Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne       &       Seppo "Fleshbrain" Hurme          H O B B I T S & S P A C E S H I P S           AVAILABLE IN AUGUST       ON COMPACT DISC        The old Crusaders musicians, yes, one of them your very own favourite AM/FM Editor (me), strike yet another time - this time not with 4 channels of 8-bit Amiga sound, but on Compact Disc, with 12 brand new songs, composed and produced on the hottest synths available! In short, what you get on "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS" is 71 minutes of AM/FM-Editor Bjørn A. Lynne (known to some as Dr.Awesome/Crusaders) and Seppo Hurme (known to some as Fleshbrain/Crusaders) at their very best. You will recognize the style, but not the sound quality! "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS" will not be available in any shops - it is the first CD made exclusively for the Amiga scene! Amiga owners will love to love this CD - it is a collectors item! The first 200 persons who orders "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS" will also get a free "Bonus-disk" with new Amiga-songs from Bjørn and Seppo! The Compact Disc will be ready for delivery about the 20th of August 1992. You can order it already now, to make sure you are among the first to get it! Don't think it's just old Amiga songs recorded on CD! The music on "Hobbits & Spaceships" was composed and produced on the latest state-of-the-art synth equipment, recorded directly to digital media (DAT) and remastered for Compact Disc by Strawberry Records. Songs on "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS": 1. Dimminuendo 07:55 2. Space Train 04:18 3. Sword of the Past 06:16 4. A New Age 06:15 5. Graveyard (Part III) 06:08 6. Space Deliria 06:36 7. Mikael - Lost in the Woods 04:20 8. Beam Me Up! 04:46 9. Tinúviel 08:06 10. Wave of Aliens 03:47 11. Tailing Game 04:15 12. Air Movement Down Here and Up There 07:53 (a) Fell Breeze over Rôhan (b) Cosmic Winds ----- Total 70:35 1, 4, 6, 9, 12 a) & b): Dr.Awesome 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11: Fleshbrain The prices for "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS" are as follows, including postage (And including bonus-disk to the first 200 orders). Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden & Denmark: 150 kroner/kronor Finland: 100 Finnish marks Europe: United Kingdom: 15 UK pounds Germany: 40 German Marks France: 150 Francs Other countries: Calculate your own currency, using 12 UK Pounds as your basis Outside Europe: All countries: 25 US Dollars Calculate your own currency using 25 US Dollars as your basis.    HOW TO ORDER "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS"    To make things as easy as possible for you, there are 4 different ways of ordering the CD, and you can use the method that suits you best. 1) Transfer the money to Bjorn Lynne's Post Giro account. This is the quickest and safest way, and we do recommend that you use it. Go to your post office and say you want to transfer an amount to the Norwegian Post Giro account number: 0824.0681472, held by: BJORN A. LYNNE SCHLEPPEGRELLSGT. 10 0556 OSLO NORWAY (You need to write this address down) You also write your own name and address on the Post Giro transfer note, as well as a little comment, stating that you're ordering "Hobbits & Spaceships", and as soon as the money has entered the account, we will send you the CD immediately. By using the post giro method, there is no risk that the money will get "lost", and you will get a receipt for your money when you pay up at the post office. 2) Pay On Delivery If you're the careful kind, you can get the CD by "Pay on delivery". In that case, just write a letter to one of the addresses below, stating that you're ordering "Hobbits & Spaceships" by "Pay on delivery". Then the CD will be sent to you, and you can pay when you pick it up at the post office. Notice that if you do it this way, then you will have to pay postage, plus a special "Pay on delivery" fee charged by the Norwegian Post Bureau. So it will get a bit more expensive, but at least you'll be safe! 3) Send a cheque. If you send a cheque, you must make it payable to: BJORN A. LYNNE or SEPPO HURME ...depending on who you send it to! We will send you the CD as soon as we have validated the cheque, and got our money from it. If the cheque bounces (i.e. it's not approved in the bank), then you will not receive the CD, of course. Addresses below. 4) Send cash to either Bjørn A. Lynne or Seppo Hurme. If you use this method, do not send any coins, and be aware that we do not take responsibility for any money that might get lost in the mail. Wrap some paper around the money, put it in an envelope, remember to include your clearly written name and address, and also write in your letter that you are ordering "hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS". *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  If you order from Bjørn A. Lynne, use this name and address: Bjorn A. Lynne Schleppegrellsgt. 10 0556 Oslo NORWAY If you order from Seppo Hurme, use this name and address: Seppo Hurme Uudenmaantie 25 S 1 20720 Turku FINLAND *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************