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NOTE: If upgrading from an older version of CC-PACK overwrite ALL FILES to make sure all your scenarios are up to date! 1. Introduction Welcome to CC-PACK v1.4. This time we bring you 12 new scenarios, all of which have been tested before release to ensure that they are working properly. In addition, a fixed version of TIBERIUM ZONE is included. We had a poll during this week on our website (Thanks to all who voted!) and thus there are some changes in this edition. We are starting to replace unused levels in an attempt to hover around the 40 levels mark to keep the size of the pack in check. Who wants to have 75 lousy levels anyway? Most people we talked to only play on five or six of the levels regularly anyway! Tiberium Haven was selected as the best level in the package, followed up closely by Lake Malibu. Congratulations to the authors of these levels and I hope to see more from you appearing soon in CC-PACK! As you may already know, we are now releasing two files weekly. The first of which is the complete compilation of CC-PACK levels and the other a patch file so that you don't have to download the whole pack every week. This does not mean we are going to have tons of new levels, though. We still are releasing only those that are decent and are replacing old missions with better ones. We've got some really good scenarios in this weeks pack, especially those by Legion! His levels are exclusive to CC-PACK and you won't see them anywhere else! A special thanks to the growing corp of authors who have decided to have their levels released EXCLUSIVELY in CC-PACK. This will greatly help keep CC-PACK the number one package and make it easier for everyone to play the levels without a fuss! Well, I'm outta here...Enjou the latest batch of levels and please report any problems or opinions you have using them! 2. Submitting YOUR Scenario Contact me via the CC-PAGE website listed at the top of the file. Please make sure you check on the site for the rules before submitting your levels! 3. Table of Levels This week's levels: Concrete Jungle, Forgotten Wastelands, FlowerPower, Danger at Algernon, Cross of Battle, Captain Culiflower's Island, The Red Sea, Tiberium Delerium, El Alamein, Fortress, Paradise Valley, and Stalingrad. Here's the levels included from the last edition: Breakout, The Wall, Total War, Marooned II, Tiberium Haven, Yellowstone, Quarters, Warlord's Castle, Marvel, Lake Malibu, Covert Operations, Hexant's Desert, Co-Op GDI #15, Snow Wars, Annihilation, Water World, River Rats, Hold Your Ground, Cold Lather, Take it to the River, Death Valley, Road to Glory, Cornflake City, The Four Hoursmen, Canyons & Rivers, Jesus Fucking Christ, Gulliver's Travels, Tiberium Zone, The Wood, Injustice for All, and Nirvana. -----------*** IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM SPECIFIC LEVEL AUTHORS ***------------- The following levels are released EXCLUSIVELY for CC-PACK and are NOT TO BE included in any other multiplayer package: Fortress, Paradise Valley, Stalingrad, Concrete Jungle, Forgotten Wastelands, FlowerPower, Cross of Battle, Captain Culiflower's Island, Tiberium Delerium, and El Alamein. ------------PLEASE RESPECT THE AUTHORS' DECISION IN THIS MATTER!------------ What follows are the level description files by the author of the level, where possible. To find a specific scenario, just SEARCH for it's name and you'll find it! Too many updates here to keep this in any respective order with what you'll find when you actually run C&C. Breakout, version 1 ... a multiplayer scenerio for C&C. The purpose of this scenerio is to make it an EVEN game for every player. There are 8 'camps' in this scenerio.... surrounded by hostile guard towers. Please note that the guard towers could be the same color as one of the players in the game, ...but they will be hostile to EVERYONE! Have fun, and see if you can BREAKOUT and destroy the enemy! Legion al@starlink.com Jan 21, 1996 The Wall, version 1 ... a multiplayer scenerio for C&C. The purpose of this scenerio is to make it an EVEN game for every player. There are 2 'camps' in this scenerio.... divided by a Wall. (This scenerio is great for 4 player matches!) Please note that the guard towers could be the same color as one of the players in the game, ...but they will be hostile to EVERYONE! Have fun, and see if you can destroy The Wall and kill the enemy! Legion al@starlink.com Jan 22, 1996 MAROONED II =========== Author: Case E-Mail: case@third-wave.com This is an add-on multiplayer scenario for Command and Conquer. It's just like the original MAROONED but it adds a lot more tiberium for those four player games. It was added in a way that also helps even out the starting positions. For example, the player in the upper-right start position has a good deal of tiberium at his/her disposal. Enjoy it, and if you have any scenario requests E-Mail me at the above address. Thanks! Level Name: Quarters 1.01 (first scenario of many to come, hopefully) Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Forest theater This level is a symmetrical level, with no advantage given to any player based on where he starts. AUTHOR'S NOTES It's obvious you should (if there are 4 players) all go into the corners. It is made so that no one has an advantage, and it is designed so that there's so much Tiberium, you can have a massive fight. The island in the middle would be a significant advantage to the person who took it over, and perhaps spider based there (it's possible). The map was made from CCMAP, available from the two sites mentioned above. It's a thoroughly decent editor, and congratulations to them ***This is the revised edition of Quarters, and should work*** RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: As much you want Crates: Whatever you want Units: As many as you want You can email me with comments, or post comments to webboard at http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html Have fun blasting the hell out of each other! Adrian Hon hon@liv.ac.uk WARLORD'S CASTLE There are Neutral units in Warlord's Castle. They are warriors who protect the innocent in the peasant fields around the Warlord's Castles. Be carefull not to invoke their anger by allowing an innocent to die by your hand. Sometimes Tiberium will kill an innocent, provoking the warriors. This is a minor bug that the command structure inside Command and Conquer was not designed to handle, since the makers never designed C&C to be played multiplayer with innocents. Warlord's Castle was created by Searon using WordPerfect5.1, mixman and ccmap. Email Searon@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu if you have any questions. DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Marvel Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Temperate Theater Editor: The Ultimate Map Editor V.1.4b Shape/Features: This map has a nice amount of tiberium. It is divided in the middle by two rivers the only way to cross is by one of two sets of bridges. This makes it possible for some REALLY nice strategies of blocking off your opponent(s). It is NOT symmetrical BUT both sides have pretty equal qualities. Just give it a try and hope that your opponent is slower than you are. Hint: Put guards or troops at a bridge thereby defending your 'side'. They can now only transport troops in with 'copters. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: What Ever! Crates: ON or OFF Units: Doesn't Matter Bugs: None, other than some graphic mismatches (one or two on the right side). These are NOTHING to worry about and are hardly noticeable. Please DO NOT make any changes to this level and whenever repackaging it include this text file. You can email me with comments, or post comments to webboard at http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html Hope you Enjoy this!! More to come.... Want More? Tommy Gerschman mgerschm@direct.ca DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Lake Malibu (the first of the Malibu series) 0.99 Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Temperate theater This level is a symmetrical level. There should be no advantage based on where a player starts. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: your choice Crates: your choice Units: your choice ** This is version 0.99 because I have not finished the smudges and the final artistic touches. This was made with the C&C Ultimate Map Editor by Richard Heesbeen & Jeroen Ritmeijer. I used version 1.4b. Kudos to these two for a great program. Please email me with comments. Go and destroy! Derek Schwenk dschwenk@pepperdine.edu DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Covert operations (my second scenario) Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Forest theater This level is in no way a symetrical level, but there is no (not to my knowledge) large advantage given to any player AUTHOR'S NOTES This map is meant for four players, but can be used in any configuration. There are four distinct areas which are where the players are supposed to go. This level, because of its name, will not let you win through pure blasting (unlike Quarters :->) but you will need to use tactics. This is a tactician's heaven: There are cliffs all over the place, trees to hide behind, and plenty of space to do ambushes and, for example, hide bazooka men behind trees. This map was made from CCMAP, available from the two sites mentioned above. It's a thoroughly decent editor, and congratulations to them. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: As much you want Crates: Whatever you want Units: As many as you want You can email me with comments, or post comments to webboard at http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html Have fun sneaking about behind trees and blasting harvesters! Adrian Hon hon@liv.ac.uk Level Name: Hexants Desert (my first scenario!) Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Desert theater This level is a symmetrical level, with no advantage given to any player based on where he starts. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: Must be ON Starting Money: As much you want Crates: ON or OFF, doesn't matter Units: It's your choise You can email me with comments, or post comments to webboard at http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html Enjoy! Antti Halonen haze@clinet.fi Command & Conquer Scenario : Hold Your Ground Theatre : TEMPERATE Map : 62x62 Type : MultiPlayer Notes : There are Legends of stange happenings in this Land. Beware any strange objects. Vengenance from a Unknown foe can be awesome to behold !!! Source : From Scratch Production : Built using CCMAP V1.4B Author : Darren Johns (Knova Knight) E-MAIL : darren@geis.geis.com *** You may do with this scenario as you wish however please consider when using it as the basis for another scenario, to give credit where it is due. DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Snow Wars Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 map from scratch, Winter scenario Editor: The Ultimate Map Editor V2.1 Map Info: This map is designed for 2-4 multiplayer. I payed very careful attention to each of the starting locations, as to eliminate any major advantages or disadvantages that players may find themselves in. If you find that I've failed in this respect, please let me know. I believe this is a nicely- balanced map, and "different" enough so that some pretty unique strategies can be concocted. Author's Notes: I created this map with the intention to make a battlefield that looked as realistic as possible. To that end, I've placed hundreds of trees over all the map, and have scattered quite a few towns across the landscape. I urge all other map creators to include more trees in their maps, and do so in an intelligent manner, as, I believe, trees add a great deal of realism if they're done right; if you try my map and like it, you may see why. I hope you enjoy this map, since I spent nearly 12 hours on it (perfecting and perfecting again ). If you do enjoy it, it'd be nice to here (either through e-mail or WebBoard) what you liked, so that I can create even better maps in the future. Enjoy! RECOMMENDED SETTINGS: Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: Anything Crates: Either Units: Anything Jon Nisbet jnisbet@west.net Level Name: Annihilation Use: Multiplayer (2-4 players) Map: 62x62 map from scratch, Temperate Editor: The Ultimate Map Editor V2.1 Author: Marc Duller, mduller@west.net Map Info: This is NOT a symmetrical level... I tried to make it look realistic. The starting positions are well balanced, and there's plenty of cut-off points. Rivers, cliffs, and a whole mess of trees... It's cool, check it out! :) RECOMMENDED SETTINGS: Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: Your choice Crates: Your choice Units: Your choice *** Please DO NOT modify this level. *** Send comments and suggestions to: mduller@west.net Now, go annihilate your friends! Marc Duller Command & Conquer Scenario : River Rats Theatre : WINTER Map : 62x62 Type : MultiPlayer (4 start positions) Notes : Source : From Scratch Production : Built using CCMAP V1.4B Author : Darren Johns (Knova Knight) E-MAIL : darren@geis.geis.com *** You may do with this scenario as you wish however please consider when using it as the basis for another scenario, to give credit where it is due. Command & Conquer Scenario : Cold Lather Theatre : WINTER Map : 62x62 Type : MultiPlayer Notes : Source : From Scratch Production : Built using CCMAP V1.4B Author : Darren Johns (Knova Knight) E-MAIL : darren@geis.geis.com *** You may do with this scenario as you wish however please consider when using it as the basis for another scenario, to give credit where it is due. Command & Conquer Scenario : Take it to the River Theatre : WINTER Map : 62x62 Type : MultiPlayer Notes : It is rumoured that the remnants of both GDI and NOD research Facilities are located somewhere on the battleground. These Facilities could be valuable tactically however, beware, as their destruction may prod the remnants of these organisations into action!! Source : From Scratch Production : Built using CCMAP V1.4B Author : Darren Johns (Knova Knight) E-MAIL : darren@geis.geis.com *** You may do with this scenario as you wish however please consider when using it as the basis for another scenario, to give credit where it is due. "Death Valley" by Commando(CMMNDO@ix.netcom.com) Let me know what you think via e-mail Commando <-----That was Left Handed!!! Command & Conquer Scenario : Road to Glory Theatre : Temperate Map : 62x62 Type : MultiPlayer Notes : Source : From Scratch Production : Built using CCMAP V1.4B Author : Darren Johns (Knova Knight) E-MAIL : darren@geis.geis.com *** You may do with this scenario as you wish however please consider when using it as the basis for another scenario, to give credit where it is due. Command and Conquer Level ========================= Info ---- Level Name: Tiberium Haven v2 Created By: Futaris (ftr2214@ozemail.com.au) Release Date: 3 February 1996 Map information: Large (62x62), temperate theatre, with LOTS of tiberium. Created from scratch. Player: Multi-Player Filename: tbhaven2.zip File contents: scm79ea.bin scm79ea.ini tbhaven2.txt Tested on Command and Conquer v1.19p (English Version) What's New ---------- Not much, just included how to use this in C&C, without patching GENERAL.MIX. The Silos in the middle of the map now contain money There is also tiberium all the way to the north cliff now. The bottom left corner has also been changed. Other Information ----------------- If you find any problems with the level please don't hesitate to email me at 'ftr2214@ozemail.com.au'. Enjoy. Futaris (ftr2214@ozemail.com.au) DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Water World Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Desert Theater Editor: The Ultimate Map Editor V.2.1 Story: GDI satelites recently discovered an island with abundant tiberium and moved to utilize it. However, a traitor told the NOD forces who are intent on stopping the GDI from getting this island as a money strong- hold. Therefore they have sent a nuke missle on it. The results were devestating. All GDI forces were destroyed, almost all living matter was anhilated. Worst of all the explosion caused the land mass to split into three islands. NOD forces quickly moved in to get at the remaining tiberium. They built bridges to connect the islands. However the GDI are not about to let this matter go. They have mobilized units to come and take back the island. It is now up to *you* to choose who is the victor of this island. Will it be the NOD or GDI... you decide...... Shape/Features: This multiplayer map is split into three land masses. Each has PLENTY of tiberium. Also each is connected to the other islands twice. This way you can sneak around the entire island or try to force yourself through the bridges. This allows for some *very* fun strategies. This level has 7 different possible starting points! Also each island has its own specialities, for instance, the middle is connected to the other islands in such a place that it is easy to move from one to another. Another island has lots of tiberium, but its bridges are farther away. The third is a balance of the two. Again, in summary: * Plenty of Tiberium * 3 Seperate Islands * 7 Starting Places * Each island with its own advantages and disadvantages * All islands end up being equal though * Bridges allowing for unique sneak attacks and full out war over the borders * All giving this level a unique look/feel/play! RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 3 (works with 2-4 great but is ideal with 3) Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: What Ever! Crates: ON or OFF Units: Doesn't Matter Bugs: None, other than some graphic mismatches. One is on the right-top hand side by the bridge and the other is on the middle bottom. It is VERY hard to match up rivers to water so there is about a one block mismatch if you look very closely. These are NOTHING to worry about and do NOT interfere with gameplay in ANY way. Please DO NOT make any changes to this level and whenever repackaging it include this text file. You can email me with comments, or post comments to webboard at http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html Hope you Enjoy this!! More to come.... Tommy Gerschman mgerschm@direct.ca DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Yellowstone (fixed ver 1.0) Use: Multiplayer (tested with MooseHead Barrens) Map: 62x62, almost completly new map, used some river & cliff tiles from the last GDI mission(sgc15ec). Made with CCMAP 21(Richard Heesbeen & Jeroen Riteijer) AUTHOR'S NOTES This level has a lot of choke points, lots of tiberium and lots of places to ambush harvestors or other units. This is my first level and I have tested it many times in multiplayer. BUGS other than a few map tiles not fitting exactly everything works. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: Whatever Crates: IF you like chance Units: As many as you want AI: If you want some variation Not to be sold or packaged. Please keep all files contained in the zip intact if you pass this on to others. If you like the level, or find some bugs please email me at: jhindman@uci.edu thanks, Himey ============================================================================== *** The Wood *** ============================================================================== Theatre : TEMPERATE Map : 62x62 Type : MultiPlayer Notes : This is a pretty cool multi-player map. It has 4 spots for building your base, but thats about all of the open space you'll find! If you have any brains, deploy here! This map has many narrow passages, so don't think stealth tanks will work. Source : From Scratch Editor : CCMAP V2.1 Author : Andrew Tipton (Moebius) E-MAIL : ttipton@1stresource.com Time : I don't know, about 1Ћ days *** You may use this scenario as the basis for another one, however please consider to give me credit if you do. ;) ============================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - C O M M A N D & C O N Q U E R - - - - Multiplayer map - - - - " T H E F O U R H O R S E M E N " - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: -------------- Map name : The Four Horsemen. Use : Multiplayer only. 2-4 players. Map : 62x62, new map build from scratch. Made with CCMAP 2.1 (By Richard Heesbeen & Jeroen Riteijer). Releasedate : 12/02-1996 AUTHOR'S NOTES ---------------- This map has two "bottleneeks" with will cause a lot of agony, if players do not ally. This is my first map and I have tested it only two times. BUGS ------ Other than a few map tiles not fitting exactly (which i have tried to hide away unlike others!), everything works. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS: ----------------------- Players : 4. Bases : ON. Tiberium : ON. Starting Money : 3000-5000. Crates : Only if you can handle it. Units : As many as you want. A.I. : If you want someone to really piss you off. If you like the level, or find some bugs feel free to E-Mail me at: jacobp@apollo.roskildees.dk (Also for swapping C&C and CBM64 stuff!) Thanks the makers of CCMAP, for the best editor, which I hope they will keep improving! Level Name: Canyons & Rivers (ver 1.0) Use: Multiplayer (tested with MooseHead Barrens) Map: 62x62, almost completly new map,used some of my previous level Yellowstone. Made with CCMAP 21(Richard Heesbeen & Jeroen Riteijer) AUTHOR'S NOTES There is a large river that runs through the entire map and makes five outer islands and one inner island. All have about equel tiberium and there is no advantage given to any one player. There are five starting points and this level is not symmetrical.This level also has a lot of choke points, lots of tiberium and lots of places to ambush harvestors or other units. This is my second level and I have tested it many times in multiplayer. BUGS other than a few map tiles not fitting exactly everything works. Some of these..well actually most of these are along the rivers. But are well covered with trees RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: Whatever Crates: IF you like chance Units: As many as you want AI: If you want some variation If you like the level, or find some bugs please email me at: jhindman@uci.edu thanks, Himey NIRVANA!!! Is a multiplayer game. It has plenty of tib. and a good wall around each corner. So nobody is left out in the open. Sometimes you will have to move around a little bit to get to where you can open your base but thats ok. This is my first map so if you think it's corney just don't play it. It has no point to it or anything just a cool multiplayer map. Have FUN!!! NIRVANA!!! was made on 2/14/96. My e-mail address is: dglenn@prysm.net or glenny_denny@msn.comINTRO: Date Finished: Feb. 8, 1996 This is my first symmetrical map. DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~ Custom Map: YES Creator : Insik Lee (DH) Map Name : Tiberium Zone Used For : Multiplayer Map Size : 62x62 Theater : Desert Map Editor: *CCMAP v2.1* Files in TZONE.ZIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TZONE.TXT....This File TZONE.INI....The (*.INI) file for this Multiplayer Map TZONE.MAP....The (*.MAP) file for this Multiplayer Map Features: This map is split up into 4 sections and each player has his/her own tiberium patch so you won't have other people blocking you money. This is suppose to be a symmetrical map but depending on where you start you may have a larger tiberium patch than other players and better access to parts of the map. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLAYERS : 4 BASES : ON TIBERIUM : ON STARTING MONEY: YOUR CHOICE CRATES : YOUR CHOICE UNITS : YOUR CHOICE Bugs: None that I know of but if you do find any post a message at the Command & Conquer Press Center. http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html NOTE: IF YOU ARE GOING TO RELEASE MODIFED VERSIONS OF ANY ONE OF THE MAPS MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE. THANK YOU! ---------------- PARADISE VALLEY ---------------- Paradise Valley is such a lovely place. It's just full of orchard trees, tiberium plants, ... rolling fields, .... but wait, what's this? ,... TANK TRACKS! Play 2, 3, or 4 player with confidence at Paradise Valley, as it's completely equal for all players. Each camp is enclosed, as to help prevent early scounting attempts by the enemy! Yep, there's plenty of tiberium to go around as well. -------- FORTRESS -------- This one has AI built into the game. (also can be played Co-op!) Reports have been coming in that NOD has created an impentratable stronghold they call THE FORTRESS. This Fortress is in a valley separated by two rivers. NOD is planning on using this fortress as their final 'launching-point' for world domination. We have already sent two other combat units into the area - and both have failed. We think that the second combat unit may have joined up with other rebel forces in the area - to form their own alliance called YLS. The YLS are positioning themselves to take over ... they believe that the GDI and NOD are weak due to prolonged fighting. BEWARE! The YLS have kept the same GDI uniforms. Remember, you are the only authorized GDI in this area! All others, including this YLS must be destroyed! Your Mission: Carefully penetrate this valley, destroy the Fortress, and bring all YLS forces to justice! RECON: 1) Fortress troops wear silver uniforms. 2) NOD heavily patrols the river with their powerful gunboats. 3) Make sure your main construction site isn't too close to the river. 4) Don't send out small recon units to scout the area - they will surely perish! 5) Stay away from the FORTRESS until you have built up your unit strength. NOD has a new detection device called the "soniac", and will send out troops to check any disturbance within ten miles. 6) They also heavily patrol the area with choppers as well. Last briefing: Do not wear any of the NOD recon uniforms for this mission. Wear GDI and wear it proud! You are our last hope! Take all the funds you need as well as all troops you can muster. Good Luck, General Legion. ps. should you need to communicate with headquarters during this mission, leave e-mail for al@starlink.com. We will monitor all transmissions to this address! ---------- EL ALAMEIN ---------- A Northern Africa desert scenerio -- just PERFECT for those little weekend 'Tank Parties' you've been wanting! Each camp is enclosed as to help prevent those early scouting attempts by the enemy. Play 2, 3, or 4 players, with plenty of tiberium! PS. I greatly modified Tiberium Zone to create this map ... many thanks to whomever did TB Zone.... Insik Lee, I believe. ---------- STALINGRAD ---------- A Russian Winter Scenerio -- perfect for tournament play! Plenty of tiberium.... equal for all players! INTRO: Date Finished: Feb. 8, 1996 ~~~~~ This is my first symmetrical map. I found some bugs in the map after I had uploaded it: Bottom Left and Top Right Players Can't Get out of Area Blossom Trees not shown on map Civilan building not shown on map but can be destoryed Certain civilans can't be killed or selected All of these errors have been fixed DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~ Custom Map: YES Creator : Insik Lee (DH) Map Name : Tiberium Zone (FIXED) Used For : Multiplayer Map Size : 62x62 Theater : Desert Map Editor: *CCMAP v2.1* Features: This map is split up into 4 sections and each player has his/her own tiberium patch so you won't have other people blocking you money. This is suppose to be a symmetrical map but depending on where you start you may have a larger tiberium patch than other players and better access to parts of the map. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLAYERS : 4 BASES : ON TIBERIUM : ON STARTING MONEY: YOUR CHOICE CRATES : YOUR CHOICE UNITS : YOUR CHOICE Bugs: None that I know of but if you do find any post a message at the Command & Conquer Press Center. http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpfk/webboard/webboard.html NOTE: IF YOU ARE GOING TO RELEASE MODIFED VERSIONS OF ANY ONE OF THE MAPS MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE. THANK YOU! * Usage of this map is restricted to people who are in the possession of * the original Command & Conquer. DESCRIPTION: Level Name: Danger At Algernon Use: Multiplayer Map: 62x62 completely new map, Temperate theater Basically what we have here is a danger zone. Neutral terrorists are everywhere. Highly trained assasins lurk in tree's, carrying high-velocity chain-guns. Damaged gun implacements guard hostile villages while stealthy commandos seek your untimely demise. Not to mention the player on the other side of the modem line =). RECOMMENDED SETTINGS Players: 2-4 Bases: ON Tiberium: ON Starting Money: your choice Crates: your choice Units: your choice STORY:(Twenty Years after Tiberium was discovered) After GDI destroyed the Temple of NOD, many renegade factions broke off from the NOD collective. These factions are now turning to biologic weapons. In this sector, Algernon, many renegade factions are working together to develope a new type of warrior. You and your team must stop these outlaws from finishing their project. Establish a base and begin a reconoiter operation. Find the Bio-Chemical labs and destroy them. The anarchists have also claimed various cities in this sector. Attempt to purge any villages you encounter of enemy units. Do not attack civilians unless you are fired upon. Each Bio-Chemical lab is breeding a new type of warrior. These warriors have been classed as visceroids and are very dangerous. Approach with caution. If you can determine that these beings are dangerous eliminate them. Other enemies have been sighted in this area so keep alert. NOTES: Made from scratch, NOT symetrical. No big advantage in starting points. You may fire when ready. Michael Jeung perry@scd.hp.com LEVELS: Concrete Jungle, Forgotten Wastelands, FlowerPower, Cross of Battle, Captain Culiflower's Island, and Tiberium Delerium CREATED BY: C00l-Johnny 4. Contact Information You can reach me via the following methods: EMAIL: case@third-wave.com (Preferred) vchf@grove.iup.edu HTTP: http://news.third-wave.com/case/ccpack/ [Web page for CC-PACK!] I'm an avid KALI user and my nickname is "CASE" for those of you who don't know. Enjoy and lemme know what you think! -Case #eof