1. What relational dialectics do you see operating in the friendship between Sean and Bart?

2. Review the ways people respond to relational dialectics and assess how effective each response might be in this situation. How would separation, segmentation, and so forth affect interaction?

3. How is the trust between Bart and Sean affected by the changes in their relationship? In what ways might each man feel less able to trust the other?

4. Think about the systemic nature of relationships. Identify how the one change (Sean's promotion) affects other aspects of this relationship and interaction within it.

5. If you could rewrite the conversation between Bart and Sean, how would you revise it? What would you want to happen that isn't happening? What that is happening would you want not to happen? In revising the conversation, think about ways that Sean and Bart might use communication to build a good interpersonal climate and express emotions effectively. How might each man listen more actively and effectively?

6. Can you envision ways that Sean's ideal scenario might be realized that he and Bart could stay close friends and keep the friendship separate from their working relationship?