*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Windcoaliz Composed and arranged for Music-X by Geir W. Kristoffersen Stored on this disk as Music-X Performance file. The original idea behind this sequence is quite simple. I had this small jingle running in circles inside my head, and I could not get rid of it. So I decided to try to make a song out of it. The jingle was very short and made up of only 4 notes, so I was a bit restricted in what chords I could use. After fiddling about for a while I came up with this result. It is not much of a hit- song, but it is a bit special. During the work I got this feeling that it would be nice to try to describe "wind at work", that is the reason for the rather odd title. On this piece I like to use a lot of reverb to enhance the feeling of wind, but don't overdo it. I have used 12 midi channels plus three samples from the Amiga. The samples add some atmosphere, but they are not important. My samples are quite big, so I don't know if there is room for the on the AM/FM disk. If these three samples are missing you can try to use one thunder- sound, an orchestral hit and one windchime sample. I found the originals on a Technics KN 800. Try this set-up: channel 1: not used channel 2: Slap-bass channel 3: Chords, try a sound with some white noise on it channel 4: Bellpad, makes the tingitanga-thingy (main jingle) channel 5: Flute, I have used the Shakuhacki from the Roland U-110 channel 6: not used channel 7: not used channel 8: Sinuswave lead synth channel 9: Strings channel 10: Roland drum setup channel 11: Choir channel 12: Synthbrass or trumpet channel 13: Overdrive guitar channel 14: bongodrums and cowbell channel 15: not used channel 16: bassguitar, one octave lower than the slapbass INTERNAL SOUNDS: channel 2 Orchestra blast channel 3 Windchime channel 4 Thunder&lightning That's it, if your setup is smaller than mine you can drop channels 9 or 11, and channel 14 and 16. You won't lose much of the song. Perhaps you would like to adjust the level on channels 9,11,12,14 and 16, as these occupy only two tracks on my mixer. --- Note from Ed: Because your original Music-X file was 156 kb, and that's much more than I feel we can spend on a single MIDI song, I took the liberty of halving the sample rate on two of your internal samples (rather than leaving the song out entirely). The performance file was still 77 kb after this, but since you've sent me the song twice, it must be important to you, so I included it. Hope you don't mind the somewhat reduced quality on the two mentioned samples. Thanks for the song, Geir. [Ed] *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************