MIDI compositions by Handel translated to MIDI Synth format for the Apple IIGS by Dave Tribby. These are the movements from Opus 1, Number 5, in G major. From the comment file included with the archive... The movements are marked, respectively, Adagio (GFH151.MID), Allegro (GFH152.MID), Adagio (GFH153.MID), Bouree (GFH154.MID), and Menuetto (GFH155.MID). The figured bass was realized for classical guitar by Spencer Doidge. Please forgive the faulty and missing Baroque ornamentations. Encoding them in MIDI files is a very daunting task! -- Spencer Doidge" Be sure to include the required instrument (MIDI.bnk) and associated waveform (MIDI.wav) files in the directory with the sequence files, if required by your sequence player. The raw MIDI files were translated to MIDI Synth by MIDI Surgeon 2.0, published in the Jul/Aug 1995 GS+ magazine. For information, write GS+ Magazine, P.O. Box 15366, Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366 Electronic addresses-- America Online: GSPlusDiz; Delphi: GSPlusDiz; GEnie: Diz; Internet: Dez@genie.geis.com Phone numbers-- (800) 662-3634 (615) 332-2087 Fax: (615) 332-2634 -- Dave Tribby (Internet: tribby@cup.hp.com GEnie: D.TRIBBY)