*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   Title: Samples Unlimited Author: (Unknown) 17-Bit Disk no: 2688 AM/FM Rating: 1 (out of 10)  Reviewed by Bjørn A. Lynne  *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  It's the first time here in AM/FM that we review a sample disk; but 17-bit were so kind as to send it to us, and since sample-disks should be highly interesting for all Amiga musicians out there, of course we should review it. There was no text files what so ever describing the contents or who made this disk etc.. It was simply a disk full of samples, and the label of the disk itself was "Samples_Unlimited". Well, I've gone through the samples here, loaded them into OctaMED, and listened closely, and what I can report from this, I'm sorry to say, is that this disk is a poor excuse for a sample disk. The disk contains a variety of samples, not kept to any special theme, type of instruments or anything else, it's just a blended mixture of all types of samples - sadly, most of them pathetic. For anyone who's been listening to some Amiga music for a while, hardly any new sounds will show up here. It's clear that the authors of this disk hasn't made the instruments themselves - they have just ripped them from modules going around the PD scene. Many of the samples actually originated from modules composed by friends of mine, and there were even two samples I've sampled myself! (Some 3-4 years ago!). I recognized them easily. Ok, there were a few samples that were sampled from CDs etc., they've probably done this themselves, but can someone please tell them that a musician trying to make music on the Amiga can't use sampled bits of other songs, with for example a short flute solo played on top of a bass line and strings. How are we supposed to use that in a song??! Beats me.. Useless! There were plenty of these! About 75% of the disk contained old, ripped samples. The remaining 25% was completely unuseable, and even sampled *way* too loud, and with a terrible sound quality. The "creators" of this disk obviously didn't take the time to set the input meter on their sampler right before starting to sample. Many of the samples were horribly distorted because of way too loud input. (Ref. picture which you will see after you've read this text.) I hope no one out there thinks I'm slaughtering this disk, just to sell more AM/FM Sample Disks instead, but quite frankly, if someone compares this crap to our carefully designed AM/FM Sample Disks, for which we take our time to sample the sounds properly, and on which there are *only* brand new sounds, well, then I'll feel downright insulted. I can't see anyone in their right mind spending a quid on this disk. Actually, I don't see anyone in their right mind even spending a disk to keep this crap on. Steer clear! *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************