More MIDI Synth songs taken from Internet archives. These are songs that have been part of movies or TV series: Chariots.seq Uses instrument file Orch.bnk MIDI sequence contains 12802 bytes (1600 events) 55 measures; estimated playing time is 1:46 DuelBanjo.seq Uses instrument file Synth.Bnk MIDI sequence contains 25458 bytes (3182 events) 160 measures; estimated playing time is 6:23 GhostTheme.seq Uses instrument file Demo.bnk MIDI sequence contains 8882 bytes (1110 events) 38 measures; estimated playing time is 1:29 AxelF.seq Uses instrument file Synth.bnk MIDI sequence contains 48770 bytes (6096 events) 76 measures; estimated playing time is 2:31 Cheers.seq Uses instrument file Synth.Bnk MIDI sequence contains 22450 bytes (2806 events) 44 measures; estimated playing time is 1:53 EntTonight.seq Uses instrument file Synth.bnk MIDI sequence contains 21106 bytes (2638 events) 53 measures; estimated playing time is 1:29 HillStreet.seq Uses instrument file Synth.Bnk MIDI sequence contains 13066 bytes (1633 events) 73 measures; estimated playing time is 3:54 MASH.seq Uses instrument file Synth.Bnk MIDI sequence contains 4050 bytes (506 events) 27 measures; estimated playing time is 0:53 Be sure to include the required instrument (.BNK) and associated waveform (.WAV) files in the directory with the sequence files, if required by your sequence player. The raw MIDI files were translated to MIDI Synth format by MIDI Surgeon, published in the Jan/Feb 1994 GS+ magazine. For information, write GS+ Magazine, P.O. Box 15366, Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366 Electronic addresses-- America Online: GSPlusDiz; Delphi: GSPlusDiz; GEnie: JWankerl; Internet: Phone numbers-- (800) 662-3634 (615) 843-3988 -- Dave Tribby (Internet: GEnie: D.TRIBBY) ===== Information shipped with the MIDI archivse ===== ---------- banjos.doc Dueling Banjos--that old time bluegrass favorite featured in the 70's classic Deliverance. It's my own arrangement. I tried to make it sound as "plucky" and "strummy" as possible, but it was my first real attempt at using MIDI as a means of entering music. I didn't have the benefit of a keyboard either, so I had to enter each note painstakingly by hand. I did it on a GUS, for a GUS, but its simple nature (banjo and guitar only) make it perfect for anyone's MIDI setup. Anyone who has a good banjo and a good guitar, anyway. Enjoy! --Michael-- ---------- chariot.doc Chariots of Fire Theme by Vangelis Arranged by Dan Coates Transcribed for the Gravis Ultrasound using Recording Session by Jim Knepley ---------- From the archive "" AxelF.seq Axel Foley theme from "48 Hours" movie Cheers.seq Theme from "Cheers" TV show EntTonight.seq Theme from "Entertainment Tonight" TV show HillStreet.seq Theme from "Hill Street Blues" TV show MASH.seq Theme from "M*A*S*H*" movie & TV show Please send any comments to (Michael Patricios, Wits University, South Africa).