Welcome to Flags of the USA. In this set you will find the state flags of 15 states and the District of Columbia. This set is FREE to registered owners of my Flags of the World. Otherwise, I ask a shareware donation of $2.00. If I get enough response, I'll upload the rest of the flags of the USA. I am also working on the flags of the provinces of Canada. Again, if you like these, I highly recommend sending in that $2.00. Help keep support for the Apple II computer series. These flags are usable in any DTP program that uses standard GS 640 mode graphics. All of the flags use the standard GS palette, so they should work well in AppleWorks GS, Medley, HyperCard, HyperStudio, and Publish It! 3 or 4. Please also download my Flags of the World. It may be a long download, but there are flags of almost every country on the Earth. Each are drawn to exacting detail. Also available are the flags of the Soviet Republics. Bruce Shanker 1279 Boyd Road Warminster, PA 18974-2260 By the way, I am a Beagle Buddy, Vitesse Ambassador, Seven Hills Partner, Timeworks Ambassador, and Prosel Resource Associate for the National Apple- Works Users Group. As such, I can answer most of your questions about the fine products from these software companies, provide timely updates, and answer your questions about hardware, software, and AppleWorks.