*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************     AM/FM SPECIAL DISKS 1, 2 AND 3 AVAILABLE NOW !    Did you know that AM/FM Special Disks number 1, 2 and 3 are available now?!? That's right, Special Disks #1 and #2 were both released the first of February 1993, and Special Disk #3 was released together with AM/FM Magazine Disk #3 the 15th of February 1993.  AND BOY DO WE HAVE SOME GOODIES FOR YOU !!!  The AM/FM Special Disks are available from the same place where you get all your AM/FM Magazine Disks and Sample Disks. The price per disk is also the same as all other AM/FM disks.  AM/FM SPECIAL DISK #1: MIDI MUSIC SPECIAL, 41 MIDI Music files covering 20 individual songs in Standard MIDI format, Music-X format and MED/OctaMED format! AM/FM SPECIAL DISK #2: MORE MIDI MUSIC SPECIAL, 38 new MIDI Music files covering 18 individual songs in Standard MIDI format, Music-X format and KCS .ALL format! AM/FM SPECIAL DISK #3: PROTRACKER V3.02 !!! NO, This is NOT a joke! Protracker version 3.02 has just been developed, and it's more powerful than any other Amiga music composing package! This brillant version of Protracker, programmed by ace programmers in Cryptoburners, has a completely new and vastly improved look, as well as many unbeatable features! For more detailed info about the AM/FM Special Disks, see the AM/FM Product Catalogue elsewhere on this AM/FM. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************