AM/FM presents: The MED tutorial for beginners! MED, by Teijo Kinnunen, has proven to be a very powerful program to create music with (read this issue's article about MED v3.10!). But it's big - it has a lot of functions, some of which are perhaps a bit hard to get the hang of for the inexperienced lurking talents out there. Well, if you are one of those who really would love to start composing, but you just can't handle the new state-of-the-art music packages because they're just too darn complicated - despair no more - AM/FM comes to your rescue! Starting from next issue, we will publish a series of articles taking you through MED, step by step, slowly, so everyone can follow it. Hopefully we can help some talents to get started! And if we should move too fast for you, or perhaps write something a bit unclear, you will be very welcome to write to us and ask about specific problems with MED or any other tracker, and we promise to try to help you the best we can. And if WE can't answer you, we'll put your question forward to Mr. Kinnunen himself! That should do the trick. As mentioned, part 1 will be in the next issue of AM/FM. So in the meantime, why don't you just load it up and have a look around. Don't be afraid to play around with all the functions - you can't do much harm, other than perhaps to your neighbours' beauty-sleep. Here's the schedule for the tutorial - make sure you get all the parts (for example by subscribing to AM/FM). Part 1 : The editor. Editing patterns and putting patterns together to form a song. AM/FM Issue #2. Part 2 : Samples. Create your own sampled instruments and manipulate them to fit your song. AM/FM Issue #3. Part 3 : The synthesizer. How to make Synthetic and Hybrid instruments. AM/FM Issue #4. Part 4 : MIDI instruments. How to use MED to play your synthesizer(s). AM/FM Issue #5. Part 5 : The effect commands. How to "produce" your music by manipulating each note with the many effect commands that MED offer. These commands are the secret behind that "professional" sound! AM/FM issue #6. Part 5 : Some more advanced techniques and some music theory. AM/FM Issue #7. So hang in there! See you in AM/FM #2!