*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Welcome to the MUSIC section of this issue's AM/FM! As usual, we start off with some general info about the music section. If you've read this before in previous AM/FM issues, just skip a couple of pages down. How to use the menu First, some general info about how things work around here. You pick a song from the menu - the song will load, decrunch and play. When the drive light goes out, and there's still no music, just hang in there for a little while longer, because the player program is now decrunching the song before it starts playing it. This can take some 2-10 seconds, depending on the size of the song, so just have little patience. Second, there's nothing really stopping you from running a song while another one is already playing, but I wouldn't recommend this, because the sound will be an awful mess. So before you choose another song to listen to, make sure you stop the one that's already playing, by pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously, anywhere on the screen will do fine. YOUR music on the next issue of AM/FM? The music brought to you through AM/FM will always be new, fresh, never earlier released material (except in very special cases). The composers are mainly the musicians working with AM/FM, showing off some of the newest techniques and a whole lot of creativity to create what we like to think of as some of the best Amiga-produced music around. In addition to our "regular" contributors, anyone who feels like having their music in the hottest music magazine around should send it to us - and if we think it's good enough, we will publish it in the next issue of AM/FM, and of course you will get your disk back with that issue on it. Having said that, keep in mind that the people who are running this magazine aren't millionaires, so please include return postage, or else we cannot guarantee that you will get your disk(s) back. If sufficient return postage is included, you will get everything you send to us sent back - and that's a PROMISE. So before you send anything to us, go to the post office and ask for international reply coupons, and include them in your letters. Ok, that was the general smalltalk, and now that it's out of the way, let's get into the music on this issue's AM/FM: *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  "Voulle Vojas" - by Kim Jensen / Decibel Desperados Kim says: Technical info: -------------------------- Lenght: 99,6 K Duration: 2.45 min. Impressive?: NOT! -------------------------- A cold morning in Skjetten town in the early 90's, this tune was born! Since that time it has now and then been touched by the author, constantly to create a bit more 'up-to-date'-profile. The module itself contains a mixture of normal 8bit-samples and short synthetic waveforms! Some of you might find a couple of the patterns rather odd and non- constructive, and that's quite right!! Some tracks are completely nonsense! (e.g pat. 13-16). Anyway, since the ed. wanted a tune, I thought this one suited the job perfectly. (lenght, style etc...) Personally, I don't think a typical DEMO-kinda'-tune would fit this mag at all. -Hope you all like it! -Kim *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  "Scitzophrenia" - by Kon Wilms Great sounding background tune by Kon - not much to say, except that you're probably listening to it at the moment, as it was selected as this months default background song. The module consists of several songs, one after another, which is great for variety. [Ed] *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  "Techead" - by André Meyer André says: Well, what is to say about this song? It was a quite short production, as it did not take me so much time to do it. Therefore the playing-time is only 3:30 minutes. Some samples were taken from Korg Wavestation, but most ones (drumloop, bass, pianodits etc.) are from the sampling-CD "The X-Static Goldmine" (read my review in this issue!). *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  "Airline-2" - by Bjřrn A. Lynne I made this piece for a game about one year ago. Unfortunately, the game never materialized, so here's the tune. The main reason for including it in AM/FM was that it is really short - on memory and disk-space. The module is only about 50 kb. The piece isn't great or anything - it's just a little funkster with a groovy bass line; that's it. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************