Using AMFC with Sid2   By   Neil Turland    Anybody who has bought AMFC from Amiganuts, and was disappointed to find that it hasn't got a graphical interface, will find the problem partly solved with Sid2. Sid2 has the ability to launch a program from one of it's many buttons, it can also display requesters asking for information. With this,it is possible to select a file to convert from the directory display, click the AMFC button and a requester will appear asking for the destination name and new music type. As you can see this is a lot easier than typing in the complete paths, names and types etc. This will only work if you have a registered copy of Sid2, as the PD version doesn't allow you to save the preferences settings. This is available from the programmer, Timm Martin, at the address below. Timm Martin Price $25.00 P.O. Box 3205 Cincinnati, OH 45201-3205 U.S.A. The following procedure will set up Sid2 correctly. First select Edit Prefs/buttons... from the menu, then press edit and click on a spare button. Call the button AMFC and change the entry selection to Launch - generic launch command. Now select Launch... and change the launch information screen to look like this: Process Files Ignore Dirs One At A Time Entries Yes Quote Nothings After Dirs To Source Change Dir Ignore Screen Before Command Input Req Insert Text Req Text Cli and Close Output Reload Dir After CONVERTING Participle ENTER DESTINATION NAME AND TYPE Req Title DF0:C/AMFC %f %i Command \ / \ / \/ This part should be the path where AMFC is kept. To try it out, select a music file (e.g. SMUS type) and click on the AMFC button. Now type in a new name for the file followed by either X for Music-X format or Med for med format. The new file will automatically by saved to the same directory under its new name. When saving to Music-X format, you may be asked to keep the samples or not, simply answer Y or N. If you own OctaMed Pro and wish to convert Octamed music to Music-X format, you must save it first as a Mod 0 (OLD) for it to work with AMFC. I hope you find these tips handy.