BUFFER.Doc. ---------- (For AM/FM Readers/Music-X Users) Written for AM/FM Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine By Gareth R.Craft. Thanks for the memory, can be a life saver with IFF samples and this document attempts to shed light on this area for an explanation of allocating more memory for Music-X for both 1 Mb and 2Mb Chip Ram. Advanced Music-X users can make use of Tool-types either within the Music-X program icon itself or an individual Music-X performance file. The BUFFER tool-type may be set up to allow an increased amount of memory allocated to the Chip Memory area, used by 8SVX samples. By default, Music-X grabs all the memory it can, so if you want to run other programs with Music-X, you either have to run them first or use this option to limit how much memory Music-X will grab. You can specify the amount of memory either in Bytes :- as in (BUFFER=50000), or in kilobytes as in (BUFFER=50k). Music-X requires at least 30,000 bytes of buffer space to function properly, and will ignore a buffer limit lower than this, defaulting to its 'grab all' mode. If you specify a number larger than the amount of available memory, Music-X will only take as much as it can. This effectively means, providing the performance file is not excessively large, in terms of events, (i.e. there will obviously always be more events available for MIDI only performances), we can choose an upper buffer limit to allow for a full sample page of sixteen IFF 8SVX samples that would otherwise exceed the amount of allocated chipmem. This is illustrated clearly in the BufferTable.pic that accompanies this document, where the lower the value of events with the BUFFER= tool-type the more ChipMem for samples. It appears Music-X configures its memory to the samples more effectively in the lower areas (100k - 500k) than that with an expansion board. Although at the threshold point, 600k the Availble Chip Memory for Samples comes into its own. Gareth R.Craft.