*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  "No Son Of Mine" - by Genesis Stored on this disk as both Standard MIDI file and Music-X Performance File.  Arranged for MIDI and submitted exclusively to AM/FM by Andreas Jung. 'No Son Of Mine' Written by Genesis: Phil Collins Tony Banks Mike Rutherford Published on the Genesis album 'We can't dance' in 1991 Arranged for Music-X and MIDI by Andreas Jung January 1993 Based and inspired on the transcription by Wolfgang Wierzyk published in the magazine 'Keyboards' The Music-X version of 'No son of mine' consits of the following six sequences: Channel Instrument Program (GS/GM) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Synth bass 39 2 Strings 49 3 Piano 1 4 Lead voice 63 10 Drums (GS/GM standard) 11 Creaking door 'No son of mine' was scored for the Roland SC-55 Sound Canvas. I used the GS standard drum-set on channel 10. Channel 11 should contain the sound of the creaking door which can be heard at the beginning of the song. I used the 'creaking door' sound of the SFX drum-set. The base voice on channel 1 should have a longer release time, so I selected a synth bass. The sound for the lead voice can be freely choosen. I used a brass sound. Andreas Jung Klosterstrasse 21 D-6602 Dudweiler Federal Republic Of Germany --------------------------- EMail: ajung@rz.uni-sb.de ajung@sbusol.rz.uni-sb.de in11hs01@gipsy1.cs.uni-sb.de *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************