NOTES for using the SKick program on an Amiga A1200 machine =========================================================== These notes were written after debugging SKick to operate correctly on the A1200 machine. Skick was debugged on a plain A1200 with following configuration: - CPU 68020, no FPU, no MMU - 2 Meg Chip RAM, no other RAM - 80M Maxtor Hard Drive supplied by GVP On this machine, two troubles have occured against the A500/600. 1) OS 3.0 normally allocates its supervisor stack from the top of Chip RAM, if no Fast RAM is available. This prevents SKick from loading the kickstart to the top of RAM, and it is loaded 1/2M below, instead. This causes RAM fragmentation and decreases the largest available block size. To avoid this problem, RELSTACK option has been added to the SKick. When active, this option allocates new space for the supervisor stack from the public memory and moves the stack to this new place, finally freeing the original memory and making it available for the kickstart. 2) When loading kickstarts not designed for A1200, they will not support the A1200 specific hardware like HD, PCMCIA etc. It is the case of the 1.3 sys- tem. In this case, only the diskette drives will be usable. No simple way exists to solve this problem, only to write new devices support for the obso- lete OS. A1200 hardware hasn't the form of expansion boards, it is simply a part of its ROM, so there is not a possibility to transfer the hardware support to the RAM kickstart like in a case of a standard expansion board.