Here are three pieces written by George Frederick Handel: messiah.seq The Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah handleop.seq Organ Concerto... opus 7, no. 6, B-flat minor HndlWatrMus.seq Water Music The first two use Synth.bnk/Synth.wav instrument/wave files; the third one uses Orch.bnk/Orch.wav. Make sure these files are in the same folder as the sequence files. These were translated from "raw" MIDI format to MIDI Synth by my program, MIDI Surgeon, which will be published in the Jan/Feb 1994 issue of GS+ magazine. To subscribe (magazine w/disk: 3 issues - $20; 6 issues - $36) or to purchase back issues ($9.50; $6.50 for disk only), write to GS+ Magazine, P.O. Box 15366, Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366 Electronic addresses-- America Online: GSPlusDiz; Delphi: GSPlusDiz; GEnie: JWankerl; Internet: Phone numbers-- (800) 662-3634 (615) 843-3988 -- Dave Tribby (; GEnie: D.TRIBBY)