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DeWeerd |\__________|o / / | | / / S Robinson ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ,d' ,d"8 . . d, 8' Welcome to SneezyMUD 3.0 8' 8 o . . d88, 8, 8aP" . O o . Y88P `b, "8, O . . "8' `b, Your options: `b, o O. I ,a `8 `8 o o . IaP8 8 0) Leave SneezyMUD 8 aaaaaaaa a8I 8 ,8 1) Enter the game ,8 "8. o 8" 8"8b 8 ,d' 2) Enter your character's ,d' 8 O .8 8 8I 8 8' description 8' 8 o .8 8 Y' 8 8, 3) Read the background 8, 8. O 8 8 " 8 `b, story of SneezyMUD `b, 8 o. 8 8 8 `8 4) Change your character's `8 ,adP O .Yba, 8 8 8 password 8 dP". O o "Yb 8 8 ,8 5) Delete your character 8 dP' O . o .O `Yb 8 8 ,d' ,8 8^^^^^^^^^^^^^^8 8 8 aadbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,d' 8 8 d888888b d" d" ,d' Yb, ,dP """""""""" 8, 8, ,d' "Ya,______,aP" `YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadbP" `""""""""' Normand Veilleux ----------- ||| ... ----------- ||| ----------- ;::::; |||\ _^^^|||^^^_ /||| ;::::; :; ,|||\^ ||| ^/|||` ;:::::' :; //||| \\ ||| // |||\\ ;:::::; ;. 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