AM/FM COPYRIGHT NOTICE  This disk is not Public Domain. It may not, in whole or in parts, be sold by anyone for any price, not even only a fee for disk/copying, without an original AM/FM disk label on each AM/FM disk sold. Likewise, you cannot sell or include on PD or commercial compilation disks, any sound files on this disk without the written permission from AM/FM.  This disk and any other AM/FM disks may only be sold with original AM/FM disk labels. For info on how to obtain these labels, read the "General AM/FM Info" article on one of the AM/FM magazine disks. ›0m This disk may be freely copied, as long as  N O  money changes hand.    ### # # # ##### # #   # # ## ## # # ## ##   ##### # # # # #### # # #   # # # # # # # #   # # # # # # # #     S A M P L E D I S K # 16     ST-65     GUITAR WORKSHOP, PART 2    (Press SPACE) General info -------------- WELCOME to another one in the series of AM/FM (Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine) Sample Disks! An AM/FM Sample Disk is released for each issue of the AM/FM magazine - the AM/FM Sample Disks are all filled with first class sampled sounds for the Amiga, for use in any music editor, like ProTracker, NoiseTracker, MED, OctaMED, Oktalyzer, even Sonix, Music-X, and many many other music programs. Each of the sample disks is specialized - one specific synthesizer, drum computer, sound card etc. is sampled for each of the AM/FM sample disks, or one specific category of instrument/sounds will be presented on each disk. The AM/FM Sample Disks are available from the same places you get the AM/FM magazine, i.e. directly from the AM/FM staff or any company selling the AM/FM magazine and sample disks with original AM/FM disk labels. To ensure easy compatibility with the most popular music editors, the disks are named ST-xx where xx is a 2-digit number starting from 50 and increasing by one for each AM/FM Sample Disk. This disk is labeled ST-65. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   Info about this disk ----------------------  This disk contains a variety of guitar samples, some hard, some soft, some electric and some acoustic, but all of them are completely fresh, new, and never before heard on the Amiga. We also think, withstanding the danger of sounding arrogant, that these guitar samples are quite revolutionary and much better than any guitars ever heard before on the Amiga. We think that if you like to include guitars in your music (and who doesn't??), you will find on this disk lots of *great* sounding guitars that will hopefully inspire you to compose some equally great songs. All guitars are, as usual on AM/FM Sample Disks, tuned to C-3, so that they are correctly tuned together with all other samples found on AM/FM Sample Disks. One more disks with more electrifying guitar sounds will follow! AM/FM Sample Disk 17 will be titled "Guitar Workshop, part 3". Meanwhile, enjoy these samples!