*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************       AM/FM SPECIAL DISK #3 UPDATED!      AM/FM Special Disk #3, containing Protracker v3.01, has been updated and now contains Protracker v3.10b! The new version 3.10b has several bugs cleared out, and a track-display which is 1.5 times the size of the one in v3.01, which was featured on the original AM/FM Special Disk #3. If you have purchased AM/FM Special Disk #3, AM/FM offers you a FREE update of this disk. If you send us your original AM/FM disk, WITH the original colour-printed AM/FM disk-label, and just include 1 (Scandinavia), 2 (Europe) or 3 (outside Eurpe) NEW disks to cover the postage, then we will send you the new updated version of the disk. Note: This offer is ONLY available DIRECTLY from AM/FM, at the address below. The offer is NOT available from other AM/FM-distributors!!!  AM/FM Update c/o Bjorn A. Lynne Schleppegrellsgt. 10 0556 Oslo NORWAY *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************