
We at Wadsworth Publishing / Thomson Learning have worked hard to make this Everyday Connections tool informative and enjoyable for you. If your computer system meets the minimum requirements for running the product yet you are experiencing technical problems, please contact our technology support group. You can e-mail us at, call us at 800-423-0563, or fax us at 606-647-5045.

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The Netscape Browser Is Recommended

Everyday Connections is a product that runs within a web browser. Thus, a web browser must be present on your computer. Although either the Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.x or higher web browser or the Internet Explorer 4.x or higher web browser is an acceptable browser with which to run Everyday Connections, the Netscape Navigator/Communicator browser is recommended. The primary reason for this recommendation is that the Netscape browser significantly reduces the time you will wait for each of the Everyday Connections conversations to load.

If you do not have a 4.x or higher version of the Netscape browser on your computer system and you would like to use Netscape to run Everyday Connections:

Resolving a QuickTime Plug-In Error Message

Some users of the early 4.x browsers (such as Netscape 4.06) are running into the following error message when they encounter an animation or movie in Everyday Connections: "The Plug-In could not load Quick Time for Windows. Would you like to get Quick Time for Windows now?"

If you receive this error the solution is to upgrade your browser:

If You Experience Poor Performance of the In Action! Movies

On some configurations, the movies perform poorly (for instance, the movie action is stop-start jerky or the words being spoken don't match the lip movement of the speaker). If you are experiencing such problems and the box checked below is the "Play movies in the same window as Everyday Connections" box, you can improve the movie performance by changing the selected box below to the "Play movies in the QuickTime Player" box. Once done, re-visit a movie and launch it again.

Play movies in the same window as Everyday Connections

Play movies in the QuickTime Player.

Note the following if you choose the "Play movies in the QuickTime Player" box above.

Poor Audio Quality on Windows Me

If you experience poor audio quality while using the Windows Me operating system, you might fix the problem by adjusting your Sounds Control Panel. To do so:

  1. Choose Start button / Settings / Control Panels / Sounds.
  2. Click on the Audio tab.
  3. In the playback section of the Audio tab, click the Advanced button.
  4. On the Performance tab, set the Sample Rate at its highest level.