›0m ========================================= ›33m AM / FM ›32m Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine ›33m Issue # 2 - October 1991 ›0m ===============›33m MAIN MENU›0m =============== ›32m Press ›0mF1›32m to load the magazine itself Press ›0mF2›32m to enter the utilities section Press ›0mF3›32m to enter the music section ›0m›33m =========================================================================== ›32mCOPYRIGHT NOTICE›33m =========================================================================== ›32mThis magazine is not Public Domain. It may not, in whole or in parts, be sold by anyone, no matter how small or practically non-existing the profit is, without the express permission from the AM/FM Staff. Likewise, you cannot sell any of the text or any of the music on this disk. ›0m Exclusive sales in the UK: 17bit Software ›32m This magazine may be freely copied, as long as N O money changes hand. AM/FM Contact address: AM/FM - Schleppegrellsgt. 10 - 0556 OSLO 5 - NORWAY ›33m===========================================================================›30m ›0 p