * MIDI Keyboard * MIDI In To Out * ProgChange * SysEx - Subzero Music Ripper - Promizer v0.1a - Hunter III - PrintDump, Yamaha DX-synths - MIDI Stuffer MIDI Music - "The Last Time" by Craft MIDI Compositions - "Arthur's Theme" by Christopher Cross - Theme from "Miami Vice" - "Take Me To The River" (Craft MIDI Compositions) - "Arise" Amiga-only Music - "There's Somebody On My Feet" - by André Meyer - "Rendezvous" - by Edvin Fladen - "Obsticularius" - by Paal Granum - "Audible Power" - by Sami Jumppanen Extra Goodies on the disk - Build your own MIDI interface for the Amiga 2000. Magazine Disk #9: Articles/General - COMPETITION! 10 ORIGINAL FULL-PRICE GAMES AND TWO CD'S UP FOR GRABS! - Latest synth news - Beginners' Guide to MIDI [Part 3]: "Getting to know your MIDI events" - Getting Your MIDI Gear Up and Running [Part 2] - Review: The X-Static Goldmine Sample CDs - Complete Pink Floyd discography - Pink Floyd members' solo releases discography - The Death of Rock? - by Dave Cassidy - Tutorial: Volume manipulation in Music-X - AMFC - Amiga Music File Converter v2.0 (Review, tutorial, tips...) - AM/FM Synth Features indexed on synth name - Memory Allocation for Music-X & IFF/8SVX Samples Project (Doc + picture) - PD Music Disk reviews: * Freestyle: "Perfect 5" * Kaktus+Mahoney: "His Master's Noise" * Effect: "Psychic" * "The Flash" by (Unknown) - Commercial music album reviews * The Shamen: "Boss Drum" * Prince and the New Power Generation: "Love Symbol" * Peter Gabriel: "Us" - Advertisements / Information - Letters to AM/FM Utilities - Kawai K4 Editor Professional v2.99 (Demo - Update from AM/FM #7) - Kawai K1/K1-R/K1-II/K1-R II Editor v5.30 (100% Full working version) - Thief v3.0 Music Ripper - JoinSounds v2.0 MIDI Music - "Chariots of Fire" by Vangelis - AM/FM Mystery Tune by ??? (Refer to Competition!) - Moonlight Sonate - arranged by Aarno Yliselä Amiga-only Music - "Voulle Vojas" - by Kim Jensen - "Techead" - by André Meyer - "Scitzophrenia" - by Kon Wilms - "Airline-2" - by Bjørn A. Lynne Magazine Disk #10: Articles/General - 6 FREE Korg Wavestation Performances with NEW sounds! - Wavestation SysEx Dumping guide (for above Performances) - Tutorial: Hip Hop Drum Programming, part 1 - Tutorial: Beginners Guide to MIDI, part 4: "Actual MIDI Implementation" - Review: Ensoniq DP/4 Parallel Effects Processor - Tutorial: Building up a song in Music-X (Using master-sequence) - Music-X vs other sequencers - An oversight and some opinions - Review: Authentic Sound Effects CDs; Asylum Vol 1, 2 & 3 - Review: Genesis: "The Way We Walk, Volume 1: The Shorts" - Review: Digitech VHM 5, The Vocalist - AM/FM takes a close look at the Wavestation SR - Commercial Game Music reviews: * Lotus III * Sword of Honour Utilities - Special AM/FM Utility: NPLAY v2.0! The first program licensed to AM/FM - New OctaMED player upgrade: v4.04 Latest version 01.01.1993. - CD_Arexx module: Sound/Music tool for CDTV/A570 owners - PlaySound: Plays large sound files off disk/harddisk without using much memory. (Double-buffering) MIDI Music - "The One" by Elton John (for MED/OctaMED) - "XMas Zpireet" by Bjørn A. Lynne (Music-X) - "Dawn Chorus" by Craft Bros. (Music-X / MIDI) - "Hip Hop Demo" by Kon Wilms (part of tutorial in this issue) (Music-X / MIDI) - "Hip Hop Grooves" by Kon Wilms (part of tutorial in this issue) (Music-X / MIDI) Amiga-only Music - "Epitaxial" by Kjetil Carlsen - "Invisible Touch" by Genesis - Amiga conversion by Bjørn A. Lynne - "El Toro" by Sami Jumppanen - "Transpheric Cosmos" by Kim Burgaard Magazine Disk #11: Articles/General - BIG MUSIC COMPETITION BY TEAM-17 SOFTWARE AND AM/FM ! - Tech Corner: The magic of 8-channel sound! (Teijo Kinnunen) (Note: TechCorner example files and programmes on the disk) - Latest news in synths, keyboards, etc. (A. Meyer) - Interview: Karsten Obarski - the of Sound-, Noise- and Protracker! - Samplitude: Better Sample Editing for Better Samples! (E.Beranek) - Winners of the "Mystery Tune" competition in AM/FM #9 ! - Music-X v2.0 and Notator-X ! - Music-X Tutorial: Using a MIDI keyboard to play with Amiga samples - The Format War! (D. Cassidy) - A Piece of the Action (Copyright or Copywrong...?) (S.Plumbe) - Dolby Digital Surround - Sound of the future! - AM/FM Special Disks #1, #2 and #3 ! - CD Reviews: * The Freddie Mercury Album * Pet Shop Boys: "Discography" - PD Music Disk Reviews_ * Anarchy: "Legalise It 2" * Paradise: "Techno Tower" - Game Music Reviews: * Zool * Lethal Xess - New AM/FM column: Basement Tapes! * Generally about this new column, and how to enter! * N. M. Parker: "Ethmeric Realm" - Review of the tape - Screenshot of the inlay-card * Eric "Sidewinder" Gieseke: "Technology Bytes" - Review of the tape - Screenshot of the inlay-card Utilities - Background Music Player (BMP) - ITEM MidiSyn v1.0 - WonderSound v1.0 - Prorunner - a new and improved Protracker replay routine Amiga-only Music - "Ghouls" by Jogeir Liljedahl (Default Backgroundmusic) - "Jazz Bubbles" by Andrew Barnabas - "Oholibama" by Peter Salomonsen - "Jesus Comes" by Elef Tsiroudis - "Polka Down!" by Eric Gieseke MIDI Music - 25 different ready-made rhythm tracks in standard MIDI format! - "Mona's Song" - by Bjørn A. Lynne (Ed) - "Peter Gunn" (Track from Blues Brothers) - by Duane Eddy - "Sweat (Alalalong)" - by Inner Circle Magazine Disk #12: Articles/General - FREE!! Excellent New Sounds for your Ensoniq SQ-1, SQ-2, SQ-R, SQ-R+ - The latest Synth/Keyboard news - Letters to the Editor - Decimal <--> Hexadecimal Conversion Table - Review: Pete Gleadalls Samplography - AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5! - Using AMFC with Sid 2 - Commodore's Big Music Cock-up - Deluxe Music v2.0 Coming - PD Music Disk Reviews: * Devious - "Elenium" * Parasite - "Imperial Tunes 1" * Skyboard Music Disk 1 * LSD - "Jesus On E's" * Pyrogenic - "Short Modules 2" - Basement Tapes: * Generally about this new column, and how to enter! * Minimal Art: "Simplicity" (Jester/Sanity's first tape) - Review of the tape - Screenshot of the tape's inlay card Utilities - EDDY: Yamaha SY22 / TG33 Sound Editor & Storage System! - Exotic Ripper v2.01 - The BEST Multiple Format Ripper so far! - Sing: "Plays" _any_ file you feed it. Great for a laugh! Amiga-only Music - "Song IV" - by André Meyer - "Classic Mix" - by Rhesus Minus / Cryptoburners - "Humplery Jee" - by Kjetil Carlsen MIDI Music - "The Sky's The Limit" - by Fleetwod Mac - "No Son Of Mine" - by Genesis - "Heal The World" - by Michael Jackson Magazine Disk #13: Articles/General - --> 89 <-- NEW SYNTH PROTOCOLS FOR MUSIC-X - Protracker Studio [Part 1]: Introduction and Note Retrig (E9x) - Review: The "Miracle" Piano Teaching package (Hardware+Software) - Review: The Desktop Guide to Electronic Music - Review: MegaBass Remix Sample CD - Latest synthesizer/keyboard news! - "Progression" - a great A1200 vs Falcon article by D. Cassidy - Reply to "Commodore's Big Music Cock-up" from AM/FM #12 - The SMUS Simple Musical Score Format - PD Music Disk Reviews: * "Musicland" - by Brainstorm * "Kickin' Klasix" - by Wham Bam * "Mirror" - by Andromeda * "Skymuzak 2" - by Skyboard * "Sonic" - by Gastric Ulcer - CD Reviews: * Lenny Kravitz: "Are You Gonna Go My Way" * Bryan Ferry: "Taxi" * K. D. Lang: "Ingenue" * The Beloved: "Conscience" - Basement Tapes: * Allister Brimble on CD: "Sounds Digital" (Review of the CD and screenshot of the front cover) Utilities - New & improved version of Music-X <--> MIDI Conversion Utility! - INTUITRACKER v1.50 (By Triumph) - FZIFF - Convert Casio FZ-1 16-bit Sounds to 8-bit Amiga samples! - RXTracker - Play Sound/Noise/ProTracker & MED modules by ARexx! Amiga-only Music - "In-game music example" by Jogeir Liljedahl - "Monsieur Gastone" by Bjørn A. Lynne - "Inner Peace" by Eric "Sidewinder" Gieseke MIDI Music - "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna - "Requiem for an Angel" by Kevan R. Craft - Blues Brothers Special! - THREE songs from The Blues Brothers! - Two beautiful classic piano pieces by Chopin Magazine Disk #14: Articles/General - AM/FM Special Disk #3 updated - FREE update offered - The 1993 MIDI and Electronic Music Show - Memoirs of a (skint) home recorder - MIDI & The Guitarist - The Desktop Music Workshop - MED/OctaMED User Group - The IFF 8SVX Sample Format - Protracker Studio; Lesson 2: Note Delay (EDx) - Review: MIDI Performance Manager! (MPM) (Including 4 screen-shots) - OctaMED Professional v5 Preview! (Including 4 screen-shots) - PD Music Disk Reviews: * "Attraction" by Howard Wilsher * "Desert Dreams" by Kefrens * "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (Bach)" by Rob Baxter - Reviews of new CD-releases: * Johann Sebastian Bach - Organ Works (Review by Paul Draaisma) * Jean-Michel Jarre: Chronologie (Review by Pasi Kovanen) * Jean-Michel Jarre: Chronologie (Review by Paul Draaisma) Utilities - Step-By-Step Patcher / Sound Editor for all General Midi synths! (JV-80, SC-55, etc. etc...) Special >AM/FM< Demo Version 1.1! - Smart-Ed - Yamaha DX-7 Sound Editor and Storage System (Demo Version) Amiga-only Music - "Knockout" by Kjetil Carlsen - "Dragonfire" by Oliver Lomax MIDI Music - BACH EXTRAVAGANZA II! 9 Bach-tunes in MED/OctaMED w/MIDI format! Bourree in E Minor, Gavotte in D Major, Invention No. 1 in C Major, Minuet in C Minor, Musette in G Minor, Polonaise in G Major, Prelude in C Major, Prelude in G Major, Two Menuets - "Dust In The Wind" - by Kansas - "Once Upon A Time" - by Kevan R. Craft Magazine Disk #15: Articles/General - Readers' Letters and answers - Protracker Studio; Part 3: Note-Cut (ECx) and Step-Loop (E6x) - The making of "Hobbits & Spaceships", Part 1 of 2 - A VHS in your stereo rack? Why not!? Vidar Engen convinces you... - Review: OctaMED Professional v5 (including 4 screenshots) - General News and AM/FM Small-talk, Plus Latest Synth-News - Warning about Amiganuts - AM/FM-Editor leaving the Amiga world! (NOT!) - "Crackles" - by Dave Cassidy - Sound & Music in games - what's to come? - AM/FM Special Disk #3 updated - FREE update offered - PD Music Disk reviews: * Alcatraz: "Memorial Songs" - AM/FM Basement Tapes: * Vector Space - "First Sequences" (Review and scanned picture of the cover) Utilities - FM-SYNTH! Generate perfect sounding samples with this Amiga synthesizer! - NEWTRACKER v3.0 - With system-friendly routines and conversion of MED mods! Full AM/FM-version - nothing disabled. - PATCHMAN - Roland JD800 Sound Editor/Storage. Amiga-only Music - "Triviality" - by Gisle M.M. - "White Wedding" - by Kim Jensen - "Party On Dudes" - by Anthony Oetzmann MIDI Music - "21 Fingers" - by (unknown) - "Rock n'Roll" - by (unknown) - "Morning" - by Geir Widar Kristoffersen - "Evening" - by Geir Widar Kristoffersen Magazine Disk #16: Articles/General - Great music competition! Win a Fax-modem, a TV, a scanner and lots more! - General MIDI Map AND 16 FREE NEW Sounds for Yamaha SY-55 / TG-55 !!! - AM/FM's great Music/MIDI jargon buster, version 1.0 ! (To be continued..) - General News, AM/FM Small-talk and other gossip... - Latest synth news from André Meyer - The making of "Hobbits & Spaceships", Part 2 of 2 - RiffGrabber - new utility for Deluxe Music Construction Set users - DPaint Template for Cassette Covers - Review: GVP's new "DSS8+" Sound Sampler. - Protracker/OctaMED Studio; Part 4: Volume Fine-Sliding - Protracker/OctaMED Studio: OctaMED update on parts 1, 2, 3 ! - Arexx & OctaMED - Electronic Dreams: A label with an attitude! - PD Reviews: * Cybernetix Music Compilation Disk * Dataclan: "Beatbox" * Gladiators Music Disk 1 * MED Users Group: "Friends Of Paula 3" * Pendle Europa: "Music Madness" * "Samples Unlimited" Sample Disk - CD REVIEWS * Meat Loaf: "Bat Out Of Hell II" (Back Into Hell) * Prince: "The Hits / The B-Sides" * Sound Effects CD: "Essential Science Fiction Effects, Vol. 2" * Aerosmith: "Get A Grip" Utilities - Universal MIDI Patch Panel - Yamaha FB-01 Editor - Yamaha FB-01-printer - Matrix 6 Editor! - DXSwap Amiga-only Music - Just Married - by Jogeir Liljedahl - Countdown 2 Kaos - by Oliver Lomax - Forever Young - by Alphaville / Amiga: Vidar Engen MIDI Music - GRIEG SPECIAL! 4 great classics by Grieg on this disk! - "All That She Wants" - by Ace Of Base (MED/OctaMED w/MIDI) - Miracle-music: 4 different tunes from Neil Turland! - Gigue in D Major - by J. Pachelbel Magazine Disk #17: Articles/General - Review of Power Computing's Mini MIDI Interface - RBF Software's big OctaMED Music Competition - Technical Dimensions seek Amiga musicians to record a CD! - A functional Arexx reference for Deluxe Music 2 - South Africa - Politics, Amigas and music - Tutorial: Orchestrating with MIDI - Join the Craft Bros. in studio recording material for a CD - Tutorial: Protracker/OctaMED Studio, Part 5 - Memoirs of a (skint) home recordist, Part 2 - General MIDI - why, what, and how great is it really? - Video Killed The Radio Star? - Complete Guide to all MIDI messages, controllers, etc. - Basement Tapes & "ED" tapes reviewed: * Olaf "Raven" Rabe: "Music for the movies" (review and picture) * Steve Charlton: "Haven" (review and picture) * Various artists: "The Dream is Just Beginning" (review and picture) - PD Music Disk reviews: * Rob Baxter: The Music Royal Fireworks - CD Reviews: * Jamiroquai: "Emergency on Planet Earth" * Orbital: "Orbital" * Pet Shop Boys: "Relentless" * Pet Shop Boys: "Very" Utilities - MIDIPlay v1.2b - Enhanced CLI/WB MIDI-file Player - RexxMMD v1.1 - OctaMED by Arexx - Action Ripper 2 - the latest and best ripper yet - Korg 01/W Wavestation driver for Blue Ribbon's "Patchmeister" - Oscillograph - very nice graphic display of sounds Amiga-only Music - Bjørn A. Lynne: "Arrangements" - Philippe Veriere: "Teakbois" - Vidar Engen: "From Cavatina" MIDI Music - Third Movement Moonlight Sonata (arr: Terry Delaney) - African Jam (arr: Terry Delaney) - On The Street (arr: Terry Delaney) - O Holy Night (arr: Terry Delaney) - Woodway (arr: Terry Delaney) - Chez Mimi: (arr: Aarno Yliselä) - 2nd English Suite Bouree (arr: Aarno Yliselä) New Bach Special! (arr: Aller Persson) - Air On A G-String - Andante - Bouree - Concerto - Gavottes - Minuet - Prelude - Sarabande - Toccata in D-Maj å42m  å42m AM/FM SPECIAL DISKS  å42m  AM/FM Special Disk #1 A Collection of MIDI music by well known artists and bands. 41 MIDI files, 20 individual songs, all well documented, with detailed description of MIDI channel setup, song lyrics etc. etc. Everything of course presented professionally by use of the well known AM/FM menu system etc. MIDI songs are normally priced at about 5 GBP each. Here you get a whole disk stuffed full of them for the price of a PD disk. If you are a MIDI user, what are you waiting for?? Songs on AM/FM Special Disk #1: - Also Spracht Zarathursta - Ghostbusters (2001 - A Space Odyssey) - Here There and Everywhere - 25 Or 6 To 4 - Interzone - Asayaka - Miles & Miles - A World I Never Knew - Mozart: Cosi Fan Tutte - Axel F - Newsong - Baby I Love Your Way - Norwegian Wood - Caprice - Orientalbossa - Come On - Woman - Countrydemo - First Steps AM/FM Special Disk #2 Similar to AM/FM Special Disk #1, with more MIDI music. Songs on AM/FM Special Disk #2: - Autobahn - On My Own - Ballad - Prelude To A Kiss - Bangin' 32 - Pretty In Pink - Cars - Promise Myself - Everything I Do - Sonic The Hedgehog - Everytime You Go Away - Spy's Eye - I Just Called To Say I Love You - Ten Watz - I Must Have Been A Fool - Thriller - I'll Survive - Toccata & Fuge in D Minor AM/FM Special Disk #3 PROTRACKER v3.10b !!! AM/FM has special permission to distribute this excellent new version of the best Amiga-only music editor ever made, programmed by Cryptoburners! Fantastic new look and new features, more powerful than ever. You will NOT find PT3.10b (or above) distributed by any PD companies, except by those who distribute AM/FM, and PT3+ must be sold as an AM/FM disk. Disk contains the program itself, all documentation, replay routines, stand-along module player "NPlay", and new previously unreleased demonstration modules! AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5 BJØRN "DR.AWESOME" LYNNE'S DEFUNCT PROJECTS, VOL I and VOL II: Two disks filled with 19 Amiga-only songs by Bjørn A. Lynne, Editor of AM/FM and also known as "Dr.Awesome/Crusaders". The music on these two disks were originally composed for various game- and demo-projects; but these games and demos have unfortunately been cancelled because of contractual trouble, lazy programmers, etc. So the music now lives a life of it's own, and is presented to you here as AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5; Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne's Defunct Projects, Vol. I and Vol. II. Lots of atmospheric music here, in the typical Dr.Awesome / Crusaders style. Vol. I: (Special Disk #4): Vol. II: (Special Disk #5) Cyberlife 1 Airline Intro/Title Score Cyberlife 2 Airline In-game 1 Oblivion Airline In-game 3 Shanghai Title/Intro Score Fanfare from "Pictures..." Shanghai In-game 1 Kasei Vallis Intro/Title Shanghai In-game 2 Kasei Vallis Pause (Stardance) Shanghai Hi-score Kasei Vallis Combat music Shanghai Game-Over Kasei Vallis In-game 1 Zirkonium-Theme Kasei Vallis In-game 2 Kasei Vallis In-game 3 AM/FM Special Disk #6 This disk is a compilation of 5 superb Amiga/Music utilities which were a little too disk-space-consuming to use on AM/FM Magazine Disks. There was just enough room for the 5 of them on one disk after we had compressed them heavily with the latest version of PowerPacker. This AM/FM Special Disk is a collection of advanced MIDI Utilities and a module player which easily beats all other module players made so far. (June -93). This disk was released because these utilities took up too much disk space to be used on AM/FM Magazine Disks, which should instead use most of their disk-space for articles, tutorials etc. etc. No Amiga + MIDI user should be without this disk!! CYCLOPHONICS: Advanced MIDI Colour Organ! Requires MIDI. ALGORHYTHMS: Makes your Amiga compose it's own MIDI music! Requires MIDI. SMARTPLAY: The superior module-player available for the Amiga, beats all others in flexibility, ease and speed of use. Requires kickstart 2.x or higher. D10-GLIB: Specially rewritten version of the program GLIB for on-screen editing and storage of Roland D10 patches, tones, banks and drums. Requires MIDI and a Roland D10. MIDICHORDS: Visualises music and lets you put chords together in a new and exciting, "visual" way. Also contains a simple sequencer and other MIDI tools. Requires MIDI. å42m  å42m AM/FM SAMPLE DISKS  å42m  AM/FM Sample Disk #1: Drums & Percussion - 45 Drums & Percussion sounds from Roland PCM 10 Sound Card, sampled on high sample rate and added reverb for best possible sound quality. AM/FM Sample Disk #2: Orchestral Winds - 58 orchestral winds sounds. Many different flutes, brass, saxes, trumpets, brass chords, as well as some untraditional and ethnic winds. AM/FM Sample Disk #3: Sound effects - Death and Horror - 30 atmospheric non-instrumental death & horror sound effects for that scary edge! AM/FM Sample Disk #4: Korg 707 - 32 instruments (not effects but proper instruments) sampled from the Korg 707 synthesizer. Most of the sounds are purely fictious synthetic ones, and should suit well into the sample collection if you're into synth music. AM/FM Sample Disk #5: Grand Piano - 16 Grand Piano samples - a rich, full grand piano sound including the most used chords, all sounds looped for infinite sustain, lots of sounds covering a wide pitch spectre (6 octaves), and some piano sounds with added strings, pads and choir. AM/FM Sample Disk #6: Korg Wavestation, part 1 - 48 Instrumental sounds from Korg Wavestation. Great dynamics in these characteristic sounds from the Synth of All Synths from Korg. Some chords, but mostly lead-, bass and fill sounds. No percussion. AM/FM Sample Disk #7: Korg Wavestation, part 2 - 53 Instrumental sounds from Korg Wavestation. Great dynamics in these characteristic sounds from the Synth of All Synths from Korg. Lead-, bass and fill sounds. No percussion. No chords. AM/FM Sample Disk #8: Korg Wavestation, part 3 (Chords) - 46 new samples from the Korg Wavestation - this time ALL chords. Pads, choirs, synths, orchestral etc., all sampled on the most usual chords (minor, major, sus2, sus4) as well as some add6/add7-chords too. AM/FM Sample Disk #9: Korg M1 Drums & Percussion - 84 rhythmic samples from the ever so popular Korg M1 synthesizer. Not only a large range of "standard" drum sounds, but also a lot of rhythmic effects, lasers, scratching and other unconventional percussion sounds. AM/FM Sample Disk #10: Vector Worlds, part 1 - A collection of ambient and hard-hitting sounds _created_ by the AM/FM staff on a Korg Wavestation. Each and every sound has lots of character - if you want really unique sounds, then this collection is for you! AM/FM Sample Disk #11: Vector Worlds, part 2 - More special and atmospheric sounds, programmed exclusively for AM/FM on a Korg Wavestation EX. Truly unique and characteristic sounds made for the occasion by AM/FM staff. AM/FM Sample Disk #12: Death & Horror Sound Effects, Part 2 - Following up AM/FM Sample Disk #3, here are some more non-instrumental death & horror sound effects; for example "Eye ball being pulled out", man being strangled, Hungry monster about to be fed, etc. etc. AM/FM Sample Disk #13: Ensoniq SQ-R, Part 1 - This disk is the first in a series of compiled samples of sounds created by the AM/FM staff on the superb Ensoniq SQ-R+ synthesizer. These sounds are highly atmospheric and unique, and will give your music new life and originality. Chords included. AM/FM Sample Disk #14: Ensoniq SQ-R, Part 2 - More sounds created by the AM/FM staff on the superb Ensoniq SQ-R+ synthesizer. Like on the previous disk, these sounds are truly special and atmospheric, and will undoubtedly breathe new life and a touch of sheer quality to your music. Chords included. AM/FM Sample Disk #15: Guitar Workshop, Part 1 - This is the first of three disks in a Guitar-series from AM/FM, containing without any doubt the most revolutionary, electrifying, dynamically explosive guitar samples ever seen in the Amiga world! Your attitude towards Amiga music will change after you hear these radical guitar samples - we guarantee you have heard nothing like it! Dirty Guitar, 12-string guitar, Grunge guitar, Slam guitar, etc. etc. all designed to knock your socks off! AM/FM Sample Disk #16: Guitar Workshop, Part 2 - We continue our series of breathtaking guitar samples. More electrifying stuff on this second disk in the incredible "Guitar Workshop" series! AM/FM Sample Disk #17: Guitar Workshop, Part 3 - Even more gobsmacking superb guitar sounds, to finish off our incredibly popular and praised Guitar Workshop series. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************