This is Opening Line Picture Pak #1. As the "#1" implies, there are more Picture Paks on their way -- I don't plan on dropping support for Opening Line any time soon! Several of these pictures require Opening Line v1.1 (the big update, not the bug fix v1.01). The update is free -- if you don't have v1.1 yet, e-mail me your name and OL serial number (from the back of the disk) and I'll send it to you. ALL of these pictures have thermometers. In some of them (such as the Fantasia pic) the thermometer is "hidden", and you won't know where it is until you see it in action! If you don't have Opening Line and are just checking out this file, e-mail me and I'll send you info on what Opening Line does and how you can get it. Enjoy! 'Til Picture Pak #2, II infintum! Bret Victor 19253 Parkview Rd. Castro Valley, CA 94546 GEnie : B.VICTOR1 Internet: