*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  If you want to swap high quality modules, contact: David Laas Furutoppen 5 3790 Helle Norway 8-bit is a must, Protracker mod's is preferred. PS: Send a list of all your modules in first letter. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Hi dudez! How about doing some moduleswapping? Write to me at: Mikkel Ploug Petersen S Medievej 97 DK-3400 Hillerød DENMARK 100% Answer! *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   REVIEWS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  If you want a musicians true opinion concerning a music-disk, don't hesitate to contact me for a review in AM/FM! I accept reviewing all kinds of music, old or new, it doesn't matter. In the future I expect YOU to send me a music-disk, and I'll guarantee a review on the next issue of AM/FM. For any questions about amiga-music, music-disks or similar, contact me at the following address: Jogeir Liljedahl Box 8260 Spjelkavik N-6022 Ålesund NORWAY *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Swap sounds for Korg Wavestation EX, Proteus and Yamaha TX16W Sampler! Isabel Garcia c/Miramargaritas N o) 2m 6 o) F 29011 Malaga SPAIN *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************