The Last Whole Smiley Face catalog :-) (Courtesy of Symbolics, Palo Alto) [:|] submitter is a robot (or other appropriate AI project) :>) submitter has a big nose :<| submitter attends an Ivy League school :%)% submitter has acne =:-) submitter is a hosehead :-(*) submitter is getting sick of most recent netnews articles and is about to vomit :-)8 submitter is well dressed 8:-) submitter is a little girl :-)-{8 submitter is a big girl %-) submitter is cross-eyed #-) submitter partied all night :-* submitter just ate a sour pickle -:-) submitter sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T :-'| submitter has a cold :-)' submitter tends to drool ':-) submitter accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning 8:] submitter is a gorilla 0-) submitter wearing scuba mask P-) person submitting is getting fresh |-) submitter is falling asleep .-) submitter has one eye :=) submitter has two noses :-D submitter talks too much :-o submitter is shocked $-) Submitter is a yuppie {{-}}} Submitter is a refugee from the '60's :V) Submitter is a woodpecker O-) Submitter is a cyclops :-# Submitter has been punched in the mouth *-) Submitter was shot for the last posting (the flames are getting _serious_) :-))) Submitter is William Conrad R-) Submitter has broken glasses :-7 Submitter talks out of side of mouth %') Submitter just finished a fifth of lunch /\/\,8-O Submitter really should fix frayed line cord on terminal <:-) Submitter is a Vietnamese peasant (unlikely) |:-| Submitter is excessively rigid ._) Submitter suffers from Lorentz contraction (they're coming every ten minutes now) 6\/) The Elephant Submitter . . ) Submitter is Marty Feldman and last, and possibly least, ) Submitter is the Cheshire cat. From!pur-ee!inuxc!ihnp4!ptsfa!lll-lcc!styx!ames!sri-spam!rutgers!husc6!linus!philabs!micomvax!musocs!mugeneral!zohar Mon Apr 13 01:37:10 EST 1987 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ever get one of these along with one of your messages? In case you were in doubt to what they meant, here's their explanations. :-) humorous :-( be prepared for trouble (:-) messages dealing with bicycle helmets <:-) dumb questions oo somebody's head-lights are on messages O>-<|= messages of interest to women o>8<|= messages about interesting women ;-) wink ( take this message with a grain of salt) |-( late night messages :^) messages teasing people about their noses :-{#} messages teasing people about their braces - @= messages about nuclear war Thanks to Don Hopkins of Roosevelt H.S. for inventing these.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ...And here are a few more by M. Raccah (ZSMOSH@WEIZMANN) and Y. Pecht (CVPECHT@WEIZMANN)... More faces and funny messages!! (:-# Message concerning something that shouldnt have been said... (:-$ Message indicating person is ill... (:-& Message indicating person is angry... (:-* Kiss... (:+) Message concerning a big nose... (:=) Message concerning people with TWO noses (???) (:-\ Message indicating person is VERY sad... (:^( message concerning people with broken noses (:<) message concerning blabber mouths :-(=) message about people with big teeth. &:-) message from a person with curly hair @:-) message from a person with wavy hair ?-( about people with a black eye. *:* message about fuzzy things *:** message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache %-) message about people with broken glasses +<:-| message from a monk/nun... {0-) message from cyclops... (:-D message cocerning another blabber mouth... (:-|K- formal message. B-) message from Batman !!! =0== - message about mexican on a railroad! =t== - message about mexican run over by train. @%&$%&$\&*@%$#@ - you know what that means... ---...--- - S.O.S Designed, Planned and otherwise electricuted by The Gracious M. Raccah and Venerable Y. Pecht ---------------------------------------------------------------- ...And these were provided to us from M. Sipper (5874613@TECHUNIX) <{:-)} message in a bottle... <:-)<<| message from a space rocket... (:-... heart-breaking message... >|-> message from China... <<<<(:-) message from a hat sales-man... (O--< a fishy message... (8-) message from a person wearing glasses... (:>-< message from a thief: hands up! a message from a person with a beard. {} a 'no comment' message. O-S-< a message from a person in a hurry. O-Z-< a message from a person in a big hurry. O-&-< a message from a person which is doing nothing. O-G-< a message concerning oneself. ----------------------------------------------------------------