THE FINAL FRONTIER ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ THE FINAL FRONTIER is a disk mag that's available on the Amiga, catering for all fans of STAR TREK, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION and the new series STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE! The mag is packed with articles, interviews, reviews, episode guides, art, music, animations, and lots more!! The advantages of a mag on disk are obvious. Imagine a STAR TREK mag with Tobias Richter style animations! A magazine with enough space for the equivalent of 5 novels worth of text! A magazine for the true TREKKER! The Final Frontier is produced by the newly formed fan-publishing team called INFINITE FRONTIERS, a group devoted to creating the best possible magazines, either on disk, paper or on whatever medium we decide to work on. So far, our group consists mainly of Star Trek fans and experts working on TFF and although we don't claim to have the same presentation as "normal" disk mags, if you're a Trek fan you won't find better Trek material on the Amiga. Currently our team consists of the following guys: Simon Plumbe ............ Editor, Producer, Writer, Photographer Colin Gunn ......................... Co-Editor, Producer, Writer Edwin Yau ..................................... Producer, Writer Tobias Richter .................................. Artist, Writer Gary Moffat ..................................... Artist, Writer Alex Kerr ........................... Writer, Artist, Programmer John Kitts ................................ Writer, Photographer Vince Hirst ............................... Artist, Photographer Jason Brown ............................................. Artist Tim Smith ...................................News Editor, Writer Sven Harvey ..................................... Writer, Artist Yes, that is THE Tobias Richter on our member list, so as you can imagine, we have quite a strong team! As well as our regular team, we also have "freelance" contributions from top talents including Bjørn Lynne. However, no mag can be produced without contributors so I need your help! If you want to send any articles, original TREK-related software, art or anything else then write to me at the address at the end of this file for full details. Don't send any contributions in yet though, as you will be better off if you know the conditions for contributing first. The disk is released as Freeware, freely distributable but only PD libraries that do not overcharge will be allowed to spread it (apart from Issue 4 onwards that uses a similar licenceware system to AM/FM). Everyone who sends in articles etc. will receive a free copy of the issue that their work appears in. Issue 1 is on two disks, Issue 2 occupies 3 disks and Issue 3 onwards uses 4 disks!! You don't need to enclose an SAE when you write, but it would help!! However, I will reply to EVERYONE who writes to me for details on how to contribute. You can also order your own copy of the magazine direct from me. The prices are: Issue 1 (2 disks) - £3.00 - out now Issue 2 (3 disks) - £4.00 - out now Issue 3 (4 disks) - £5.00 - out now Issue 4 (4 disks) - £5.00 - out now Issue 5 will hopefully be available in May/June '93 on 4 disks for £5.00. If you order it now, your copy will be sent as soon as it is released. Please make sure that payment is in UK currency. All UK or BFPO orders include postage etc. There is no extra charge for postage for orders outside the UK! Please make all cheques etc. payable to "Simon Plumbe". (Cash preferred for orders outside UK.) As a special offer, you can buy the first four issues for just £15. To take advantage of this, you must mention AM/FM when you reply. No profit is made on the sale of the magazine. All of the profit is put back into the magazine to cover costs such as providing free issues for contributors, prizes for competitions, adverts etc. Also, if enough money is made, we will hire top artists/musicians to do exclusive work for the magazine. However, feel free to copy it for your friends as it IS freeware. However, don't just take our word for it... this is what some of the top Amiga mags have had to say about it: ISSUE 1 ------- AMIGA COMPUTING - February 1992, reviewed by Daniel Whitehead "... The whole thing is very well presented, featuring several Tobias Richter pictures inspired by the series... for all you Trekkies, it'll go down a treat." AMIGA USER INTERNATIONAL - October 1992, reviewed by Gideon Overhead "... If the magazine receives a positive response from the fans, and they start sending in plenty of material then I think it will be a big success." PUBLIC DOMAIN - February 1992, reviewed by Nial Grimes "... despite it's rather cult contents was one of the best presented magazines we've seen." ISSUE 2 ------- Not reviewed. ISSUE 3 ------- AMIGA SHOPPER - January 1993, reviewed by Ian Wrigley "... I must say that this disk mag is well put together, and has a wide range of articles and graphics... I'm not a Star Trek fan. But if you are then you really do need to get hold of The Final Frontier... Issue 3, which I reviewed, rivals many fanzines I've seen - I wouldn't be surprised if it started appearing on Forbidden Planet's shelves in the near future! Value for money - 10/10" For more details, or to order, write to me at:- THE FINAL FRONTIER c/o Simon Plumbe 14 Rousdon Grove Great Barr Birmingham B43 5HN ENGLAND Or you can call me on (+44) (0)21 358 1213 between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm (UK time) on weekdays or at any time at weekends. Live Long And Prosper... ------------------------------ First Four Issues - Highlights ------------------------------ Issue 1: Convention talk by Richard Arnold (Research Consultant for TREK at Paramount) 2 ray-traced HAM pictures by Tobias Richter A 790K animation with sampled music/speech 3 pieces of music by UK musician - Echo/LSD Exclusive demo written for the magazine Issue 2: Tribute to Gene Roddenberry with photos Convention talk with Guy Vardaman (Stand-in on TNG and Research Consultant) 2 pieces of Interlaced, ray-traced HAM art from Tobias Richter 2 pieces of music from Bjørn Lynne Selection of convention reports with over 830K of digitised photos Exclusive demo written for the magazine A trilogy of Star Trek parodies in our fiction section Issue 3: Star Trek VI special with reviews, articles and photos from the film 2 Convention talks with John de Lancie (Q) and Carel Struycken (Mr Homn) both from The Next Generation 3 pieces of music from Bjørn Lynne Convention Reports with over 1MB of digitised photos 4 Star Trek parodies The start of our new series featuring the best Trek articles/fiction from various Bulletin Boards all over the world. Issue 4: 4 pieces of art from Tobias Richter Article on the making of Space Wars by Bjørn Lynne SIX pieces of music by Bjørn Lynne AT LEAST 2 pieces of fiction from a few BBS's. A TNG story that was originally submitted to Paramount, but later rejected. A look at the ST:TNG episode "Relics" featuring the return to Star Trek of Scotty! A convention talk featuring George Takei (Sulu) - unlike previous talks, this is not edited highlights - this is the talk IN FULL! All FOUR hours of it!! All issues also have the following regular articles:- Book reviews Video reviews PD reviews News Trivia / Questions + Answers section Updated listing of ALL Trek fan clubs in the world! Merchandise guides Convention news/reports Reader's adverts section I hope that at least one of you decides to try out this new original disk mag, and maybe a few of you will contribute to it as well! ---------------------------------------------