DITL_27309.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=294, y1=92, x2=354, y2=112 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=80, y1=14, x2=362, y2=78 Type: -120 Info: 'The resources necessary to allow this application to run on this Macintosh have been stripped by Strip68K. This application can only be run on a Power Macintosh.' 2: Bounds: x1=24, y1=14, x2=54, y2=44 Type: -96 Info: '' DITL_130.txt Items: (4 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=312, y1=108, x2=370, y2=128 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=80, y1=14, x2=380, y2=94 Type: -120 Info: 'Application '^0': ^1' 2: Bounds: x1=24, y1=14, x2=56, y2=46 Type: -96 Info: '' 3: Bounds: x1=80, y1=110, x2=155, y2=126 Type: -120 Info: '^2' DITL_129.txt Items: (1 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=6, y1=24, x2=336, y2=183 Type: -64 Info: '' DITL_128.txt Items: (1 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=11, y1=24, x2=332, y2=194 Type: -64 Info: ''