*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  AM/FM COPYRIGHT NOTICE This magazine is not Public Domain. It may not, in whole or in parts, be sold by anyone for any price, not even only a fee for disk/copying, without an original AM/FM disk label on each AM/FM disk sold. Likewise, you cannot sell or include on PD or commercial compilation disks, any of the text, programs or music on this disk without the written permission from AM/FM and/or the author(s), with the exception of material which is specifically described as Public Domain or Shareware, which can be included in NON-commercial compilations/libraries as long as all documentation and necessary files are included and not changed in any way.  This disk and any other AM/FM disks may only be sold with original AM/FM disk labels. For info on how to obtain these labels, read the "General AM/FM Info" article. ›0m AM/FM may be freely copied, as long as  N O  money changes hand. U.S. Distribution is Exclusive to DevWare Int. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************