*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  TITLE : PSYCHIC NO. OF DISKS : 2 NO. OF SONGS : 8 AUTHORS : EFFECT A selection here of 8 songs, composed by two of Effect's musicians, Hawk and Deathrow. The presentation on the disk is, on first impressions, quite favourable, with the whole disk sporting a CD Player look. There are a couple of scrollers at the top of the screen, using a simulated LED display. However, it soon goes steadily downhill when you try to load one of the songs. What te disk fails to tell you is that ALL of the songs are to be found on disk two, so once the CD Player had loaded up, you should remove disk 1 and insert disk 2 in your internal drive. The first piece, "Firestorm" by Hawk, has a very heavy drum beat to it, but that's really all there is - there's no real song there behind the drum track. This is followed by "Stealth" by Deathrow. There's absolutely nothing I can really say about this piece. It's just "there". Following on from that is the ridiculously-titled "Hm Hm Di Hm Hm Da", again composed by Deathrow. This is a techo/house track (is there a difference?) and as such, I'm not going to comment on this one. However, it does feature some very impressive guitar and saxophone samples. Next up is yet another track by Deathrow, this time called "Double Face". This song isn't too bad, although it was spoilt by over-intrusive drums and I felt that a mistake had been made when the composer was choosing his instruments. The last piece from Deathrow is called "Window Cleaner" (where do these musicians come up with these names?). This track starts of very well and promises a lot, but it soon gets bogged down with a repetitive bass line and choice of instruments. "Delirium" by Hawk follows this, and this tune is nothing short of boring. To make things worse, the main instrument used for the melody, a sampled trumpet, soon grates on the ears, promting the listened to load another song. The next piece by Hawk, "How Much Time", is probably the worst on the disk. All four sound channels seem to be struggling to cope with the song and they appear to be playing different tunes! The only redeeming feature to this piece are the sampled guitar instruments (by Bjørn Lynne, if I'm not mistaken), although these have been over-used by too many musicians. Finally, is the unusually-named "B.R. + F.F." by Hawk. The only way I can describe this is that it is a failed attempt at a rock song. There are some very good instruments, but there isn't really a good song there to back it all up. When will musicians learn that sampled guitars rarely work. The only times I have heard GOOD guitar tracks are when they contain either a few short bars of sampled sound occasionally or in Bjørn Lynne's track "Fire On High" that features an acoustic guitar made up from about a dozen separate samples. Overall, this disk is really a waste of space with below average songs and bland, if unnoffensive presentation. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************