REVIEWERS WANTED!   =================    AM/FM (Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine) is a serious disk-based magazine, for musically interested Amiga users. The magazine has been active for about 1 1/2 years, and issue #9 is planned for release in November -92. The magazine does not mingle with any illegal activities, and it is regarded in the press and among readers as the very back bone of the Amiga music scene. AM/FM has received superb reviews in Amiga Computing, CU Amiga and Amiga Format, as well as countless magazines in other countries. Now AM/FM is looking for reviewers to join our staff of regular/ permanent writers. To join us, you should: * be able to write good, fluid English. * have considerable knowledge of Amiga music in general. * be a reliable writer who won't quit after one issue. We need reviewers for the following fields: - New sound/music software and hardware. - Commercial music album reviews. (New CDs, LPs) - PD Music Disks (Group/scene material) - Music/Sound in commercial games. (A review of the game, but you only consider the music, how it suits the game etc.) We cannot promise you any cash money at the moment. However, as the magazine's budget increases, it is possible, even likely, that long-time, reliable writers will receive a nice little cheque. If you would like to become an AM/FM writer on any of the fields above (or any other fields, for that matter), get in touch with: AM/FM c/o Bjorn A. Lynne Schleppegrellsgt. 10 0556 Oslo Norway Feel free to include examples of something you've written, or include a sample review for us to have a look at and possibly use. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************