You may wish to print this file & keep it handy for future reference. WARNING ------- This copy of WebMaster(TM) 2.0 is registered for use on ONE COMPUTER ONLY. You may not copy nor install it on more than one computer. If you require additional copies, please send $8 + SASE [or $1 for postage]/copy to the address below. Your support against piracy allows me to provide you with this software. By installing this program, you agree to the terms stated on the printed License Agreement included with your printed manual. SETUP INSTRUCTIONS ------------------ CONFIG.SYS Before running WebMaster(TM), make sure the FILES=x statement in your CONFIG.SYS file reads at least "FILES=80" or greater. This ensures that WebMaster can open the files it needs to work properly. WINDOWS SETUP WebMaster is designed to run on a standard VGA configuration with a 1991 or later BIOS chip. If you encounter a video driver problem, first check your Windows Setup (in the Control Panel program group) to make sure you're not running a non-standard VGA setup. If you still have problems, contact for assistance on a more specific solution to your setup. TSR/DESKTOP PROGRAMS Due to the intense video input/output required, you should shut off non- Windows desktop managers that run on top of Windows (i.e. Norton Desktop, some screen savers) before running WebMaster. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're the REGISTERED OWNER of the full version diskettes, insert Disk 1 into your floppy drive, and type WIN A:\SETUP -- substituting A: with the letter for your floppy drive, if necessary. If you're already in Windows, double-click the SETUP.EXE icon in File Manager. Please note: You may only install to ONE computer per registered copy. If you're the unregistered recipient of shareware diskettes, at your floppy drive's DOS prompt type INSTALL (or double-click INSTALL.BAT from File Manager). To begin, double-click the WMASTER.EXE icon in File Manager. If you've downloaded the zipped shareware version, place WMASTER2.ZIP in a directory on your hard drive (preferably WMASTER), & decompress it using PKUNZIP. To begin, double-click the WMASTER.EXE icon in Program Manager. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARE WEBMASTER! ---------------- You are absolutely ENCOURAGED to distribute the authorized SHAREWARE version of WebMaster(TM). In fact, if you are the first registered user to add Web- Master(TM) to an online service or network that doesn't yet have it, you'll win a FREE upgrade to the next released version! HOW TO CREATE AN AUTHORIZED VERSION ----------------------------------- Tools are included with your copy of WebMaster--registered or not--to create shareware diskettes, or a single, uploadable ZIP file. Before you proceed, make sure your directory contains all of the originally- installed components. For disk sets, have two formatted disks ready. Create a set of 2 diskettes you can give to a friend ---------------------------------------------------- 1) At your WMASTER directory DOS prompt, type DUPE and press Enter. 2) Follow the on-screen instructions. 3) Print this file (use a single-spaced font such as Courier) 4) Cut out the 'disk labels' below and attach. Create a single ZIPped file you can upload to a network/online service ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Place a copy of PKZIP.EXE (2.x preferred) in the WMASTER directory. 2) At your WMASTER directory DOS prompt, type UPLOAD and press Enter. 3) Follow the on-screen instructions. 4) WMASTER2.ZIP is placed in a new directory C:\UPLOADWM 5) Check with your service; make sure they haven't already posted a copy. 6) Follow their upload instructions CAREFULLY (requirements may vary). 7) If description is required, copy or upload WMASTER2.TXT (in \UPLOADWM) Short description is contained in the file WMASTER2.DIZ (in \UPLOADWM) 8) Minimum system requirements: Win 3.1, 386 VGA, 4MB RAM, 3MB HD. DISK LABEL #1 (cutout): ________________________ | | |WebMaster 2.0 - (c) 1995| | The BrainStorm Co. | | | | Auto-Scanning Internet | | Address Book | | >WINDOWS version< | | Shareware Disk #1 | | Registration only $8 ! | ________________________ DISK LABEL #2 (cutout): ________________________ | | |WebMaster 2.0 - (c) 1995| | The BrainStorm Co. | | | | Auto-Scanning Internet | | Address Book | | >WINDOWS version< | | Shareware Disk #2 | | | ________________________ To obtain registered copies: Print an order form from WebMaster's ABOUT menu! Or, contact: The BrainStorm Co. P.O. Box 1333 Studio City, CA 91614 Thank you for supporting high-quality, affordable software!